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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Un fermier des cantons de l'est? Don't kill my fun!! HD
  2. LOL It's our second official language... I do it because I can! Wasn't it you that passed along the message?! And I always thought that Spanglish was a bit of a chick flick... Last time I let a chick pick, I directed her to darkest part of the theater, just in case I got bored... wuuuuut HD
  3. Ouains... Tu sais, un moucheur accomplis n'a pas besion autant de liège et de plomb sur sa ligne.. AHAAH! Superbement photographié.. Le rouge vif sur la dernière arc-en-ciel est vraiment étonant.. Well done brotha. cheers HD
  4. I'm sure he'll chug along until he's in his nineties, defiant... to the end. I'm still gonna tork his head though. Hats off to all our dads. May their strength and courage find their way into our hearts as well. cheers lads HD
  5. Wow.. I'm gonna go to my old man's tonight and tell him I love him, while I tork his head a little.. Cheers HD
  6. Sweeet steel.. sweeet stick!! shweeet. HD
  7. Maybe the return is bad? I mean.. steelie fishing can't be that complicated! Something's gotta give mang. There's plenty of time left.. Just give 'er. HD
  8. That was a good read Jigger. The Musky gods are smilling down on you... good luck!! Don't forgit the camera. cheers HD
  9. Doesn't look like he's wearing any... Maybe the air is nippy?!! He's not a happy camper though. Lookit him!! He's totally ticked off.. Strike a pose baby!! skimpy.. AHAHAH HD OMG Thank you. I didn't notice it the first time.
  10. Thanks bud. You da mang.
  11. Hey Wayne, I remember Whirligig and little White Pine having a season, but that was years back.. I've actually milked some of the brood stock at Hill's Lake Fish Culture Station, when I was a wee lad in COOP.. I thought they limed these lakes, bringing the acidity down within acceptable levels to allow the spawn succesfully.. Does this still go on?! They're such gems.. One day sir. One fine day... HD
  12. Did you get morning wood?!
  13. Kewl! The bigguns outta be in soon enough. Ice season's almost upon us! cheers HD
  14. HOOOO BABY!! cheers HD
  15. Ya mang. Start from Dundas and make your way north. There should be some holding water south of the ice breakers. If there's nothing doing in a lickely pool, giver 5 minutes tops and make your way to the next one.. Don't linger though!! If we get some rain, Mulet creek just south of the falling rocks pool might hold a fish or two. Apparently, some people think the main stretch of water is too big for them...LOL cheers HD
  16. If you can hit it during a week day, you're golden... I'd stay clear of it during the weekend. Especially if there's still salmon about. Try the falling rocks and mesh pool, if you're familiar with the local lingo.. There's some prime stretches below them also that you outta try! If the water is low and clear, try natural colours and don't forget the light tipet and drennan floats!! PM me if anything.. Good luck duude. cheers HD
  17. Right on!! Too bad about the butter fingers.. cheers HD
  18. Yah the bigger roe bags still seem to pull fish.. Nicely done. cheers HD
  19. Wow!! Didn't know that was doable this time of year.. Great report and beauty fish!! thanks HD
  20. Meh.. prolly salmon, getting it on..
  21. Could be a late fall hatch of caddis (or great autumn sedge). Did you see anything on the surface? How were the fish breaching? straight up and out or just breaking it slightly.. Maybe the old boots were stiring in the lower light conditions.. Emergers and large cadis patters might do the trick. cheers HD
  22. Holly free hollies! I feel your pain.. NOT. I'd say darn near close to 10lbs. NOICE. HD
  23. But they're soooo purty! Murderer.. HD
  24. Mikey don't loose that numba.. It's the only one you want... I'm deeply hurt. I demand satisfaction!! HD
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