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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Check out those cheesy fake rocks and that silly forest backdrop.. LMAO!! Thanks for the funny. HD
  2. OH hahaah! Thanks doode. Beauties!
  3. ya got some eye candy for us this bleak mounday morning?!
  4. Lemme guess... Oshawa Creek!!
  5. It shall be done! Thanks.. you just made my mounday morning!
  6. LOL!! Your momy must be proud..
  7. AH that shoulda been me!! Beauty trouts boyz. Well worth the distance travelled... All my creeks were blown, save one unexpected little nook!! Good fun, Mike and Bill. cheers HD
  8. Well Hot Diggity Dawg, DAWG! Them baby cats are purty.. I'm sure they tasted goiffy. Too bad aboot them bigguns filling up their bellies.. They'll just be that much bigger come spring.. er, summer.. whatever!! Nice tri-pod by the way HAHAH!! cheers HD
  9. AH those are beauties!! Good to have someone around who can snap a great pic. cheers HD
  10. Good thing for me you're not allowed to fish on weekends... Time to plunder the ressource!! Good one budday!! cheers HD
  11. Oh and Glen... Psycho Killer... qu'est-ce que c'est? FA-FA-FA--FA-FA-FA-FA-FA ETAAHH!!! WUUUUUUTTT
  12. Ya know I was thinking the same thing? Could it be a cross?
  13. Ya can't have just one?! Good thing for me and Billy he didn't frisk us... We had extras stashed on our persons HAAH!
  14. LMAO!! I hear ya.. Whatya do when a dog tries to mount you and gets snarly when you try to push him off?!!
  15. Merci Jacques!! T'as surement raison.. dommage de voire une telle scène quand même..
  16. Hi gang, Billy-Curtiss and myself fished the back lakes this weekend for brookies. A friend of Billy's has a trap line up this old logging road and had invited Billy to come up for a few days.. so of course I invited myself up too!! Our efforts were hampered by the extremes.. Deep snow.. a foot of slush on the lakes.. and some bone chillin cold.. We even had a little visit from the law on Saturday and he made us empty the last of our beers.. But we did have an incredible experience.. And I even managed to ice the one fish of the weekend. A FAT 21 incher! I'll just save the banter. It's been a heck of day, and we all know why were here. Hardcore fish porn!! Billy-Curtiss breaking trail to the camp. Ya like my new kicks?! They're made with authentic babish! First lake we fished, just a little ways from the camp. The snow would come later that night.. The calm before the storm.. It was incredible! We had a wolf cross the lake just as Dan poked through with his sled. We were hauling the gear behind him ahahah! Here's what really made the trip.. My personal best brookie!! A cookie cutter speck (the lake is stocked), but she tasted just as good.. We'll leave the best lakes for the spring, when we won't have to worry about covering our tracks. Had to get the halos.. Shame it wasn't a wild fish.. Billy: "Is there something funny about my beard??" Dan: "Where's your fro comb?!" Saw a bald eagle feeding on some carrion a little ways into the logging road. It wasn't until we were making our way back into town when we found out what it was the bird was feeding on. No meal here can be passed up, however gruesome. I was feeling queezy after seeing this.. your imagination tends to wander.. Just a puppy too from the looks of it.. Here's another puppy.. Dan's dog. An Argentine Dogo! A fine animal, once it warmed up to us. 10 months old, and 105lbs!! Just awesome. I'm a man of few words. Gnight everybody!! luv, HD
  17. Too bad... May's the best time for that!! I'm sure she wouldnt be dissapointed though... Get us some pics!
  18. OH YEAH!! You're a lucky little duo ain't ya?! HD
  19. Was in Cayo Coco first week of February... This might help! CH.. Ch.. check it out tight loops HD
  20. You lucky sod!! I'm in the wrong industry... SWEEETT!! HD
  21. Moonbeam... for the muchachitas and the back country lakes.. Kenora is very nice also.. I'd go once a week when I worked on a fishing lodge in LOTW. Think I might just settle there one day! Goddun Jim!
  22. I read the Toronto Star yesterday... Never again! Long live OFC... And Grants grand fooleries! WOOOHOOOOHHHH!!
  23. Panzies. Somebody outta gaff them for a change. Don't worry maaann, everytings gonna be iray ya know? They must think they're sooo funny!! I really hope they see this uproar they've created.. Betcha they won't be laughing then. Let's git em! HD
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