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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. We managed to get the hook point and barn cut off... So the rest slid out backwards....
  2. Also just realized the fin clip... Wonder where this fish was originally stocked...
  3. So..... I was out trying to troll up some walleyed tonight I had 1 in the tank and 2 OOS smallies that were quickly released.... I headed back to start another run and my crank bait was in the water no more then 30 seconds when it was crushed... My line was peeling.... fish's head shakin... I thought to myself that this was the first musky of the year... After a decent battle I finally saw the culprit... But it didn't look like a musky... Nor did it look like a walleye... Then it peeled another 20-30 feet of line... As I worked the mystery fish back to the boat I realized it wasn't a musky... Or a walleye.... It was a LAKER... I had my first laker on!!!!! Now this is where the story turns for the worst... So being alone I reach for the net... Swing it around... Take a scoop and the beast is in the bag... Or so I thought... The net snapped at the yoke... I look and the hoop is sinking with my first laker in it... So my instincts kick in and my lightning fast reflexes take over as I lunge at the net.... I reached as far as I could... I felt something... Grabbed it.... I got it.. I got the net... A feeling of relief passed through my body... Followed by lots of pain... Confusion... And fear... I grabbed the crakbait still hooked to the lakers mouth.... So now I have this laker shaking on my hand with the net tangled in... I couldn't believe it.... So i tried sliding the tanged mess of fish... Net... Hand... And hooks over the side of the boat.... And luckily everything made it into the boat.... Including my first ever Laker still attached to my hand by way of a treble hook... Now how do I sort this mess out.... I couldn't do it myself... So I managed to put the boat in gear and get close enough to a nearby boat boat for them to hear me yelling over for help.... The old timers were a great help... They cut away the netting and then we cut the hook and slid it out... Applied first aid and all is good... Concerned about the trout due to the length of time it was out of water attached to my hand... I put it in the well to revive and monitor... After an hour the fish was lively and well... So I called in for someone to take a picture of my first laker before I release it... The wife came to the launch.. Snapped some pictures... And the trout swam away... So First broken net... First hook in finger past the barb in me... Or in anyone in my boat for that matter.... And my first laker...
  4. Myth busters put it to the test... If memory serves me correct... Straight up regular truck box with tail up was best...
  5. I don't think they are as bad...
  6. Just so we are clear... Grass carp and Asian carp ARE different.... There was a grass carp caught on the st Lawrence a few years ago...
  7. For lots of people the fishing season really starts this weekend... Considering our chilly spring... Just remember some fish may not have spawned yet... I'm pretty sure ill be catching some walleye full of eggs... So use your heads if your keeping fish... Try to release fish that look like they're full of eggs... It would be a shame taking a limit home and throwing thousands of eggs in the garbage.... Just my opinion...
  8. Watch nature... Look for diving birds... They feed on the same bait that game fish eat... Learn to read water... I've been driving down the river and whipped a u turn because I saw something with the current I liked on the surface... GPS shows nothing special... And the spots usually have fish to offer up... Time on the water is the most valuable tool... If an angler is willing to put in the time and try different techniques... They'll be successful... Be "cautious" about sharing information... Nothing worse then hitting your favorite spot and seeing you "friend" has spent all morning filling their live well on the spot you worked hard learning...especially when your in a tournament or something... I only show buddies "community" spots anymore... The spots that already get beat up... Keep my more "secret" spots for family fishing or when I need fish on a tough day...
  9. Something for the sun.... It's one thing if your face gets a bit pink... But I imagine a sunburn on a baby would be a terrible experience...
  10. Best worm picking grounds are yards with dogs... I believe the dog poop has something to do with it... Once our family dog died the worm picking got worse and worse.... A rainy day should get you 100 worms fairly easily... In a hurry water and bleach.... I bleached my live well a few times and drained into the driveway/lawn... and worms were up in no time...
  11. I actually don't think that's a regular carp.... It looks like a crucian... I think... ...
  12. Big question for me is... What are you planning on throwing? If you plan on using shallow diving cranks that aren't very big I'd stick with a medium action spinning rod.... If your gunna throw 4-6 inch cranks and/or deep divers... Then I'd say your Citrix would do the job...
  13. Thanks everyone... I I'm just happy he like getting out at all... He can handle about 3 hours then he gets bored... He's been out 4-5 times already this year... He especially likes feeding carp... But insists on carrying the bait bucket...
  14. I forget the name of the product... But I know a guy that actually tried em... He swears that they work....
  15. So my little fella LOVES the boat and fishing... Every day when I ask what he wants to do he yells "fishin"... "Boat ride".... He's turning 2 in a few weeks... I couldn't be happier to have my little guy so excited about fishing... Got out for some perching today... Didn't get many... But we did get this piggy... Not a bad way to spend my "family time"
  16. Sounds like a good plan... But if you actually see carp in a spot... I'd say that trumps missing bait... I've done heavy baiting sessions and ended up never fishing the spot because the carp just weren't there when I wanted to fish....
  17. That's great... It seams to me that more companies are standing behind their products... My family has had 4 st croix rods replaced in as many years... Just have to ship the broken rod to st croix and pay shipping back... Usually $40 total...
  18. A mix I also use... 1-2 cans of corn 4 cans Panko bread crumbs 2 cans rolled oats 1 can honey or any syrup Empty the can of corn first then use the can to measure.... This mix needs to be made the day/night before you wanna use it... Once this mix sits overnight you will be able to make a ball with it... Just like making a snowball... Then you can throw them in to chum...You can also make a ball of bait around your sinker to attract fish to your hook... These balls will breakdown once in the water leaving you with nice little white and yellow piles of food... Very visible....
  19. It's best to soak the corn for 12-24 hours... Then boil for 30 minutes.... You can add anything you want for flavor... That's the fun if carpin... I like strawberry kool aid.... Turns the tips of the corn pink.... The corn is cheap to... I think I get 40kg for $15 here...that will make 4-6 pails.... At any feed store... Or TSC...
  20. 50'x50' max.... For prebaiting I spread it around... While fishing I bait the smallest area possible.... I'm also on a carp factory... A lot if days I have 100+ carp in the area I'm targeting for the day... If your really confident in a spot you pick I'd put a gallon out for sure.... And a few handful where you can see the corn if possible... That's to let you know if they're eating it...
  21. Also a ram isn't needed on most boats... If a gimbal bracket fits... I'd be using that... Best use I've seen for a ram mount was a support for the head of the bow mount electric motor... It stopped it from bouncing and flexing all day in rough water....
  22. There's a million things out there that can kill ya.... Kinda hard to protect everyone from everything... There's a fertilizer plant in my city... Right smack in the middle of a residential area... There's houses like 100 feet away...
  23. Once the water temps hit 50+ degrees... Don't be afraid to really chum... Say I have plans to fish a spot Saturday... I'll chum 4-5 gallons of corn/maize/boiled cow corn on Wednesday... Then another 4-5 gallons Friday night... Then fish Saturday really early.... Typically there isn't a kernel to be seen Saturday morning... And while I'm fishing... If they are active... I'll go through another 4-5 gallons of corn.... They're pigs... They'll eat it up...
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