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Everything posted by TDunn

  1. Sweet trip! Looks like you guys had a ton of fun. I can't wait to get on the tribs! TDunn
  2. Roger is the man! TDunn
  3. Nice eye! TDunn
  4. Good eye! Bullheads My uncle uses the meat for spaghetti sauce. I haven't tried it out yet myself. Thanks to all!
  5. Hey OFC! With the winter starting to wind down I figured it was time for a quick report. During first ice on the St. Marys River and Lake Superior I was targeting whitefish on micro jigs and wax worms. Next up was fishing the weedy bays on the lower parts of the St. Marys River. I really enjoy running and gunning for panfish and setting tip-ups for big gators. Plus the good eats is a bonus! I snuck a trip in for lakers during family day weekend in feb. Spent the weekend fishing, eating and drinking with a few buddies from southern Ontario. Whats better than that?! Next up was my first trip into LSPP. Since we have been dumped on this year I have stayed right out of the park waiting for better conditions. We were not greeted with prime conditions but good enough for an easy hike into a splake/lake trout lake. Hit a river mouth about a week ago looking for my first steelhead of the season. What a battle on an ice rod! Just the other day I was up on Superior looking for my perch fix when this bad boy hit! My first Lake Superior walleye..... I hope everyone has enjoyed the winter months as much as I have. Be careful on the late ice and good luck with the rest of your ice season! TDunn
  6. Deadstick Glow tubes with a hunk of smelt after dark. I've done well near river mouths in the 20-30 ft depths
  7. Anders knows! Awesome trip Joey! Hardcore!! Winter camping in the park especially during feb isn't for everyone. Both of my trips to that lake last year were ridiculous due to weather conditions but its part of the game in LSPP. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip TDunn
  8. One of my favorites too! Pounded the walleye at the river mouth and in the river one may long. The river is a descent ride from the campsites but well worth it in may. We bottom bounced when going upstream and used jigs while drifting down. Caught walleyes from shore at night too. Just past the boat launch there is a little back bay that is loaded with weeds and pike. TDunn
  9. Congrats on your laker success this year! Good luck with your treatment Mike. TDunn
  10. Nice man Sweet lakers!
  11. Hey Luc! Good to see you back! Nice report TDunn
  12. Oh, try some glow tubes too.......
  13. Northland stingers work fine. I have used them but tend to just make my own now. Tie some mono (same test or abit stronger than mainline)to a small treble and the make a uni knot at your desired length. Slip knot on tube jig hook shank. Wet then pull tight. I've never used braid but I don't see why it wouldn't work. Goodluck TDunn
  14. TDunn


    Thank Roy! Chris Brock - just rocking to some tunes while out wading! Joey pm me. Maybe we can swing something. Thanks to all! TDunn
  15. TDunn


    How do you edit your posts now? have to make a few changes on the post above lol TDunn
  16. Hey OFC! Now that the holidays are over, I found some time to sit down and write up a report. Our Fall Here in the Soo was wet, cold and windy. Prime steelhead weather.... October alone brought 5 inches of rain and 6 inches of snow. November was much the same. With this much precipitation on each trip north on Superior tribs, I was welcomed with prime water almost each time. Fishing was steady with consistent numbers on each trip but it was tough to anticipate a big run of fish with the water high all season. I fished roe, beads (both single and tandem rigs), jigs and pinkies on occasion. An orange bead, pegged 1.5-2” above my roe bag was my best producer. I noticed chartreuse was highly recommended on the board this fall and will be messing around with that colour in 2013. Threw a bit of hardware but stuck with the float rod for the most part this fall. No Superior giants this fall but lots of fish like this... I finally pulled Ted out of his tree stand and we hit the St. Marys for our one and only trip of the fall. It was only for a couple hours but once we figured out where and what they wanted....it was a fish a drift. Had the GoPro on for the first half hour we were out trolling and killed the battery. We did get one fish on film but missed out on some serious action! Started the afternoon off with this trolling http://s490.photobucket.com/albums/rr266/TDunn84/?action=view&current=GOPR0326.mp4 switched up spots and technique Ted ended the afternoon with nice steelie! I made one more trip up north to Superior tribs and it was getting fairly locked up! I then concentrated my efforts on the rapids whenever I could get out. Short days and then busy holidays doesn’t make for a ton of time on the water. Not to my standards anyway lol! I didn't hit any big number outings but they all had fish involved which was great! A little video of a steelhead landed in the rapids http://s490.photobucket.com/albums/rr266/TDunn84/?action=view&current=002-2.mp4 Atlantics were around also....Not big ones but fish like this. Ice fishing has started off not to bad considering the mild winter we are having again. Ive been chasing whites and perch at a few local haunts. 10-15 minutes from my doorstep. Ted with a 14 1/4" I cant fit it all my ice fishing pics from this year into this report so I'll save the rest for next time! Good luck this winter and be careful on the ice!!! TDunn
  17. Tank! Nice report man TDunn
  18. Solid fish! Great year man! TDunn
  19. Big pike! Nice! TDunn
  20. Great adventure! TDunn
  21. Congrats Mike! I will definitely be reading that! TDunn
  22. Agreed! I've ran into a few and have never felt threatened.
  23. https://www.ontariooutofdoors.com/news/?ID=153&a=read I remember the LSPP attack TDunn
  24. Nice bunch of fish! Good luck in the new year! TDunn
  25. Nice RC! great year.....love the variety of species. TDunn
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