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Everything posted by glenner

  1. I'm lucky to be married to a girl who isn't a fan of Valentine's day - she calls it the day that a lot of men use to try and make up for what they do (or don't do) the rest of the year, so we have never treated it as anything special. Instead, I show up with flowers at random times during the year for "no reason at all" and get a lot more mileage out of that. It's been working for 35 years so i must be doing something right
  2. Getting back to the original topic of the liquidation sale, my wife just called me from the Guelph store and says that the "liquidation" prices are a measly 10% off. One of the people working there also told her that they hadn't received a lot of the merchandise that they were expecting for the sale - a common occurrence before they went out of business was poorly stocked shelves, looks like nothing ha changed.
  3. It was 10 days turnaround for my prop repair - might have been quicker if I asked, but I wasn't in a hurry. Sour_Squirrel, don't know if they do repairs to stainless or not, trying to remember if I saw any stainless props there of the hundreds they had on the shelves, but I can't recall. I'm sure a call to them would get you an answer to that question.
  4. I'm sure you're right. I finally figured out that this was what was causing me to lose 2-3 mph off top speed for each of the last several years. (At least I hope that was the cause)
  5. The card I have says "905-612-8040"
  6. Wanted to drop a belated thanks to the board for the quick response I got a couple of months ago when I posted looking for a local shop to replace my prop hub. Took the suggested advice and went to City Wide Welding in Mississauga and boy was I ever pleased! I took my 25 year old prop in to have the hub replaced and when I went to pick it up, I tried to tell him that he was giving me back the wrong prop! They not only replaced the hub, but repaired many years of nicks and dings and dents and painted it so it looks brand new, all for the original quoted price for hub replacement. Great service and I can't wait to get my "new" prop in the water as I'm sure I'll notice the difference..
  7. Was away fishing with my two buddies, went down to the dock early in the morning to get in a couple of casts while waiting for them to go out for the day. I always sit in the front seat when we fish so it's my job to tie up the bow. I guess when we came in from the evening fish the night before, it was real dark so I didn't notice how much slack I left in the bow line. When I stepped in with one foot, of course the boat swung away from the dock, leaving me doing the severe splits with one foot in the boat and one foot on the dock about 5 feet away. While I'm trying to figure out how the heck to get out of this, my two buddies come around the corner and start laughing so hard I thought they would choke. After a couple of minutes I realized that there was no way out, so i just stepped off the dock into the river with the one foot and then swung the other one into the water up tp my waist. As I marcehd up the hill, dripping water from the waist down, I could still hear them laughing. My friend who owns the boat decided that my new name for the trip would be Aquaman
  8. Was in St. John's on businees, walking down Water St. and a regular beggar was asking everyone for " 80 cents for a coffe", he even went up and asked a parking enforcement officer who was writing tickets. Ten minutes later I went into the liquor store and there he was, counting out a pile of dimes and quarters to pay for his bottle. Passed him again the next day and when he asked for "80 cents for a coffee" I said "sorry, buddy, no change". As I walked away awy he screamed "F*&$ you, you F*&$er". Store clerk across the street told me that he used to work out on the offshore oil rigs and got injured, received a huge settlemet and is very well off, doesn't need to beg.
  9. Big congrats to the young lad, beauty fish!
  10. Beautiful dog, love the picture of him "on watch". Reminds me of "Major" my first Lab, also a yellow. I still miss him.
  11. Thanks bigbuck, I'll try them out.
  12. Pulled my boat out this weekend and winterized it as per usual. I noticed late this summer that I seemed to have lost a few mph of top speed and occasionally thought my prop was over-revving. When I pulled it off this weekend and checked it, I could see that the rubber hub is badly worn, so it has been slipping. My motor is a 1989 35HP Merc, and other than this is in terrific shape. Any reccomendations on where to get the hub replaced? I live in the Gueplh area and work in the Mississauga / Oakville area.
  13. Classic picture of your dog relaxing in the boat. My Lab does the same, gets in and goes right to sleep, doesn't even get interested when I bring a fish into the boat. Some great pictures and looks like a beautiful spot, great solitude.
  14. Get in to work, fire up the laptop , log on to OFC and look - there's a new post from Moosebunk! Quickly grab a coffee and donut, froward the phone to voice mail, close the office door and settle in for another entertaining and enthralling read. As usual, just a fascinating report that reads like a first rate documentary with incredible pictures. Also as usual, by the time I finished reading I found myself incredibly envious. It's these reports and those by Mike Borger that have a couple of fishing buddies and I seriously discussing a fly in for the future. Great report!
  15. Glad to hear you made it through a 1/2 day of fishing without having your e-cig. It's amazing how you will suddenly realize that you can get by without it. That's a huge step, now you know you won't go crazy if you don't have your vape around. Next step is to gradually leave it out of your plans until you just don't bother with it at all! The improtant thing is to keep your eye on the goal - being totally smoke and vape free - and whatever road you take to get there is the right one for you. Everyone has an opinion because of what method was successful for them, but everyone is different and at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter what method you use, as long as the result is being smoke and nicotine free and a longer and healthier life. Keep at it!
  16. I wear progressive bi-focals and had my prescription put on a pair of Ray Bans a few years ago and just recently did the same thing with a pair of Oakleys - both polarized - and they work great, no issues.
  17. Ya, I can see where buying new for that many kids, and then they outgrow it so fast would be awfully expensive !
  18. Cabela's has a full range of camo clothing in kid's sizes. Heck they even have wispy camo underthings for the missus (or whoever).
  19. My buddy has several of those rigeed almost exactly as per your picture and trolls them with a minnow for walleye with good success. Been meaning to try them myself.
  20. That pun "quacked" me up (there, that;s even worse!)
  21. Looks great, glad to see you're getting a chance to enjoy the fruits of your hardwork!
  22. Reading this made my morning, way to go the extra distance to help an animal in distress.
  23. Very nice looking rig, seems to be in great shape for a 1992! Enjoy.
  24. Whenever I sign on and see that there's a new report from you, I get myself a coffee and settle in to be entertained, like starting a new book that I have been anticipating, I know that for a while I will be transported somewhere that, sadly, I have never been and may never see first hand but your writing style and great photos make it real. A real treat and pleasure to read, can't wait for the next one.
  25. On my home lake I have : The Shelf The Pocket Muskie Point And on another kawartha lake, my buddy named a spot "The Bay of Death" because the first time we went there he was just killing them (not so much every time afterward, but it's still called by that name nevertheless
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