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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Actually, I thought you did pretty good. Anybody who brings that up has poor use of their only language and couldn't sniff the sweat around your bollocks. I'm with you man. You couldn't pay me to whatch his show. I'd reck my tv with repeated remote beatings. Different strokes for different folks.. cheers HD
  2. Nice.
  3. You're all jokes Pete. Was that you I saw at the Credit last fall chucking and ducking with a surf rod??!! If ya wanna be sporty and swing a fly rod through the runs, might I suggest the same sorta scenario, but with a booby fly instead of a circle hook and ear plug... Boobies were originaly created in the UK for loch style brown trout fishing, but work well with fresh aggressive salmon just in.. They look like a wolley bugger, but with a distinct feature: foam eyes attached at the head. Add a couple shot to your leader about a 24in above the fly (add shot according to speed and depth), and it will swim just within strike range. A good technique to working this fly, or any other for that matter, is to cast downstream at a 45 degree angle, and at the end of your swing, strip the fly back slowly towards you with your rod tip down just above the water. That's called a downstream swing if I remember correctly. Walk a couple steps downstream and repeat the process if you're working bigger water. I've fooled many a chiny this way, and it's a bit more sporting and less sketchy... cheers HD
  4. Yep.... sounds familiar. I've had brand new out of the box raps break on the first cast. Lure goes a country mile and all you're left standing with is a lip with a slip ring!! Your technique does not sound all that careless either. You'd expect that a bait like a DT is meant to be worked with that sort of intended application. And that's just the thing. I've got a collection of cracked and broken baits from Rapala, mostly plastic. Not all of them broken as a result of shooting them on hard surfaces. The X-raps are awesome baits, but let's face it, they're not indestructible. One hard hit from a good northern and they're toast. I'd be tickled pink if I was in your shoes dude. If there was no visible wear and tear on the bait and the lip was just seperated from the body, I'd say that counts as a defect in workmanship. Sounds like you just got unlucky and some disgruntled employee was having a bad day. I say take it back to Canadian Tire or Walmart... It's their policy to replace product... even lures. They may just honour your return even without a receipt. cheers HD
  5. Very noice!! Tanya's parents are reading this right now... They luuuuvvv carp. They say healthy specimens like those would make great table fare. I feel another cold carp dish coming up.. mm mmmm GAG. Great looking water though. Must be nice! cheers! HD
  6. And all the while those km long gill nets trap anything from dinks to spawners... Pretty sad if you ask me. Most of the eyes we pulled last fall were in the slot. Tempting, but not worth the risk. And I'm sure the enforcement probably only catches a fraction of those keeping slot sized fish.
  7. Nice trouts Rich. But why you gill em like that?! I'm assuming you keep those ones right? Too bad about your spot getting popular.. Exposure mang, its over rated HD
  8. That slow motion re-take isn't slow enough. Almost looked like he demoed himself on the motor... He's lucky he's not a quadriplegic. cheers HD
  9. Grand merci Jacques. $27 me semble raisonable. Cependant, la note #12 mentione qui faut faire part des services de pourvoyeur!! Sa veut dire quoi au juste?
  10. Ouain ouains... Je vais surement rentrer bredouille. Vas-tu être dans les parrages??! aayoooo!!
  11. Red skies at night... Sailor's delight. Supah shweet!! thanks HD
  12. OH now you done it!! I'm gonna arm myself to the teeth. The car's gonna be rammed!! Hopefully, I'll have something good to post.. Thanks dude!
  13. That's great. Someone told me it would cost $40 for one day!! Big Thanks.
  14. Hi gang, I'm racking myself trying to get info on this lake. We've got a family g2g happening this weekend and the Murds and I wanna get out and do some fishing. Is it worth paying for the Quebec Fishing License?! If so, any info on species and techniques would be a huge upper. Thanks in advance. HD
  15. Hey Mang!! I hear the rest of OFNers didn't do so well for pike... Looks like you got to em first lol. Some sweet fish though. Was that musky caught dockside?! cheers HD
  16. Check out the Tim Hortons commercials... Now there's a topic for ya. Why do they try to make us look......dim?! Do the writers live the US or something? I'm all for cheap coffee, but their commercials just plain SUCK. HD
  17. Sweeet!! Isn't prospecting fun?! thanks for the report HD
  18. The glare off your nogen makes my lazy eye squint... BAHAHAH!!
  19. NICE SKEEELON!! WTG Clifford. cheers HD
  20. Too bad the thing didn't get to him first... Gives me the creeps though. What a monster!! cheers HD
  21. NICE!! Was there a coupla weeks ago and did well in Waby Bay.. Was wondering though. I'm not sure I recognize what river mouth that is... One of the shots looks like it could be Dawson Point.. A PM would be really kewl. cheers!! HD
  22. How deep were you fishing??? Seriously, quit yanking our chains.. Tell the truth eh, ya got bored trolling and pulled out the old clump of chicken liver and wide gap didn't ya!! Beautiful fish though. Congrats. Even if ya are a total sketch ball!!
  23. Kewl!! Billy's gonna lay into one come this fall.. I can just feel it!! Hey Kev, feller from last year didn't come back?! He was a good chap. cheers HD
  24. Harr Harr!! See ya in the fall Kev. Hope all is honky dory!! HD
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