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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Rona must be hoping to get a favorable write up from Maureen Dowd for when she is looking for work in the US after the election... The evidence is very clear that using edibles instead of smoking gives a longer lasting benefit... It if it for medical relief of symptoms how could that be a bad thing? For an interesting look at the responsible sale of edibles check this out.
  2. I believe the reason for the muddy taste is because the flesh deteriorates quickly due to enzymes the fish release from being stressed, if you leave them alive on a stringer. When I am KEEPING cool water bass for a meal, I bleed them like a rainbow to kill them immediately and they are pretty good eating... I know more than once they have meant the difference being having a fish fry during a trip or not, when the other species go close mouthed (usually happens in direct proportion to the expense of the trip LOL)... I never, go after them more than once or twice for eating a year, and haven't bothered for a couple years now. As for the seasons, it wouldn't take long for them to be decimated if it was left open in SWO... The bucket brigades would see to it... As for being a blast, it is tons of fun rigging up a live leech under a float and drift for smallies in your favourite trib after the season starts.
  3. Lew, as the experts have stated it shouldn't hurt, the truck or the mower... That amount of oil in a full F150 tank is such a small percentage. Lots of mistakes happen with fluids. My landlord put brake fluid in the transmission of his car.... because brake fluid was cheaper on sale. Also they are both RED according to him, I have never seen red brake fluid, myself but he was convinced. He wouldn't believe it was going to be a problem, when a bunch of us told him not to move the car an have it towed to a shop. He said it couldn't possibly hurt anything... Yet the next week he was driving a different vehicle. When asked what happened all he said he said was it was just time for change?
  4. Shark Bite fittings seem expensive, until you factor in you would need a propane torch, emery cloth, flux, solder and some ABILITY... Then they aren't that bad.
  5. Don't get me started on cats... LOL I agree it couldn't be enforced for women and their cute murderous little felines, but I do believe it is illegal to willingly let any pet kill any wildlife, when you aren't in control of them on a legal hunt. I use the example of "letting" your dog run deer out of season and unsupervised. The C.O. I took hunter safety from years ago, claimed to have shot dead many a farm dog that he found running deer on more than one occasion. If he saw the dog twice he didn't have to worry about seeing it three times. Never lost a court case brought against him over it either.... So that tells me, that maybe he had the LAW on his side? I could be wrong though.
  6. 60 Million could do a lot good and a fair bit of damage too LOL.
  7. Yeah that is ILLEGAL, not much better than letting your dog run deer out of season in my opinion.
  8. If you go to fish the steel wall. You will need 1) A very long handled net. Or be willing to walk along way down to where you can beach the fish... 2) A lot of tackle even if you are float fishing. Many a snag through that section.
  9. Glad your dog is OK... Badgers are just a ball of muscle with razor sharp teeth and claws. They are bad enough off their territory but I can't imagine one defending it's den. YIKES
  10. Always fish the lake whenever possible... So I do fish from the beach instead of off the pier, at a few spots on both Huron and Eire. Wading in is usually required for success though.
  11. Last year they were catching drop backs well into June. The bass this year are really craving worms though from what I hear?
  12. Actually the restrictions at Sifto are a lot less than they used to be... You can fish off the rocks just drive through the gates park along the rocks and have at it. Also you can park along in front of mine by the inner harbor (if you can find a spot that the miners haven't taken) and walk out to the end of the North pier IF there is no ship in harbour to try for perch. If there is a ship in port then the North pier is off limits, or so the town council said in an email I got from them last year. The mine did however start a pier resurfacing project early last year making that more difficult, your mileage may vary... The south pier is fair game though with no restrictions that I know of unless they started some new construction project I haven't heard of yet. I was hoping to get up there this week and find out what is going on but the weather and work have kept me from getting there yet. In Bayfield the South pier is fully accessible but the North Pier is restricted because the marina having the right of way to it closed off to non members. Also the north pier is expected to be repaired next year sometime. Which is good, but I find it sad we have to spend tax dollars to do it only to be refused public access during the times there is even one boat in the "private" marina.
  13. That is true but it might just be surviving not thriving as it sure hasn't grown much. Then again the whole bug diet kind of explains why it would go smack a bait time after time. Must think it has won the lottery when it sees that bait.
  14. Strange, but my first thought was perhaps that fish having been injured and old makes it more likely it would be caught over and over. It might not be physically capable to be a top predator so it has to take what it can... In any event it is a great fish story, although the actual proof kind of spoils it being a fish tale ;o)
  15. That is going to come down some day look at how much has fallen in at Port Burwell in the last 10yrs. As for the collapse at the Saugeen, should be a good thing for the number of fish who can make it upstream and back if the number of anglers that can't get at them is increased... I wonder how many people will be miffed this weekend when they make the drive up and haven't heard the news?
