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Everything posted by TDunn

  1. Amazing walleye but I'm a huge fan of those clean gators! The steelies....Wow! Just awesome fish!! TDunn
  2. Same here..... Sorry Mike didn't mean to offer advice that you already knew..... Anyways to answer your question. Limit of walleyes I guess if I was after meat....but for me just a consistant day, maybe a new technique and a trophy never hurts...I don't musky fish so I would be happy with just 1 or 2 hookups. Good luck dude, guiding CAN be a blast! TDunn
  3. I don't guide from a boat. Ive only done a couple trips from a boat All my guiding is done on the river banks or on the ice. This might be some interest to you muskymike. OSGA I make my clients sign a waiver.....Im not responsible for injury/lost or stolen goods....all that fun stuff....but if I was guiding out of a boat I would have full coverage no doubt about it! edit- mike remember to get a business ###....gotta register with the government forsure!
  4. Back when I was working at Eagle lake a ton of guys from texas all had warrior boats. OnlY time Ive ever seen them but they were sweet....
  5. It is a tough gig dude! Networking has been key for me so far and personality is a huge factor. I'm no full time guide but I do it with my time off from work and so far I've really enjoyed it. There is just something about watching a client reel in a fish with that "look" on thier face. As far as expectations go.....well I have had guys expecting 40"+ pike all day just because they were going to be in Canada. I explained over the phone before they even came up that they might have to drive another 20-30 hours north to find fishing like that. After I explained where we were going and what I expected from the day. They had no problems and booked with me.....Don`t Bull them on sizes but stay confident with your abilities to produce. Promotion is huge.....thats all Im going to say about that...Get your name out there. Get to know the different birds and animals of the area, historic events that have happened....just stuff that can keep conversation and interest flowing throughout the day. Oh, and I don`t usually fish with guests unless we are really struggling for fish or they just simply want me too. Make the trip special for them. Same as you would want if you hired a guide. Good luck man, TDunn
  6. TDunn


    I wish! Nope thats my buddies boat.
  7. TDunn


    Bummer on the big eye....I might go try down there tonight. Atlantics have been a little tough but there is a bunch of them around.....big fish too. If I don't go to LSPP for the weekend I'll probably be on the river/lake george this sat/sun. Thanks to all for the nice replies! TDunn
  8. TDunn


