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Everything posted by ld17

  1. I've fished the river and the sections exposed to the east wind will be very choppy. With this high wind forecast that chop may look like waves. I fished a tourny last year and by the end of the day I felt like I was on the lake. Never saw waves that big in the river. So I can get nasty. The other option is if you have US licence is to fish the protected shoreline or marines on the NY side. Be safe.
  2. I like mine. Heats my one man hut nicely on a bitter cold day. Definitely do the thermo couple fix. Not sure if the new ones they are selling have solved the issue, but if you get a draft blow in it can blow out the pilot light. If you do the fix that won't happen. After this fix no issues with the heater. I saw them at sail for 100 bucks last week. Not sure if still on saie.
  3. im comparing the 200/50e models
  4. Hi just wondering what you guys think is comparable to a chronarch for a better price.
  5. word of caution folks, don't engage people with violence. That will get you nowhere, and may even get you charged or worse. Now the irony of this. So many people try and catch muskie, sometimes fish of 10,000 casts. This guy seems to be able to catch them regularly. He could probably teach us a few things...lol
  6. I used a paste (stone/granite) like product from home depot. Not sure if they still sell it. You applied a primer to the concrete and them you trowel the stuff on like you would finishing a cement surface. It's been about 5 or 6 yrs since I applied it and it's been solid. Not chipping of craking. Very impressed. The only thing I notice is the shine has gotten duller looking. I guess that is due to dirt build up. I might give it a pressure was this year and see if that gets some of the dirt off. I would recommend it.
  7. Lots of good advice. I don't know how old you are but I can tell you I bought and expesive bike and have upgraded parts over the years to get it how I like it. The bike has held up for over 15yrs and with upgrades over the years the bike is like new. Fit is very important. To achive that you need the frame of the bike to be the correct size. I bought a quality frame and thtat enabled me to upgrade on the proper foundation. After that you can fine tune things like changing seats and handlebars, stems, whatever you like. Lastly if you are of middle age I would tell you to buy something a bit more expensive. Why? Because if you take care of it it wil be the last bike you will probably ever buy. So spend the money and get something you like. Don't settle for less. Good luck in your search.
  8. another ignorant statment. I have used one and just know that a flasher is the best for ice fishing. You can get by with LCD but flasher is best.
  9. Wow I just turn my vexilar on and fish! I've always said LCD's have no place on the ice.
  10. I like the show and I like that he is sharing in his faith in God.
  11. Ask yourself what the founder of ice fishing uses? Vexilar ! http://goanimate.com/movie/0V4I2JS_3Rqs?utm_source=linkshare
  12. Thanks guys, I'll keep an eye on the rpms and see how it hauls with OD on and off. Definetly off on hills.
  13. Hi Guys, I recently bought a used 2005 F150 4x4. I will be towing a 19.5 foot bass boat. Should I tow with overdrive off or on. Just wondering what other do? Thanks
  14. Thanks for all your responses. I test drove both trucks. I drove the ford first. Then the dodge. To me the ford felt better. The driver seat was more comfortable. Also which surprised me was the Dodge driver seat was all manual. The ford was all power. The dodge had more pick up. Obviously it had the bigger engine. Well I pulled the trigger tonight and bought the ford. I pick it up on Thursday. I hope I get many good years out of her. Again thanks for some of your tips. I'm getting a few things done for free that I think I would have overlooked.
  15. Hey guy, I'm looking for a truck to buy. I'm looking at two trucks one is a ram 1500 sxt 5.7 L 2008 with 108,000 k the other ford f150 xlt 4.6L 2007 with 95,000 k. Both trucks are priced the same , both crew cab , both 4x4. Any opinions on either I've never owned a truck.
  16. for pics just google map it. There is a ton of weed there. Low water levels. If your in a boat ( electric only ) it won't be crowded. If you want to catch snot rockets go there. Anything else do yourself a favour and find another lake.
  17. gilford runabouts [email protected] Ask for Peter
  18. I use a minn kota maxximizer and you can run it all day if you have battery power. Never had an issue. Now the battery I run is an optima battery and it is well worth the money. I paid about 100 more for the same class battery but this batter has been great. You will get a long life with this battery and it will pay back for it's self. Good luck on whatever you get.
  19. contact rapala customer service. Talk to them and tell them you lost your recite. They should take care of it.
  20. Hi guys, does anyone know if it's free to use the launch and park? I've heard it was free then I heard something like, they charge to you park? Thanks
  21. The Harbour will always be near and dear to my heart. We should be so lucky to have a place so close to home to fish. I would say in the last 4 years there has been a decline in the quality of fish ( bass ) being caught. Don't know what it could be. During the spawn there are all kinds of bass present so not sure if they are getting really smart or just pulling out and going off shore. I hope this trend will swing back to days of going down and catching a limit in a few hours of fishing. Time will tell. I will still be fishing down there. You just might have to think outside the box more an more. I think a lot of anglers are getting better at catching fish.
  22. very nice boat. I hope you have years of great memories catching lots of fish on that boat. Peace
  23. What would happen if all your demands where met with ok heres your money back and go buy your boat someplace else sound. Sure you'd be unhappy but it could happen. Then they will just sell the boat you were going to get to someone else. I've seen it happen. But hey keep pushing them and ask for more. You might get what you deserve.
  24. all you guys make me laugh. Demand this, ask for that, don't put up with it, ask for more. What do you think the dealer is a flea market and they have all this stuff at their disposal. Be careful that you don't just end up waiting even longer and end up with exactly what you paid for. I'm sure the dealer would have loved for you to have your boat when they said. It's out if their control. They don't build it there. Delays happen. Be happy they are giving you and option with an increase in power motor. Don't be so greedy.
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