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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. The date setting on that camera is annoying isn't it Mike??
  2. You thinking about a high-low rig? Like a pickeral rig, but without the metal twisties right? They're awesome for set lines and really simple to make. Take a 2ft length of good mono. 10lbs fluro outta do it. Tie a decent loop at the bottom where your bell sinker or shot will be. Try this . You'll want to tie loops for your snells spaced just far enough so that they can't link together. Regular loops work just fine, just be sure to double them over to fasten the knot securely.. keep em small. Making your own snells also helps. I like mine short, 3-4in long max again with a perfection loop. Shorter snells mean less line twist. All you need is just enough line to allow your bait to swim. The hooks you mentionned are actually the ones I use, 8x or 10x, with a clench knot to the hook. Also, I like to hook the minnow just over the lateral line, under the dorsal fin. If your bait is unharmed and lively, it will swim around your rig horizontally and that's usually just the ticket. Tie a swivel at the top of the rig, connect your loops, add just enough lead and voila!! It's really the perfect rig if you want to go as low profile as possible, and it works like a charm, especially when you're after nippy walters! cheers HD
  3. Sweeet.. Gotta haul to Scugog this weekend.. Very noice!! cheers HD
  4. Deeply sadening. I hope he can see just how much you care about him. HD
  5. Ralph: My ding-a-ling... My ding-a-ling... I want you to play... Pr. Skinner: This skit is OVER!! BAHAHAH!!!
  6. Gord was my casting instructor for a coupla years... The broadback river in northern Quebec is his brookie play ground.. I'm sure you push a tight loop brah!
  7. Like a San Juan worm?? That's cheating!! OMG this is too much fun! HD
  8. Would ya happen to know an old chap named Gordon Deval??! BMO Field. Sunday. Bring your shooting tapers. We'll have us a good ol fashion shoot out. LOL
  9. Dude, get out there and fish, or find a nice spot above ground in the backyard and practice your false casting, get someone to snap some shots. I wanna see tight loops, and ten and two. JUST DOU IT! HD
  10. I agree with that... Good threads get pushed back into oblivion way too fast. What if I were away for a coupla weeks and missed a Bunk or solo report.... OH THE HUMANITY!! This could be could be good... A little change wouldn't be that big of a deal. HD
  11. WAIT WAIT!! It was jethro's adgency, so Randolph had nothing to do with it!! What did I win??!! (chuckles)
  12. mmmmmm yeah.. Betcha I can double haul further than you can!! Teehheeh HD
  13. Thought the ociffers name was Randolph... Who's this Jethro character?? Randolph shoulda been the dude asking the questions... Scuse me while I kiss the sky. HD
  14. Atta boyee. Those are HAWGS! By the way, I'm thawing out them moose loins for the weekend!! This one deserves to be at the top for a bit. Up she goes.. HD
  15. That's pretty hot action there boyz.. Your arms musta been tired out with all those other hook sets!! You need to train more. More muscle, less rubber. cheers mate HD
  16. OH SO SWEET! Great news about the lower stretches being open too.. HD
  17. WOW. That's a beauty Erik. But you're still absolutely off your rocker. Ya say you're of french canadian descent.. That must have alot to do with it! We should link up!! cheers brah HD
  18. Those are some dark troutses mate. Spawning time musn't have been that far off.. Looks like that first one got away from something BIG! Great vid, great fun. You're both top blokes. cheers HD
  19. Alright budday!! Glad ya finally made it out... Great report and some noice fish there. You deserve better from those pesky buggers.. That shot of Terry in his lounger.. priceless! cheers HD
  20. Of leaders, fly lines and guides, OH MY!! A little bored are ya?!
  21. This has got to be the longest runnning thread.. for a fish that god away!! C'mon, give us a break already. HD
  22. That's awesome Simon.. Nothing like wild lakers through the ice. Judging from the colour and the size, you wouldn't think there'd be much forage fish in that lake. And good on you for introducing the sport to others!! I thereby place myself on your waitlist.. cheers mate! HD
  23. That's a nifty little vessel brotha! Pretty aerodynamic set up for the ride too. Congrats! HD
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