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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. For sure keep them coverx or you'll find em on the floor If possible keep them cold... Really cold.... My understanding is they'll use less oxygen and their metabolism slows down in the cold... Meaning the small tank will then be ok... 2 weeks I wouldn't worry about food... We have kept minnows for 2 months... Then they need food... But they do start attacking and eating the smaller minnows in the tank.... If you put smaller minnows in with that chub it'll start biting their heads off
  2. For anyone looking they're on sale RAPALA 2 man pop up was 299 for 199 Eskimo kit with quick fish 2... 60" Sled... Sled cover... And chairs was on for 224 from 400+ so half price... Buddy got one of these packages... One more left in Cornwall... And more If your looking check it out
  3. Depends how serious you are about keeping your fish alive... Also really depends on weather... Is it for July or October? 5 degrees or 35 degrees makes a big difference... In November I've left fish overnight in my well with no aerator and they were fine... Lol If you have a fish you think is gonna actually place I'd either weigh it in or change the water as often as possible... Keep an eye on your fish and they'll tell you how often to change it out... When I'm in a tournament my live well pump is on the entire time once I have good fish...
  4. Temperature is a big factor... The warmer it is the more you gotta change the water... Other then that a cooker works great A stringer used while stationary with the cooler for driving is another option... Stringers are great for keeping fish alive
  5. Wow Hopefully everyone ends up ok
  6. Pop up Me and my regular fishing buddy can pack everything down in about 5 minutes then set up in another 5 minutes
  7. Thanks everyone... Normally I used to get stressed musky fishing because it's a lot slower pace then walleye and I get frustrated fast... But this year I came at it with a different perspective and positive attitude regardless of fish activity and really had a fun year and fished with a few new friends... I found that shorter mid day/morning outings for 5-6 hours ended up being more enjoyable then the long 10-16 hour days... I still did a few of those when I went outta town or buddies traveled from far but other then that most days were short... Sometimes only 2-3 hours...
  8. Nice recap I thought that float was gunna drop... Lol
  9. Hello everyone I wanted to do a "musky season" kind of thread because I really had fun with them this year... There were ups and downs... I've mentioned the downs but the emphasis is on the many ups as these stories should be... Just remember we all get a big slice of humble pie from time to time... The year started great with a PB for me for casting... My PB for that water... And my PB figure 8 fish with a zone 18 49 incher on opening day... Smoked the double cowgirl boatside on the figure 8 which is rare for me... Very special fish for me... After that things fell apart and I struggled with a couple goose eggs on the big river so I gave up on musky for a few months.... After the last walleye tournament of the year (mid august) I shifted gears and sharpened the hooks and went on an awesome musky push for a few months... My son started school this year so in an effort to balance fishing and family I started fishing Fridays during the day so id be home when the kids got home... For me daytime fishing means musky... The first goal this year was to improve my casting as like 95% of my fish are caught trolling... The second goal was to spread out and find new spots as I found myself catching fish on the same 6-10 spots all the time... I was successful with both goals.... Here's the pics and a little detail of the fish that followed my new found enthusiasm... A solo fish in the mid 40's... Can you tell what kind if structure I was fishing... Lol This fish doesn't look special but it was caught on the first cast of the day... On a birdsnest... With a bucktail... On the bottom... Lol A beat up old bruiser for my buddy casting This mid mid 40 incher jumped so aggressively after bring stung by a jerkbait casting she hooked her tail on the jump and came in like a lifesaver... Longest fish in my boat to date at 56" All I have to say about this is "I hate rubber" as this was the day my casting pattern changed... Putting the clicker to the test Put my buddy onto this amazing colored 51" PB trolling a weedline Small fish but SUPER clean and thick After pulling $100+ baits for a while this one ended up hitting a $20 stalker.. Go figure Dad's redonkulous musky while fishing walleye... Easily the biggest musky I've seam in person After that last one this 46 incher looks like a little snot rocket... Again targeting walleye... Here's hoping I can expand on what I learnt this year...