  16. Whatever you do DO NOT count on getting any guberment rebate cheque. My parents got a new furnace and were "promised" it would get a guberment rebate by Reliance. When they applied for it, the guberment said it didn't meet the criterion and Reliance didn't know my parents were customers (unless they were cashing a payment cheque.) When I looked into it there was no reason it shouldn't have went through all the paperwork was right, the furnace did qualify according to the specs, but even a call to the MPP's office couldn't change the ruling... So don't count on it coming through.
  17. Probably be catching them fishing for Perch off of Port Bruce in June, the water is so cold this year. LOL
  18. That is why I said every government since electricity was "invented" has sold it for less than it really cost... Just looking back at the cost over runs on a lot of hydro projects historically it shows how people thought it was fair to charge something for nothing for the gas plants. Darlington alone was 7.5 Billion over the estimate and that was in 1981 to 1993 dollars. Bill Davis, Frank Miller. David Peterson, and Bob Rae all owned that one... Definitely shows all parties have gotten it wrong.
  19. Hydro One was split into 5 entities, but most newpapers only mention Hydro One and OPG. Wikipedia actually lists them all. Thanks for correcting me, because I am interested in how this whole mess actually happened. Another point of confusion is two of the new companies were later renamed...
  20. You are correct, I was wrong it wasn't OPG... It is complicated to explain what was "sold", because it was only rights to sell power to customers and some assets for generation. This Auditor General reports explains the timeline and what happened to strand the debt and it was under Harris and Eves. http://www.auditor.on.ca/en/reports_en/en11/304en11.pdf
  21. In 1999, Mike Harris and Ernie Eves, split Ontario Hydro into two companies Hydro One the transmission side and OPG Ontario Power Generation the generation side. OPG was sold at a loss to their conservative buddies because the new owners were not forced to assume the stranded debt which was mostly a result of the building the Nuclear plants.... So YES it did happen and is the only reason there is a DRC on your electric bill. It also likely going to happen again with Hydro One. The Liberal buddies will be making the millions this time while leaving us holding the bag. I apologize it wasn't OPG what was sold it was the ability for new companies to sell power. Which they neither generate nor transmit... This auditor general report explains the time frame for the stranded debt and how it happened. http://www.auditor.on.ca/en/reports_en/en11/304en11.pdf
  22. That isn't true.... The new furnace my parents bought on a plan had to be bought out because the house was "sold". After they bought out the contract the next week, so the sale could go through the following week, it required 4 service calls. All those calls were covered under the 10yr warranty parts and labour by the manufacturer. So while Reliance had told my parents they were covered by the "plan" Reliance was billing the manufacturer. If my parents would have of paid cash for the furnace they would have had the same warranty and paid less overall. Basically it was all lies about the rebate, all lies about the efficiency and more lies about who was covering the warranty. If I ran a business like that I would be in jail but since they are a big energy company they are billionaires LOL.
  23. The truth is the province is in a total mess... and it wasn't one party that put us here. We need LEADERSHIP not partisan Bull. There has not been one sensible solution that will work to fix what is wrong with Hydro rates in Ontario put forth by anybody in politics from any party... Stop the bashing and start the fixing.
  24. Awesome pic Lew.... I had to go out on some errands today and was NOT amused to find myself in 5 minute sleet storm. At least it was still warm enough to melt right away.
  25. I am not in HAVAC so I can only go by what I have seen. My parents had to replace their mid efficiency furnace 3yrs ago because it was shot after 28 yrs. They were promised a rebate as part of the contract. When they applied the rebate was DENIED, when they went back to Reliance about it Reliance said read the fine print we aren't responsible for you being denied, by the government. When I got out the magnifying glass and read the fine it Reliance was right the wiggle words there promised nothing. So don't count on the rebate actually arriving. The new high efficiency furnace DID NOT keep the house as warm as the older furnace so it was running a lot more. This was possibly because the house was old and the duct work wasn't upgraded. Also, the last two winters were much colder so there weren't any energy saving either. The new Rheem furnace required 6 maintenance calls in less than 2.5 yrs 4 of them in one weekend where the entire water including supply froze overnight after a the first visit.... The service men all said they were seeing tons of failures across all the brands Reliance was selling that were the same age during that cold snap..... I asked all 4 of them which brand should I buy for my next furnace and they all had different answers because of preferences for working on them NOT quality or reliability LOL They all said what is the worry you get a 10 yr warranty on a new furnace because they aren't built like they used to be. Again if you are going to have that 25% savings pay for the new furnace. You would have to be spending 500.00 a month for gas for heat now, and that is 6000.00 a year. You will be paying 125 a month or 1500 a year for the new furnace.... Seems like a long shot to me that it will be what they say given what the numbers turned out to be for my parents.
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