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Everything posted by Familyfisherman

  1. I attended the Barrie meeting put on by the MNR to discuss/explain the proposed decrease in lake trout stocking. It was an excellent meeting! I'm far from an expert but I will try to summarize the meeting as best I can... Initially I was quite concerned when I heard about this idea -- my main concern was that I thought one of the main ''proofs'' of natural lake trout was simply fishing reports. It isn't. The MNR do netting multiple times each year and have consistently found young, wild trout fry (smaller than the size of the fish they stock), which along with many other measures conclusively shows that the trout are having more success spawning naturally. This is in response to the lower phosphate levels, which in turn results in higher oxygen levels. High phosphate produces more weeds, which, as they die, burn up oxygen. Although I forget the exact unit of measure -- numbers of oxygen below 4% have a large impact on trout being able to spawn successfully. I'll explain it this way -- the trout may still spawn, and the eggs may hatch, but the fry are forced to live up off bottom where all the predatory fish live due to low O2 levels, and they get eaten, so very few survive to adulthood. As O2 levels go up above 4% their survival rate goes up since they have more water to hide in, and at 7% there is no negative impact on the trout whatsoever. So, lots of good news at this meeting. It seems the trout, whitefish and herring are all showing positive signs. They chose trout to lower stocking from 100,000 per year to 50,000 per year for the next 5 years. Why trout and not whitefish, etc? Because trout are a top predator in Lake Simcoe, so an overabundance of them might cause problems in the lake, as it can only sustain so many trout. Whitefish are not a top predator, so they don't have this same impact (as I understand it). They only wanted to do one thing at a time, so the natural choice was lake trout at this point and they will measure the success of this first step going forward. The lower stocking of lake trout is to be reviewed in 2013, and they will act accordingly at this time depending on the results measured. Stocking was brought in to try and stabilize the population that had crashed due to high phosphate and lower O2 -- it has done that, and it appears the lake has improved enough to try and allow the wild fish to become self sustaining, WHICH IS THE GOAL. Special thanks to Jason Borwick from the MNR -- his presentation was very up front and to the point, and I for one learned a great deal. I'm just one person, but in my opinion after hearing all the facts it appears the MNR is acting appropriately and has the best interests of the fishery in mind. I went in feeling unsure, I came out feeling quite positive. Thanks again to all involved! Kevin
  2. For sure Terrance glad you saved the day! We'll have to try that again on a "calm" fall day
  3. So we decided to try Lake Erie for smallmouth. Been tired of watching all the shows and guys hauling up fish after fish with seemingly little effort. I had a client in Stoney Creek (I'm from Barrie) so after meeting with them we decided to head down to Fort Erie and meet up with Terrance from OFC who lives in the area and head out from Crystal Beach launch. We were armed with all the drop-shot/crankbaits/tubes you could ask for...Terrance brought along minnows and worms -- which I thought was cute...I mean, we were after bruising smallies, not perch... Anyways, out we go with nothing more than a GPS map chip to show depths/topography. We began on a cut in 15-20 fow throwing everything we had...moved every 10-15 min...saw a couple, terrance might have had one steal his 7 inch texas-rigged worm, but no fish. Kept moving...kept casting...no fish. Finally after a couple hours of this we moved way over off the mouth of the niagara river on a hump...terrance resorts to trying minnows (what a kidder) and BAM -- fish on! Nice smallie... Well isn't that fluky I think...humph...so we get back to casting...Terrance puts on another minnow...viola! So my friend Steve tries a minnow...bang Now I'm not a proud man...so I try one as well...yep And... And on it goes...here's Terrance with the biggest fish of the day. And here's the final fish of the day -- ON A TUBE NO LESS The lake was calm except for large rolls coming through at a regular rate...which unfortunately was too much for Steve, who got sick about 2 hours into our trip...Terrance and I were a bit surprised since we didn't feel much...until we were about ready to go, then Terrance grabbed the rail and let it all go! So we ended the day there figuring if all 3 of us went down that could be troublesome! Overall we ended up with 15 or 16 fish between 2 and 5 lbs and lost quite a few more. Really a great day out there despite our lack of experience! If you get a chance give it a try...and don't forget the minnows Kevin
  4. That's it! I've watched enough shows where they bring in fish after fish and we just have to give that a try! Anyone have any suggestions as far as a launch in the Niagara area that provides easy access? I'm assuming if we check our maps for some humps in the 10-30 ft range with access to deeper water we'd find some fish? Glad for any input... Thanks!
  5. Thanks guys -- we'll play safe and hopefully have a good time! Kevin
  6. I will take that advice paze and appreciate it. Are we on the right track lure-wise with 3-ways, drop shots and tubes? Honestly I'm not much of a bass fisherman but my client "thinks" he is I have no experience on the river so we'll go downriver as suggested.
  7. I'm taking a client fishing next week and thought about trying the Niagara River for bass. I had planned to launch out of Queenston. A friend had suggested going upriver to the power station on the right and fish the shoreline just north of the station...the advice was to try 3-way rigs, drop shots and tubes...just wondering if we're on the right track here, or if anyone had any suggestions to improve our results. I'm from Barrie, client is in Stoney Creek. Is it worth the drive down to Queenston? Appreciate your help. Thanks in advance. Kevin
  8. Good advice -- I think by the sounds of it we'll stick to the lower river and try some 3 ways, tubes, and grubs, etc...yes, I was referring to the power outlets, not really "dams". Since I have no experience on the river and the fishing seems better anyways we'll play it safe Appreciate the advice, thanks all.
  9. Hoping to take a friend/client out launching from Queenston in early August. I understand you can go upriver and fish in front of one of the Dams -- I believe on the left side? I've only fished once in the river, and never upstream. If it isn't wise we won't, but a friend was telling me they do very well there in summer for bass/trout and sometimes a surprise salmon...? I guess I'm wondering if going upstream from Queenston is safe in a 17 ft deep V with a 115hp, and, secondly, what is in the river to target at this time? I'm from Barrie so I don't often get down Niagara way. Appreciate any help or advice. Hope the summer's going well for everyone. Kevin
  10. Is this the dam up from the queenston launch? I was thinking of taking my kids (8 and 6) up there -- I have a 17 foot Legend deep V -- in your opinion are we fine to head up there in that current? Do you tie to the wall at the side or anchor or both? Much appreciated! Kevin
  11. PM sent Meely, thanks for the offer!
  12. Hey I'll be in a 17 ft Legend. I'll remember to look for you. Thanks for the advice everyone -- I'll try to post any results.
  13. Heading up to Pigeon Lake to stay at Elim Lodge in late July. Love some advice on the lake -- never fished it. Hope to find some walleye, some bass with the kids and even a Musky for dear old dad if possible. Thanks, tight lines, Kevin
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