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Everything posted by bpsbassman

  1. Happy Birthday! ohhhh to be 19 again!!
  2. For anyone thinking of buying a gortex rainsuit, BPS is clearing out the older model 100MPH! I think they are $179.99 (regular size parkas) & $159.99 (bibs) , while supplies last.
  3. Prayers coming your way. Take care
  4. I gotta add the Canadian Toonie Tournament Series!! Looks promising TJ.
  5. Great job Roy! How did you get rid of all the dust before putting the Urethane down?
  6. This year is the year I want to learn more about Great Lakes Salmon/Trout fishing (It was supposed to be last year and the year before . Currently I have the following equipment: 3 TDR rods 9-6' MH 9-0' MH 8-0' ML I have the following reels: Shimano Tekota 600LC loaded with 30-40# Power Pro Daiwa Accu Depth 47 LC also loaded with 30-40# Power Pro 2 Gold Cup 2000LC's both spooled with 25# Big Game A couple of questions: If I buy one more TDR rod, what should it be to compliment the others? What reel should go on what rod? I plan on starting out flat-lining using planer boards and later going to dipsies and my one electric downrigger. Most of my Salmon fishing will be done in the spring. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Happy Birthday Wayne! To be honest, I thought you were older than that Happy birthday as well PH and John.
  8. My wife is one of my best fishing partners. Anybody that could put up with me for the last 38 years has got to be gold!! She doesn't like to go out that often, but when she does, she usually outfished me!
  9. Nice report. It looks to me like you should have been using Keith's instead of minnows.
  10. Welcome to the family. I'm sure you will enjoy your time here.
  11. Nice to see softwater reports. Congrats on a great day!
  12. Justin, I've had one for about four years and just picked up my second one. My son has had one for a number of years and just picked up anothere one as well. My brother has one as well as my buddy. Everyone has nothing but good to say about them. Nicest reel I've ever owned, smooth as silk. I must say that I also picked up a Curado last year and have nothing but good to say about it as well.
  13. I have a buddy at work who has run several Boston Marathons pushing his handicapped daughter and has started a few with Dick and Rick Hoyt and run alongside of them for as long as he could. Very humbling and inspiring people.
  14. Bought BPS Gortex jacket and pants last year and are absolutely awesome. Picked the pants up in the Clearance Cave at the BPS in Macon, Georgia (just off I-75). If you know anyone going that way, you can save a ton of money on them. Saw plenty on the racks the last two years when I stopped there. There's also a Clearance outlet at the Springfield, Missouri store.
  15. Great job guys. Very entertaining.
  16. Congratulations Gramps!! It sure does give a different perspective on life.
  17. Okay then.......got any bluegrass mandolin videos?
  18. Billy, have to admit I didn't care for the music, but your pickin' was awesome!! Got any traditional bluegrass videos?
  19. Played a little bit of 5 string many years ago, but never got any good at it. Still have mine and plan on pulling it out when I can dedicate the proper amount of time to it. Having enough trouble with the guitar! Like others said, tons of good info on youtube and lots of sites with banjo tablature. I really wish I could play well, there is a certain magic to bluegrass pickin' that those that don't like it will never understand. Good luck in your endevours and keep us posted.
  20. You da man Jay! As I said before, he's gonna be a positive force around here. If you're ever in BPS, look him up, one of the most knowledgable staff members in Fishing.
  21. Great to hear from you Brian. Had a nice talk with your brother and your son last weekend at BPS. Do what you gotta do, but once the weather warms, hopefully the call of the outdoors will catch your ear and you will respond and it will rejuvenate your soul. Be well brother and stay in touch with your family here.
  22. Hey SMB!! Welcome aboard buddy! Believe me guys, this board will be a better place with this guy here. One of the most knowledgable people I've ever met. He's also single, so if any of you guys have a good lookin' sister or friend, shoot Jason a PM
  23. Don't really have anything to add, there is a wealth of good advise here. Definitely a NF thread, the kind some complain about, but a real reminder of what makes this site so great! Just the fact you've recognized it and trying to do something about it tells me you're on your way to fixing the problem. Good Luck and hopefully a quick resolution. Take care.
  24. Still LOTS left dumb ass.
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