  10. If that's the case Chris I hope your actively looking for a job where they will treat you better... I can't stand when employees and employers try to stick it to one another....
  11. I'm surprised in you chris... During the holidays when most do what they can to give and be kind.... Instead of pointing out the mistake and EARNING your pay your choosing to capitalize on your bosses mistake for your own financial gains... If you weren't aware and found out afterwords I understand you being mad for a missed opportunity but your sitting back and letting it happen... Actions like this make me sick to my stomach
  12. Glass traps are the best but at around $100 a pop they are a pricey and fragile tool
  13. Hey look at the flip side... Maybe you just eliminated around 399.5 miles of unproductive water...
  14. 96 hours of trolling is a lot of miles on your baits... Good for you getting out that much
  15. One HUGE tip If your trapping in current like creeks and rivers make sure the opening is pointed straight down river... Don't just drop it in....
  16. I've seen em pretty shallow in the fall but IMO that isn't the majority of the population... There are loads of patterns and this is just another one... I think my shallowest fall musky I've caught here was in 10-12 feet of water... But we have really clear water... So that's pretty shallow
  17. In the end nothing happened and it was just a mix up with some false information... My biggest concern is that I'll be "flagged" and harassed every time I come through Canadian customs because of this performance where in the end I did nothing wrong... I guess I'll find out next trip over
  18. 99/100 times they don't hassle you for under $100... My his is the first weird experience I've had and I cross around 20 times a year...
  19. And just to be clear there was no cavity search... Lmao
  20. Sooooo.... I'm pretty anal about declaring everything I purchase in the good ol US of A and drive back through Canadian customs... I used try hide a few lures here and there but the stress wasn't worth the few $$ in taxes I was dodging... So today I went to pick up a package of jigging raps cause all the local shops don't carry the size and color I wanted... My dad asked me (by text) to pick up a package for him but I refused cause he didn't have documentation for the merchandise (like I said im anal about this stuff...) in the end he texted me saying nevermind they are illigal in Canada... (That part of the story in very important) So I got to customs and the guy was extra thorough today... He asked why I was in USA... I explained I got a package of lures for $56... I had my fishing gear in the truck like every other time I've crossed the border... He asked where it came from... I replied asking him if he wanted a specific breakdown of each item and also informed him I could prove the date of purchase on most of the equipment through my cabelas account... He then asked about my 5gal gas tank in the back... I said it was full before I went over and I hadn't purchased gas while in the USA... It's so I'm never stranded.... He didn't believe me... Soooo... I get pulled in for a vehicle search... They check my phone and see the text from my dad (told you it was important) about the package of illigal flea collars... They asked about it and I replied that as the texts show I refused to pick up the package... So they call the shipping/receiving store I send my packages to and they say I picked up 2 PACKAGES!!!! When I only picked up 1... That's when things got a little interesting... The customs officers informed me the store said I picked up 2 packages and then they got more aggressive with me threatening to detain me all day... I simply replied that as long as I could call work I'll stay all day till we sort this out.... (I'm assuming that threat work on people smuggling merchandise?) At this point we take things inside where I undergo a minor strip search/pat down and more questioning... I had them call the store back cause I knew that I picked up a package a week earlier and there was also my dad's package with the same last name still at the store... So maybe they made a mistake... Sure enough the 2nd mystery package was the one I picked up and declared at customs Dec 5th... They confirmed my dad's package (illigal dog collars) was still at the shop and not in my keister... Wich was great for my keister's sake... They let me go on my way after that... I was a little surprised that they didn't apologize after finding out the store who supplies intel for them gave them the wrong information causing me to be detained longer and searched... The rest of the ordeal I'm ok with... They were being thurough but that mistake could have been really bad for me... They could have torn apart my vehicle based on bad info... Anyways jigging raps are in my ice box and I have an interesting story to talk about tonight... Lol
  21. Mmmmm big tillers... : ) Drove a buddies 200 merc 4 stroke tiller this year... Very impressive...
  22. Nice fish Very cool getting a second shot at her like that
  23. Had to look that one up... Lol We are lucky Our musky usually have great colours to them
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