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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. Out of curiosity does anyone personally know anyone that's been stuck by lightning in a boat? Cause I've been out in them in my younger days and I've fished near TV towers... Lighthouses... Channel buoys.... Ships... Etc... I've never seen lightning hit anything on the water... Not have I heard of lightning hitting a boat... I have seen it hit the water itself
  2. Tillers plane much faster from what I've seen My 16' lund with 50 hp planes with 3 of us and gear in a respectable time... I would never say she jumps outta the water but I'm on plane in 5-10 seconds I'd guess
  3. So did I But my parka blew outta the boat... : (
  4. Parka http://www.cabelas.ca/product/75248/cabelas-guidewear-xtreme-parka-with-gore-tex Bibs http://www.cabelas.ca/product/75250/cabelas-guidewear-xtreme-bibs-with-gore-tex
  5. I don't know that boat but I'll guess its a console I've seen 16' consoles having issues with 3 guys and gear Fairly normal We used to get the biggest guy to go to the front of the boat to help it plane out
  6. Hey guys Just want to share the savings on this sale Cabelas Canada has a good sale on now plus free shipping over $99 The guidewear is about $100 off each piece so $200 off a suit with the free shipping is a solid deal... Around $550 taxes in shipped for a parka and bibs... I'm replacing my suit because my jacket flew out of my boat a few years back and I miss having it constantly but was waiting for a good sale... Anyways hopefully someone else can share in the savings...
  7. Combination of the 2 lol I have had my cheep one in a sealed container for many years and still works fine I replace the batteries every spring as a precaution... I actually use the locking Tupperware containers from walmart with the waterproof gaskets... The "lock & lock" brand I have 4-5 In my boat for varies things... Ones a first aid kit... One has boat and trailer papers, spare bulbs, emergency pull rope.... Another with sunblock, lighter, 3 headlights for fishing, waterproof flashlight.... Stuff like that
  8. First off I'm siding with Cabelas... They are sticking to their warranty plan Ive had it one time where my GPS was acting up within cabelas warranty but I needed it to finish out my season... They made a note to my file and said send it in whenever your season is finished... Electronics have different warranties and should be understood by the buyer.... Also this is why I never buy new electronics out of season... It really sounds like the research wasn't done on this purchase... It's a lousy situation for you Dara not getting what you thought you were when spending that kind of money... Hope if works out
  9. Cranks cranks jigs cranks lol A lot of guys fish from shore below the Hyde dam here in Cornwall for walleye and they all cast cranks in the heavy current and some cast jigs in the back eddies The fact that your rig is moving isn't a bad thing... Walleye are predators so they aren't shy to chase a bait... I wouldn't expect to leave a rig still on bottom and light em up.... What if the fish are 25 feet left or right of the rig? The key is fan casting the entire area... And if your out after dark you may be surprised how close to shore the walleye really are
  10. My cousin used to spray the nests locally to stop eggs from hatching Also local First Nations like blasting them for fun every so often so that's good too... They'll drop 50 birds off one island and go home...
  11. Damaging boats and fishing in a marina are 2 seperate issues... Casting lures at someone's expensive boat in an attempt to get within inches is irresponsible and should not be done... I've resorted to completely ignoring the marinas and land owners cause 9/10 start argueing with me when I've tried to educate then and just upset me... If I ignore em and keep fishing they give up quicker and leave me be...
  12. I've gone through this They can't own water If you touch shore or drop anchor they have a case but they can't own the water that flows I'm and out and they can't own the fish that swim in and out To my understanding even if it is man made they would need to put up a form of a gate and restrict access to non marina boats. That being said I've been escorted by the OPP... RCMP... CANADIAN COAST GAURD... MNR many many times from said marina with no ticket or fine of any kind... They just want the owner to stop complaining and literally told me to come back when the marina isn't as busy
  13. They are a funny fish... Hard to locate on the St.Lawrece River... I used to catch literally a hunted a day off our dock at our cottage until the comercial guys started putting nets at the mouth of our creek... They taste very similar to perch in my opinion... I did em up in some Cajun fish crisp and the kids gobbled it all up
  14. So my spring fishing is still geared towards panfish as the water is still a bit cold for carp and also water levels are way too low for most of my spring carpin spots... I posted on FB to see if anyone wanted to go throw some slip floats and see if we could get some crappies... I had a buddy jump on the offer... We got a few OOS largemouth quick so we moved to find our true target... Shortly after we hit a slab... Then another... And another... After releasing around 6 big slabs I thought I should get my pail cause I haven't had a crappie feed in years... We managed another 6 slabs to finish up our quick trip... 6 crappie have me 2 pounds of fillets they were so big... We didn't get the quantity but they were all quality with a few 14" fish... I was catching on a smoke/flake yamaminnow and my buddy was using a white/chartreuse tube... Only downside was leaving while they were still biting cause I had chores... Lol
  15. That's weird Your renting a space..... Shouldn't matter in my opinion... If you had different boats using the space i'd understand as some places charge by the foot Is he asking for money to park or to launch the boat?
  16. I'll check for a burr but it seems more like sun damage... The rope is always really faded when it breaks
  17. Hello everyone On my electric motor there is a pull cord to deploy it.... The original broke years ago and I replaced it with some cheapi parachute cord... I have to replace it 1-3 times a year! It's annoying especially if it breaks before I have a chance to change it Has anyone found a good meterial that will last to use? It's really tricky to replace... As the tie is inside metal tubing with a small access hole to the tie point...
  18. As far as I understand it's more about acquiring the cabelas "bank" then anything
  19. I'm there right now having a beer waiting for Pikeslayer lol The rest of my group wasn't adventurous enough to try be places and we are at chains all week Thanks everyone
  20. 9-5 would be nice... 6-4 or 6-5 is more like it... Lol
  21. Hilton on Mississauga road Mostly looking for fairly standard food as we are a group of 5 and want to please everyone... No tai or sushi or anything like that Like good bars with good food
  22. As the topic says... I'm here for 4 days and I'd like to hear about some good places to eat Thanks
  23. Awesome Gunna take my little guy out for bullhead this weekend
  24. Hello I'm very proud to say I've started a new chapter of my life. I have been fortunate enough to take a step up the leadership ladder where I work and it has landed me in a great job and I'm so happy to say I got a Dayshift schedule with my new promotion. I now get to see my wife and kids (5 and 3 years old) every day. Thats an unbelievable feeling after 10 years of nights and afternoons. We are all still getting used to our new family time and balancing work, fishing and family but so far so good. It feels amazing WORKING my way up and it's encouraging to see some companies still reward hard work and promote and develop within rather then hiring outside talent all the time. I started 4 years ago on the floor stacking freight as a temp making around $12 an hour working for an agency contracted by the company I now work for. After being hired on permeate lay they recommended a leadership development program to me as they felt I had the ability to lead and 3 years and 2 promotions later I have a great job with a comfortable salary and am getting amazing development opportunities like the 3 day course I'm attending this week in Mississauga. Im excited to be working for one of the biggest employers in the world. The experience I'm getting this early in my leadership career by working for such a large successful company is truly a gift I've been lucky to receive. I feel like I'm on top of the world right now. Mike
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