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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. Pete is taking care of me Lew Thanks again for the offer brother You going to nippising?
  2. I'll call and ask if he will wait till then Lew Thanks so much If anyone else can help tho I'm sure this guy wants them gone
  3. Need a favour Got a deal on musky lures in the Peterborough area but it sounds like cash only old school guy that hasn't shipped before Anybody in the area that can do me a solid and take PayPal from me... Pick up the lures... Pay the guy cash... And ship to me? I'd pay for this favour or take you fishing then you wouldn't have to ship... Musky or walleye on the st Lawrence river If you can help me out let me know please Thanks
  4. I kinda like the plastic slipping on hits... Confirms hits over rocks for me... Drifting jigs at 1mph down the st Lawrence I've felt some fishy rocks lol
  5. I try Got a 30.5" walleye last week
  6. Oh your the guy that laid that musky on your carpet so you could get a picture and when I PMed you instead of trying to ruin your post you got your panties in a bunch.... That's kinda weird your still dwelling on some constructive advice from so long ago You aren't the guy that's been looking in my windows at night when I shower are you? Or are you the guy calling and breathing heavy on my phone? Have a good day
  7. Maybe I should have let her swim away with a crankbait still in her face? I know how to handle fish
  8. My gloves have rubber on em so they don't strip much slime
  9. Pline is good in the higher lb test I use 100-150lb pline for musky and love it
  10. Seagar is the best I've used I use 10lb... 20lb... 40lb
  11. Rod in hand structure fishing some stones To be honest it took a little while to realize it wasn't a big walleye... They don't fight much at first cause they hardly realize what's happening 15 feet of water I always run a 20lb leader... I was lucky tho cause it was hooked in the corner of the mouth
  12. I'm hoping she sticks around so I can get her again in the fall when she's fattened up... Maybe catch her on purpose too lmao!
  13. Lol I rounded doe to the closest inch Bunks was a giant
  14. We always had starter problems on our Hondas Only thing that ever went wrong with them
  15. 10lb power pro with 20lb fluorocarbon leader
  16. Didn't take the time to get a girth With the long battle on walleye gear I wanted to get her back fast She was thick and healthy
  17. Hey gang So I've had a tough start to my musky year... So I decided the other day to take a break and fish walleye for a few weeks to get ready for a couple tournaments... And wouldn't you know it second day walleye fishing I get the biggest musky of my life... Go figure... I was trolling for walleye when she hit... It wasn't long before I realized it wasn't a walleye... Then when I got my first look at her I almost puked... After a few good runs she behaved herself and settled down boat side.... I had to hand bomb her so I put some gloves on (anyone who thinks I'm a sissy hasn't hand bombed a 50" fish)... First attempt she did a big shake and bumped the boat shifting the small walleye crank to the inside of her mouth... I almost puked again... I thought it was over... We got her close again and I grabbed the line to position her and she did another head shake breaking the walleye crank at the lip breaking her connection between me and her... I was left holding the line attached to nothing but the lip of a taildancer... A second seamed like an hour while I looked at the fish of a lifetime swim away... NOT ON MY WATCH... I dive nearly falling out of the boat and managed to grab her by the tail and miraculously she didn't run... I quickly got another hand under the gill plate and slid her over the side of the boat... If I had this happen another hundred times I'd bet against the tail grab every time but I got lucky today And here she is... 56 glorious inches of accidental, hand landed, lure breaking Musky
  18. With a 3.5hp I really can't see it making much difference... Not like your hitting waves at 30mph
  19. I don't use big rods for big fish I use them because of the lures I use I've landed several 50" fish on walleye gear and 10lb test... That doesn't mean I can cast a 10oz lure with that gear
  20. There you go I threw one up there for you
  21. Good morning So I've had a really bad run with musky so far this year. I think I have been out 6 times on 3 bodies of water and I have not personally boated a musky yet...! For those of you that know me or have been around OFC a while know that this is NOT normal for me But that doesn't mean Pete didn't get a few tho Pete made the hike down 2 weeks ago and we had a great day putting 3 in the boat and having 4 follows with one follow being a true giant Fish landed were 47"-44"-44"... 1 trolling a custom painted stalker and 2 casting mag Bulldogs respectivly As for me my search continues for a bend in the musky rod... I'm taking a break to get ready for 2 walleye tournaments coming up then I'll push hard again with the lunges Mike
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