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Everything posted by hockeyplayerz_14

  1. sorry lew. looked like a great dog
  2. I hear its not bad on fuel. congrats bud
  3. absolute tank, good catch
  4. Wow thats amazing, great report!
  5. nice size buddy! good catch
  6. great video, nothing like setting the hook
  7. you get what you pay for, not to mention they have the best customer service but the best reels aswell, the rods are up there as well but some other good ones too and comparable.
  8. i believe its a Swede bore made by normark
  9. Hey all, Hectic 2 weeks for me, been out almost every day for the past week or so. To start off, I went to Bay of Quinte for the first time, it was pretty good to say the least but if the fish are off there off so had a great morning but then not much happened. I was meeting up with a good friend of mine, when he pulled up another one of his buddies shows up, when I was helping my buddy unload his sled I herd a voice that I recognized…..away we went on the sleds and quads and went to our first spot. I set up my hut and the voice I recognized happened to be worm dunker! I fished with Brian back in 2012 on Nippising and it was very nice to see him, also id like to thank him for lunch! heres a few pics from qunite My buddy rob with a tank and now for lady simcoe herself, being how young I am I decided to sacrifice a wild night of partying for fishing on new years, I went up to the cottage on dec 31, and fished the 1st and 2nd managed to ice a few lakers and its nice to see the whitefish back on the ice! Happy new years everyone!
  10. great buy and the suite is great aswell
  11. Found an old video here it is, check it out and subscribe to my new channel!
  12. holy irishfield! thats one of the best reports yet!
  13. just be careful for scams…..unless its a dealer look up reviews, you never know what could happen
  14. nice report!
  15. good point here but……. anything you want to link to a Hbird has to be 7 series or up, they are both good units and both come with a chip which is a bonus
  16. wormdunker, probably the best huts on the market, they are a bit pricey but I can see the money in them, the 30 square feet is probably the biggest swell other than the clam X4, my next hut is an otter for sure. good luck with it!
  17. worm dunker welcome back!! hope you're not playing too many iphone games up there
  18. great video, what software do you use to edit??
  19. you may be ok to pull one out, but its only 2x4 so you'll be slipping, with my yamaha 450 I'm usually in 2wd unless theres snow and/ or i get stuck , you never know it could be a good investment.
  20. Over the past week I have been thinking about putting runners on my new hut. I purchased the Rapala M2 and so far, on the ice once its beautiful. I has the kodiak which is the big one man, but its not wide enough to have 2 rods going. I called a few plastic factories and found one in Woodbridge and called, the lady helped me out and found me a scrap piece of 3/4" thick and a decent size to make 6 runners but I only need 3. Paid 20 dollars for the piece and here the steps….. The piece i bought, I can make 6; 1" strips at 4' long and then another 6; 1" at about 3 ft long, all for $20 Cut at 1" thick on the bench saw, and torched the ends to fit the sled The scrap came in handy when I wanted to fit the counter sink in perfect with no gap. Drilled my holes Time to install. Hardware cost about $10, so in total 30 dollars for thicker runners than the $80 dollar ones.
  21. its scientifically impossible to outrun your lights, since its so new mention it to the dealer, demand new bulbs and that will be under warranty, its worth the try
  22. I strongly agree, Im not the smartest when it comes to school but I tell everyone of my friends whats the difference between university and college? The best example I can give is my dad, went to college and was very successful, my mom on the other hand went to university and was a daycare teacher for a few years until my dad had the company going, it just goes to show that there is no difference other then stress and a piece of paper saying you graduated, I know a few people that get 80s and 90s in university but they are dumber than a door when it comes to talking about general stuff and saving money and investing. kids these days are brain washed by pointless theories, my best friend is at york for physiology and he tells me all this bulls*** about people and how they think and the problem is there're teaching us about the past and not the future and thats the problem
  23. Have you looked at the lx 6, 7, 9? There all the same units except the 6 is a bit small (still big) the 7 is a bit bigger and the 9 has the same screen size as the 7 just come with an underwater camera that you can remove to make it lighter. My buddy has the lx9 and its a flasher, showdown, and a sonar all in one, he used the fl18 and says the response time is faster on the marcum lx9, the lx6 is cheaper than the fl28 and a lot better and more versatile IMO
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