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Everything posted by hockeyplayerz_14

  1. thanks a lot guys and NAW for sure we will head out this year for some whiteies
  2. Hey everyone, I know I haven't been on in a while but its safe to say Im back, Over the past 2 years I have been left with a lot of weight on my shoulders, but I feel like a lot of it is off, for those of you who don't know who I am, My name is Alex Mazzuca, I'm 19 from Vaughan, My father "Motion" was very active on this forum and loved each and every one of you, he would always tell me about all the posts and all the info you guys left him. He passed away 2 weeks after the OFC get together on nipissing in a tragic snowmobile accident. Over the 2 years he has left me with more than enough, as that winter went by I didn't do any ice fishing but as soon as all the ice was gone I pulled the boat out and in she went. Not knowing everything, asking people on opinions and options to service my boat because in the past the handy man my dad was, he made it look easy. Last ice season I got the quad out and by the end of the season I had everything planned out. The boat was back in the water again and now were at ice season. I feel like a new man going into this season cause last year for me was find what i had and go but this year is better planned with all the right gear and ready to go. I must say thank you to my mom for putting up with me every weekend leaving the house at 6 am to take the atv out on a frozen lake or the boat out, she worries, she calls about every 20 min but I know she does it to know Im safe, Im not stupid, i won't go out if i know its not safe. I just want to re introduce myself and hopefully see some of you again at the get together on the ice!
  3. for the young guys..... you say shes about a 6lb smallie you say Shes no keeper but id catch and release it for the trill of it "I look at fishing how i look at "young" relationships, if she leaves dont waste your time trying to catch it, get your rod back out there and get a bigger one" - Alex Mazzuca
  4. you can go off Gilford road or highway 89. walk out to the group and enjoy
  5. i told my mom "if i die before i have kids, give my my phone, handheld, and my fishfinder from the boat"
  6. this makes absolutely no sense. Im 18 years old and i have no problem standing up and fighting for this. the funny thing is they practice ice rescue training. i know this because my buddy is doing it.
  7. 130 dollars would get you about 600 km
  8. imo as a young guy i know all about these fake news cast and stuff like that. why would someone spend 3 grand on random spots? i could pin point spots on a lake and say "ya tons of fish" and get 3 grand for it? as a fishermen i would not spend 3 grand on "secret spots"
  9. hey all, just got my school schedule and im off tomorrow. I would love to head out and was wondering if anyone would like to meet up. also any reports of the jumbo perch bite?
  10. only about 5 that i could see. i was infront of rama
  11. i just went up to couch. still had fun, no keepers tho
  12. hey all, was just wondering if anyone has been out on Virginia beach or port bolster? I hear both have good ice and was wondering which would over all be better? if your looking to head out tomorrow pm me. Thanks Alex
  13. Simcoe can work out and thanks for the help misfish
  14. just a gtg not a fundraiser.
  15. I was just thinking a GTG but with the tyler event would be great also. Nipissing was good, lots of fish and different species. Simcoe is good but to get to white fish territory you need a sled or atv. Cooks Bay is a good idea too. Who organizers the tyler event. PM me and we can talk further.
  16. Hey everyone, as far as i know we do an ice fishing get together. This year i will be there as long as i convince my mom. This year i was wondering if we can dedicate this one to my dad. as most of you know a week after the 2012 gtg he passed away doing what he loved to do, snowmobiling. I hope this can work out and i know for sure he will be there like he was on my birthday as i was fishing the BPS open on lake simcoe and won big fish "lunker pool". The best gift a kid can ask for. I know its a couple months away but i just didn't want to mention it last minute. What do you guys think? any lake suggestions?
  17. Hey everyone. I was just wonder if anyone has fishing quotes or sayings like "give a man a fish, fee him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him a life time" my dad personal favorite "let em go let em grow"
  18. Thanks Irishfield
  19. Has anyone ran from sparrow to couch. How long was it? What time do the locks open? Do you have to pay?
  20. Thanks guys
  21. Does anyone know a place I can get lake maps of in land lakes. The lake im looking for is head lake and it's not on navioncs so I would like a paper chart. Any suggestions?
  22. As most have you know I lost my dad on Feb 11, 2012 due to a snowmobile crash. This season I did not hesitate to drop the boat in and start fishing. From the start of the season alot was wrong with the boat. The battaries were shot, live well wasent working, the cottgae needed alot of maitnence etc. I think my dad would be so proud of me for everything I accomplished. The boat is fully fixed, the cottage is clean, grass is cut and everything seems to be working. The hardest part about not fishing with my dad is knowing I will never hear him say "fish on" and turn around on the boat and see his rod bent and a smile on his face. I just want to thank him for everything he has taught me over the 17 years of my life. I know most people dont get to share all the great things me and my dad shared in only 17 years.
  23. I have recently got into steel head fishing. My dad never fished it but I went once and I like it. I want to go tomorrow but not sure where to go and what to do. I know the basics but not much about steelhead. If anyone is willing to meet somewhere to go pm me with your cell and i give you a call. Thanks
  24. Hey all. I just want to let you guys all know what my dad meant to me. We did absolutely everything together. Everytime he called my cell I knew he had somthing to say about fishing,hockey,the cottage the snowmobiles or atv. I always enjoyed talking to him about all this stuff. He loved my mom and that's who I'm most scared about. My dad would want me to taker care of her the best I can. I am now "the man of the house". I started playing hockey at about age 4 and to this day I'm still playing. Last night (feb 12) I had a game at night. I went to the game because I knew my dad wanted me to play. He would do anything to not let me miss a game and I knew he would want me to play. I have played over 500 games and e watched more then 90% of them. If there's one game he wanted me to win,get no penalties play my heart out and last but not least score a goal this was the game I can prove to him. Just imagin looking into the stands and not seeing him how I had to play. Btw I did all the things I listed before. He wa with me. I felt him and I love him. R.I.P Tony Mazzuca <3 aka motion
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