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Everything posted by glen

  1. Good point. But only if your d can shoot. They need to have a few different attacks so the other team doesn't know what's coming.
  2. Great pics. Bucket list. #1 One month ice fishing guided by Joeytier.
  3. Good game. Did the refs win again. You have to pull early to have time to pressure. It's not as easy to get that goal these days.
  4. Babcock has now taken some as far as they can go. They will only get worse. What the management does now will be part of how great this team will be. I'm watching and hoping for moves. The talent is almost enough just two d men away.
  5. Very sad. Sorry for your loss.
  6. if the planet was going to have man made climate change and kill all humans. The odds for the gov of the world saving us are nil.
  7. I watched the videos. The case for man caused climate change is a lot weaker then I thought. The guy with the ice cores takes a long time to give an answer. He says they Have been working on it for thirty years. I hope he keeps working. Maybe they can get someone to help him
  8. I like the Dacron but it freezes when you fish outside.
  9. We were out on simcoe in my hut fishing lakers and buddy gets one on 20lb mono. I watch as his hand gets pulled to the hole and then the line snaps. Lol.
  10. Might not be any good ice out there. I heard of it done years ago out of Collin wood. Lot more fish around then. Wicked fight. Lay on the ice and sight fish them.
  11. The c02 chart is interesting. It looks like the average is around 250 and we are at 400 now. I thought it would be a lot worse then that.
  12. I believe in aliens. I don't believe they caused climate change. I believe the earth has benn hot and cold in the past. I believe man caused climate change is very small. 5% ish I don't believe anything man can do will affect climate change.
  13. Shoots a bolt so it's a bow. But uses air so it's a dart gun. Drops a buffalo I'll take two.
  14. How much c02 is ok. I think I'm c02 neg. with the amount of trees I'm growing. I guess if enough people starve they will save the planet.
  15. The lesson is that we need more fish in our lakes.
  16. Is Canada going to save the planet with carbon tax. What are other countries paying? Who is getting the money and what are they spending it on.
  17. Pm job serve the people. Can I get a list of the good he has done? Trudeau salute.
  18. I fell asleep and Santa was here already.
  19. Everyone breathed the bad air coming from cars that didn't meet the regs. I'll take cash.
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