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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Wow lookit the markings on it!! Kewl pics. damn ugly fish though hahah
  3. Yeah no shnikes.. That looks like Long Beach, CA!!!
  4. Correction: C'est un GRAND coregone!! Very noice!! merci d'avoir pensé à nous.. HD
  5. UH OH!! Time for a little dammage control maybe? Your is grass... SUCKAH!!
  6. Hey I like the handle!! Is that a custom build? Nice feesh. HD
  7. Master is pleased. :closedeyes: It's obvious that you've found a healthy balance between work and play.. and you're getting away with it scott free ya turd! They musta just loved how you volunteered for the show on Saturday.. Very crafty.. Esox Incognito HAHAAH!! WORD HD
  8. Wow this one's really going around.. Like a record... yahaah!!
  9. Any Mudvayne fans out there?! I know the L.D. 50 days are long gone.. But I still dig em.
  10. Hey Hawg Swaller Boy.. Quit oodling my girl by pm. Dou it through chat. Anybody else bored and lonely?! Join me.. HD
  11. Oh that was sweet!! cheers! HD
  12. That a ten wheight Chris? Seems kinda heavy for a noodle rod.. Like Mike said.. As mere mortals, we would tremble before the might of this powerful thunderbolt of a shtick!! WUUUUUUTTTT!!
  13. Planning on blowing your load are ya? Last time I checked Sage still makes a limited number of blanks for float rods.. Now THAT would be treating yourself!! HD
  14. HAHAAH!! Thrifty..
  15. That's a terrible loss to bare my friend.. Je vous offres mes pensées et mes prières. Prends soins mon grand. On es là pour toi. HD
  16. Dunno why I'm here... Alls I know is: I can't leave!! I love you Roy...
  17. LOL that's a lot of crazy stuff on your wall! Been lurking the garage sales have ya?! kewl! HD
  18. Classic Canary scenario.. I say feed em to the cat first.. If the cat doesn't go blind after a couple hours.. Have yourself a cuda feast!! cheers HD
  19. aye est-ce que c'était l'esturgeon que tu pêchais? Le lien n'y arrive pas mon grand! T'as ti essayé photobucket? Chcapotte icite!
  20. We should talk Grant.. I have "extended" family on the French!! And don't even think of backing out on our trip to Muskoka.. It's still in the works! Until then, take your meds and have yourself a little chill session in the lab. aayooooo!!
  21. Well done brotha! Fishing with the kids... domestic, but absolutely essential!! thanks for sharing HD
  22. HAHAHAH!! Imagine toi aux tables avec tes bottes de caoutchou gay man ton suit de pêche.. Ah j'en pleure tant que chuis crampé!! LMAO
  23. For shame, Glen.. And they did have orange in their mouth.. You guys sure know your fish taxonomy though! thanks
  24. T'as des mains de machiniste mon grand.. gay man quand sa mort pas, le casino est pas loin.. hein Jacques?! S'a vraiment l'air comme du fun. cheers HD
  25. You could get by with an 8w... Bunny leeches, clousers, deceivers will work, when only when the fish are really hungry and arn't skittish.. I'll be there again in the spring. Maybe we'll bump into eachother dude! Tight loops HD
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