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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Today is a sad day for modern literature... My father just called me to announce the passing of the great novelist and poet, Mr. John Updike. I was introduced to his writting at a young age and grew up closely with the Rabbit novels (for which he won the Pullitzer) and more recently, books like "Towards the End of Time" and "Terrorist". To me, his prose was fluid and absolutely intoxicating. He's no doubt touched many on this board and will be sorely missed. He died at age 76. For you John, I will tilt my glass. Here's one of my favourite poems from him. Puts a smile to my face every time I recite it. I hope it will do the same for everyone here. "Dea Ex Machina" My love is like Mies van der Rohe’s “Machine for living”; she Divested of her underclothes, Suggests efficiency. Her supple shoulders call to mind A set of bevelled gears; Her lower jaw has been aligned To hinge behind her ears. Her hips, sweet ball-and-socket joints, Are padded to perfection; Each knee, with its patella, points In just the right direction. Her fingertips remind me of A digital computer; She couldn’t be, my well-tooled love, A millimeter cuter. RIP Budday cheers HD
  2. Well said, good budday. All you need is a little encouragement, say a coupla scantily clad cheerleaders.. I wonder though, how does one know who's the beginner and who's the expert? Can two intermediate dudes be paired up?? If that's the case, Solo... You and Paul are in the advanced category, so it wouldn't be fair if the two of you were to be teamed up. Paul and I should pair up then, just to make it fair of course. HD PS: Qu'est t'en dit mon grand? On y donne ti la claque?! Si oui, envoye a grand coups dje t'aime!!.
  3. Duude how old are you?! If your arm feels too tired after a day of pinning, it might mean that you set up is tip heavy. If you've got slidding rings as opposed to a fixed reel seat, position your reel accordingly. I'm told that it's difficult to balance a float rod simply because of the extra length you're dealing with. One thing I've learned though, the wheight of the reel should correspond with the length of the rod. Some float rods come with a counter balance built in to the handle. A ounce of wheight at the butt section goes a long way sometimes, but not always. Why is it that pinners are such attention seakers? Solo, I'm looking in your direction!! BOINK HD
  4. Get an extension on your auger!!
  5. oh snap... double post strikes again!!
  6. I can't help ya with coarse fishing... but I know a thing or two about PIKE fishing! There's good fishing here in the harbour, provided of course the conditions are just right. If you're willing to move around and cover some water, a whole new world of fishing opportunities awaits.. Ya sound like a reasonable duude, and most of us here are pretty keen on showing consciensous folk some spots and techniques. We've got a great group of OFNers that fish the water quite regularly, and we all like to mix it up a little. Shoot me a PM if ya wanna link up. cheers HD
  7. Aaaahhhhh Joey, that was a lovely addition to my morning's coffee and cig... Thanks Sugar Beet!! HD
  8. ALICE IN CHAINS. UNPLUGGED. It's just unbelievable!! cheers HD
  9. Time very well waisted! That's a noice bugger for a first timer. The proportions are purrrfect!! Good luck on the water. cheers HD
  10. Well done brotha. What kinda set up were you working if you don't mind? MMMMMMM tasty fish! cheers HD
  11. Bien joué mon grand!! En passant, c'est dans quel ZEC que t'as pêché? Dommage que la grise était fermé... On dirai que y'en manque pas!! prends soins HD
  12. AWESOME. Atta boy! My rig is stashed out on the balcony right now.. good fishing mang HD
  13. Holly shnikes lookit the mop he's wearin!! LOL Congrats!! HD
  14. Good news Brah. Must be nice to have him in your corner when turd hits the fan. Dang, I wish I had a brother. HD
  15. I wonder if they're as tasty as their north American cousins... Imagine getting a mess of those on Simcoe!!
  16. Nile Perch??!
  17. Good stuff Joey!! Was out in Innisfil on Saturday also... Looks like we shoulda, woulda, coulda been after perch. You outta gimme a hollah next time you and Paul hit Simcoe... I'd love to add to the fray! cheers sugar beet. HD
  18. Rockstar energy drink, for strong hook sets and the one hundred meter dash!! I've also been known to sip on a little rye.. HD
  19. Duude, you're killing me! Was out on Simcoe on Saturday and I've never been skunked so badly... Tried spoons, tubes, shinners and got bunk. Same for most of the chaps out there too, while others did really well. Beauty fish mang. Maybe we'll cross paths someday. I'll have to pick your brain. cheers HD
  20. Thanks brother. sorry, perhaps you were looking for something a little more accoustic.. make out tuneage
  21. Tis a momentous day... I'm leaving this hell with flourescent lights (airmiles=shudder) for a noice coushy job in my g/f dad's company... Me thinks this one call's for bud light. Washed down with a lovely Primus tune. save the trees, eat beaver. YYEEEEEHHAAAWWWW!!! HD
  22. Yup, natural selection definetly gives way to human selection... Tun osti de batard de gros buck... taberns.. Y devrais mettre sa casquette de cote... Y'est vraiment merdeux! cheers HD
  23. Ya mang, it's as slick as whale s**t on an ice flow...
  24. May I suggest Abec 9 super oil?!!
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