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Everything posted by Garnet

  1. I use steehead swivels Phantom micro. I also wrap the line around the reel stem and back up to a guide. Not usually all the way to tip.
  2. Oshawa would be a good for another car company like Kia. Modern up to date planet all the infrastructure in place.
  3. I think it should be a requirement to tie a rock to each corrmerant shot with bio degradable cord for turtle bait. Circle complete.
  4. In the 2009 financial melt gov lent GM 25 billion for guaranteed product to 2018. GM paid back 25B a year early. And hello it's 2018. GM Oshawa has been stuck building cars for the last 15 years a declining market. They where denied opportunity to bid on suv a least a couple times. It's the 3000 jobs plus 7 jobs feeding that plant so start at 21k. Then this washes threw 3-5 teachers 1 lawyers office a cleaning company the list is endless.
  5. Was salmon fishing and came very close to hooking a cormorant around neck. Little more luck and there would be horrible accident judge sir.
  6. I agree with you 100%. Pass me the shotgun they are messing with the wrong guys fishing.
  7. 2 cases of shells 1 loaf of bread.
  8. Go to your safety shoe store and get a pair of NEO. Just fit them to our everyday foot wear. The slip over full boot very warm and light.
  9. Guess I'm not nice they just get a bad belly if they mess with my boat. You should investigate the hydraulic release. You only need to know this at the boat launch.
  10. You might lose in corrections. I live for the opportunity to buy bank stocks at a discount.
  11. Take a muliti meter with you. If you are multi meter challenged like me just turn it on and keep touching leads together on each click. When the needles move you can prove continuity. Now test your fuses.
  12. It will be on the side of trim/tilt rams. The 2 prongs.
  13. All motors have a hydraulic release. Look on both sides usually a strait screw driver. You turn it then pull motor and tighten screw.
  14. That's a solid approach mine is similar . I have 11 stocks and riets most re invest div. automatic to 4 decimals. If they go on sale I buy. I also jump into stuff make my money and sell never more than 5%.
  15. Ahhh Province Town my wife loves to shopping and just like Iron I get educated on different life styles. Cape Cod 10 hr drive the fishing is just a blast. We will be going back .
  16. I started this stuff at about 53 and tried to just use my bass stuff. That lasted about 1.5 days and I was buying the right stuff. At 61 now I really pick my spots . It's really funny seeing 70-80 year olds riding up and down canal. There's a cottage industry producing these wooden plugs. Cape Cod is 1 hr to Boston north and 1 hr southto NY City summer rental rates are just wild we go after labour day and June is best fishing.
  17. I haven't been to Cape Cod for 2 years. Our last trip I was fishing the eastern gap. Jetty like Bowmanville rocks throwing that pencil mid day sunny, I see a striper from about 40 ft away coming . It plastid my pencil about 3 ft in the air. Took off on about a 50 ft circle and just hammered my plug. About 30lb. I need to get in shape throwing this stuff every 3-4 cast take little break by the end of the 2 week I might be up to 10 cast. Got into a blitz on a beach have no idea how many I caught stripers up to 40 lbs. Google Canal Bikes either side of the ditch has a walking/bicycle path guys ride up and down rod holders, baskets. I had one for a couple trips didn't really work for me. And the most fun trying to figure out tides no matter what you do today it will be different tomorrow. My other bait is a 3 oz white bucktail with a strait tail trailer. This type of equipment would be to much for musky.
  18. Cape Cod canal is where I fish. Wicked tide. The standard are 11-12 rods. I tried a bunch and settled on a 10 St Croix with the Shimano Ultera 5500. It's beast of a stick. There's a diawa spinning reel you can dial 35 lbs of drag and fish Bluefin tuna. Wicked Tuna style.
  19. Guppy pensil poppers is what I throw most for Stripers. 3 oz wooden plug. Look them up perfect musky size.
  20. My 5500 stuff is used for Stripe Bass fishing. They fight much like musky but stronger. Think my 5500 would be over kill and you likely will be the crash tester on the 4000.
  21. I have 5500 penn 5500 Shimano Ultere and Shimano 5500 baitrunner salt water spinning. Tried fishing Salmon at mouth of Ganny with Penn and my middle salt rod 9ft. I could bounce those salmon across the surface and land them in 15 seconds. Was that much fun.
  22. His age means nothing with the 2 stroke he was flat lottery winning lucky. And the 4 stroke because like your car/truck has oil pan full of oil I likey would pull the safety cord turn it over check the lower unit and that's it.
  23. A 98 Yamaha would be carburetor and you can fog pour oil in the gas kill every bug within 10 miles. Any efi, opti or Yamaha's, with direct oil and gas injection you don't want to fog. All these motors have computers that make immediate adjustments to excess oil and will lean your motor very quickly and then will not add oil quick enough to stop blow up. I don't fog my opti.
  24. I lived under that moth ball ,bounce sheet dream. I buy mouse kill from TSC 16 small pouches of pellets. 16 small plastic containers from Dollar Tree and spread them around interior of boat. Everyone will be empty come spring. I pour plumbing antifreeze down the floor drain so any little bits of water will give mice a bad belly. This boat doesn't have any compartments with moisture problem. My old Sprint did. Unscented kitty litter kept it dry.
  25. At the Oshawa Sail just as you get to the stairs on your right is 2 racks of discount suits. I found my Clam suit at a very favourable price.
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