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smokin joe

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Everything posted by smokin joe

  1. Nicely done Jewels, that's a beauty of a fish.
  2. Glad to hear your home Bruce, it's always a better feeling to recoop at home with loved ones. If you need anything just give me a shout.
  3. Simon I'm sorry to hear about the bad news man. Everything happens for a reason and as you stated it's opened the door to your dream job. I say go for it, this could actually be your big break as you said. Best wishes to you in you venture
  4. Best Wishes Bruce and may you have a speedy recovery.
  5. Happy Birthday Rick!
  6. Just added another vote for you Joey
  7. Great to see you were able to get some fish Bruce, we didn't do so well on Sat.
  8. Sorry to hear about your losses, I'd keep an eye on E Bay as well. Best of luck to you man. I hope you get everything back.
  9. My hat's off to you Glen. It's nice to see someone that takes pride in there work and doesn't give in to the quantity over quality mentality. If you have time could you PM me a price I'd like to pick up a few for Bruce and myself. I owe him for all he's done for my son and I
  10. You might want to also try packing a small container with the roe and sealing it with a vacuum food saver before freezing
  11. This might point you in the right direction as to where to fish. Look up "Fishing Basics" on google books, there's some interesting information in there.
  12. Great job Bruce thanks for the report and pics. We'll have to hit some of our old haunts before the season ends
  13. Bruce if I can help you out with any of the ingrediants, just let me know
  14. Bruce as long as you have the desire to fish, you know I'll do my best to make sure we get out. I still live close enough to even pick you up if need be my friend, so don't you worry about that. It's just like a few people recently told me: Friends take care of one another so you have no worries
  15. Thanks for the great report Cliff, I'll have to make it a point to try and get out there next year
  16. Thanks for that great report Simon and congrats on a perfect day on the water
  17. That's strange. Jeff try sending Rick a PM from your GF's computer. I know he recently up graded the site security and maybe it has you blocked accidently. I'd try what Bly suggested first though. Hope you get it straightened out soon man.
  18. Would that be from an england or european standpoint archie? Background I mean it sounded like it in the post.
  19. Jeff try going through google to get there. You may be trying an old link. Delete your bookmark and set a new one. That should take care of your problem.
  20. I use bread soaked in a scent like vanilla extract in mine, that way it leaves a strong scent trail. Also put the bread in a stocking type material tied in a bag shape, then tie that with two strings so it's centered in the trap. Helps prevent them from just eating the bread from outside of the trap:) Just my 2 cents
  21. Thanks for the great report and pics Joey. Looks like you and Paul did a great job for the first time out fishing in the new boat.
  22. Congrats guys! Thanks for the great report and pics
  23. Thanks for the post and pics Bruce, those cats are a lot of fun on ultralite gear.
  24. Just thought I'd let everyone know that Dicks Sporting Goods is having a sale on PFD'S some are buy one get one free while others are at least 35% off. I'm not sure how long the sale is though. I also should add to make sure they are canadian coastguard approved.
  25. Those are some great looking bass Simon. Thanks for the report and pics. Now if I could only get flash player to work. LOL
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