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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. WOW. Looks like she was fattening up for the spawn.. good catch HD
  2. What? He didnt swim for em?!! LOL Right on. Exactly the kind of CSI we'd expect from our men in green. My kind of dude. cheers HD
  3. Seen that one a while back. I want one! I think this was shot in New Brunswick.. No surprises there... the moosies outnumber people like 2 to 1!! cheers HD
  4. Yikes! Hope you had the party favours to keep you warm and toasted... gnawww cheers HD
  5. Yup. Give em a call... 416-869-3474. They've got a great selection, and the staff is very knowledgeable. Don't forget your Lefty's deceivers and crab patterns. GOOD LUCK!! cheers HD
  6. its $$79.99 for the other one... AHHHH
  7. which one?!! the 3 in 1 or the programmable one?! gimme gimme gimme!!
  8. Woowhaaat? In defense of those about to rock.. Man get back out there and shovel your neighbour's driveway ahaah. Everything nowadays is tight riffs, fast drumb beats and screaming on TV. It's supposed to add some shock value. I say bring on the loud, it might make otherwise dippy shows like Chronzie's actually entertaining. cheers HD
  9. Lady and I saw one right over us driving last night downtown. Musta been all the static energy.. yeeee
  10. Kudos. The pickings have always been few and far between for me too. But there are fish to be had, it just makes catching one that much more rewarding! (chuckle) good luck and stay close to the ice road cheers HD
  11. Great report and pics, Ryan. That's some big water! Must make for a long battle when the fish are that deep. Right on. cheers HD
  12. That's some nice handywork FHR. Those grouse breast feathers give that popper a sweet effect! Here's to getting your boat ready for her maiden stripper voyage budday! cheers HD
  13. Great stuff Tom. Glad one of us made it out this weekend. How did they taste?! cheers HD
  14. No kidding! That's a nice little tidbit there. That was the best part of that movie ahaah!
  15. AHAAH I just upchucked my coffee... through my left nostril!! Always good to hear from you Tom. Nothing like the vile, putrid smell of festering bait to bring you back to life and get you posting again! Now get out there and get some feeeesh!! Keep in touch HD
  16. Right on. Hope he gets to see some action.. and that he returns home safe. Here's to a safe return for all, and that this senseless nonsense ends. God Speed. cheers HD
  17. Ben weillons don toué! Chuis prêt à te gager que c'est un coyote! gay man apart ça, tu me guette ou quoi ahahah!
  18. Nice one. Actually foxes do have a howl, but it's more like a yelp. Still, that be a willey ol yotee. OH And Nauti, congrats on knocking that habit! Keep it up, you'll probably live longer than these itchy trigger finger putzes. cheers HD
  19. Lake of the Woods.. Whitefish Bay. White pelicans, endless shorelines, and the best walleye and smallmouth fishing I've ever experienced! My happy place. yyeeeee
  20. Sick! I'm creaming in my pants right now ahahah. Randy, have you fished the inner harbour in Toronto? I could swear that I've run into you.. EIther way, welcome aboard. Keep those shweet picks coming! cheers HD
  21. HAHAH. What a coincidence, I am a translator. Taberns, is short for tabernacle. Derived from the catholic church. When quebekers swear, they usually take the name of the lord in vain. so caution is recommended. Still, I ate de french!
  22. LOL. I can't help it. When I scream debauchery, it's gotta be in french. Plus the language fits the situation. Those who know, understand.. I... I... MAUDIT D'ESTI qui en a des caves de ce monde. A distint society be damned..
  23. Right on, Speedy Gonzalez!
  24. Funny how close to home that hits. I'm from the Timiskaming region, on the Ontario side. The differences and beliefs in conservation are night and day! Still, I can't believe that a person supposed to educate people on conservation can be over a 20 limit fish... C'est une esti de farce, gay man y devrais se faire claquer ses doigts. Encore mieux, qu'on y enlêve son permi de pêche et on donne sa position a quelqu'un qui crois en se qu'il prêche. Sti de taberns que sa me fait chier! Aye Roy, que c t'es pense grand? cheers HD
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