    haha a senko....bass pro shops brand I think....
  9. Hey guys! I haven’t had a ton of time to do any reports lately and honestly I don’t have a ton of time to do a long write up now! So I will just post some pics of some trips lately. Fished for a few days up at camp in Hornepayne. Mike landed the first fish of the trip. triple header with three species I must say Highdrifter(OFC member) ties some wicked fluoro leaders! I used one of his the whole trip on my pike rod and never had to change my leader once. It must have seen 50 pike (biggest 39") and it didn't need to be changed once. If anyone is looking for some quality leaders. I would suggest you contact Highdrifter. Finally found my way into some trout lakes while at camp. They were beautiful, crystal clear lakes with a ton of potential. We fished a brookie lake for 2 hours in the morning and a lake trout lake from about 12-3pm the same day. We had some descent action for brookies but the fish were small. We landed half a dozen or so all between 10-14"... went 2 for 5 on the lakers. Havent been in the rapids for awhile. Last time I was there was the last week of june. Spent the afternoon chucking spinners and small spoons. Hooked up with a few of these and one a little bigger Ive also spent a small amount of time on the river chasing Atlantics. 2-3 hour stints here and there is about all I can get away with right now. Nice steelie mixed in with the atlantics Ive hit the river at night a couple times looking for some eyes. Found a few but it hasn't been a very good start for the walleye anglers from shore. I think that the weather this week will help them out. The only bass fishing around the Soo I have done this season has been from my kayak. Im running a Hobie Mirage Revolution. What a sweet ride, I can't wait to get out and put some real time in with it. If anyone has any interest in the Hobie Mirage (pedal drive) kayaks, please PM me if you have any questions. The bass were active but I never picked up any fish much bigger than this Yesterday we tried our luck out on Lake George. We caught a mixed bag of walleye,pike,perch and sheepshead on bottom bouncers and crawlers. Fish hit on both the inside and planer board rods. Only caught 1 fish on a crank which was an eye. Only perch were kept for a meal! Hope you enjoyed! TDunn
  10. Thats what I use during the summer and winter....Never have had a bite off. Send highdrifter a PM. He ties up some sweet leaders! TDunn
  11. Awesome trip!!! TDunn
  12. Nice eye!! Solid fish! My buddy had Italo out on Lake George this past weekend. Although they caught walleye, they ended up keeping a sheepshead for dinner. Italo cut the meat into finger like strips and had the hotel cook the fish up for them. My buddy said it was awesome and will be keeping another one in the future.... TDunn
  13. Nice!! The park can be a hard nut to crack but when you do it is worth it! There is some outstanding fishing throughout the entire park and I'm glad you enjoyed the scenery. Fish are a bonus in LSPP forsure! Good luck next time! TDunn
  14. I'd do that.... Edit- didnt see that you already decided against the composite. so the rest of my reply wasn't relivant TDunn
  15. Bugs - oh ya! but on the decline temps- 60's for the ones you mentioned to me before....maybe warmer on the shallow ones weather - bring rainsuits, warm clothes and shorts/tees It doesn't matter which one you watch. Our weather forcasts change daily it seems..... TDunn
  16. Welcome! Heading to Tunnel lake this sat myself. I havent been there in ten years! Anything up the 129 is paradise! TDunn
  17. Awesome fish!! Wow!!!!! TDunn
  18. Monster pike Bill! Wow! Bring some of that mojo up to the Soo with you when your up!!!! TDunn
  19. Nice fish dude. I might be around the rapids tomorrow. If you see me say hey. About the atlantics, its more like 20,000. It is pretty cool having some around throughout the entire year. I have high hopes for this years run also. Word is Detour has them right now..... TDunn
  20. Nice report man! I remember eating bannock on the rez when I was a kid. Great with jam! TDunn
  21. Personally, I always have the riggers on. We were getting them in 50-70 feet on the other side of the lake out from the small creeks. Ya temps are still cool here too. The St. Marys was 46 yesterday. I don`t remember the name of the lake we fished but it was near bitstock
  22. Good eye! Laurentian Lodge is amazing, simple as that! Rod is an awesome guy too. He even took us out for an evening to one of his favourite lakes where we caught the biggest speck of the trip. I just might have to take you up on your offer. Thanks! Tyler
  23. Can't go wrong with a day on the water with a good friend. Nice report and great pics. TDunn
  24. Haha We call a small fish a banana sometimes....kinda looks like one! As far as live bait goes, ya we did have some. We caught a few jigging minnows but did much better casting and trolling cranks in 8-12 feet. Next time your out and the walleye are "on" try a crank....its easier to build confidence in a lure or technique when the fish are around and biting. Cranks are responsible for some of my biggest walleye. Mike, ya we are after brookies,lakers and maybe some bows. I will be doing some walleye/pike fishing at the camps lake but probably just in the evenings. The days are going to be spent exploring the backroads. I have a good idea of where Im going but I will PM you for some info or ideas. Most of my time will be spent north of Nagagamisis lake. Thanks to all for the great replies! Now Im off for atlantics in the river....the weather today is keeping me off Superior!! TDunn
  25. Hey Guys! It has been at least a few weeks since my last report which I believe was early season steelhead. I continued with steelhead for another week or two up north on Superior tribs then spent most of my time in the rapids chasing some bigger fish. It was the best steelhead run Ive ever seen in the rapids and THIS is going to help! Superior St. Marys A few weeks ago I was out on Superior looking for kings with my cousion Ted before he went up to Marmac lodge for the summer. All we ended up with was this bow. We did mark a ton of these tho! I have had the opportunity to get out for some brookie action too! Both in LSPP and other inland lakes. I havent been out for lakers to much yet. I spent a day on the water chasing lake trout near Elliot Lake. Although we must have caught 20 fish that day they were all bananas We tried several different lures when trolling and jigging. Almost all caught fish! Last weekend I went east of town to a small walleye lake. I had most of my luck with a shad rap smashed right off bottom. Dinner Tomorrow I am heading back out on Superior in search of some spring kings. Then next week, I'm off to camp in Hornepayne. This trip is dedicated to trying out 2 new trout lakes which i am very excited about! I hope you enjoyed and good luck on the water! TDunn
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