You're the wealthiest man I know... I on the other hand am much less fortunate.
Ya know, I take great shots myself, and I'm pretty handy with a net, especially when it counts..
sooo... Share the wealth brother! heheeh
I'm probably a little off key here, as I don't own a float reel, but 3 in 1??
Doesn't this oil contain a solvent? Wouldn't a true bearring oil work better?
just wondering...
Thanks Bill
I'd say you'll have ta butter her up mister!!
I have a solo Turtle paddle made of black ash myself... I hate to use it, but it looks better on the side of a cedar strip than on the wall!!
mmmm wooood
Grant, tell the missus to let you out of that crib, it's not for grown-ups, and have her feed ya for god's sake!! It's making you gooify dude..
Plus I saw her first..
Good to see you and Paul enjoying the winter.. Catching good table fare is a nice little change from what must be your constant pursuit for that next trophy!
That's sweet UF.. Very noice.
that's a big bone for a kuda to rip in half!! Must have been a total blast mang.
You've done well dude. Looks like you're settling in for a good life ahead.
tone of voice would depend on the size.. Every once in a while I'll say it while I'm setting the hook on a bruiser and I'm told it sounds like I'm riding the porcelain bus and i'm having some problems.. Other times it's more bassy like Barry White.. ooohhh baby.
Good thread!!
Excellent. I believe in you Grant.. Unfortunately, I overlooked the fact that you might get a taste for herring gull.. I know they're finger licking good, but Master says no more smeagulls..
Sweet realease shot. Fly John Livingston seagull.. FLY!!
LOL Budday. That was a hoot!