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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Not bad.. I guess.. Thanks for helping me make up my mind about where to go tomorrow.. Along with about 50 other people.
  2. A hero in his own rank.. The shark would have been half dead before this guy got in the pen. Pure front page hogwash. And so is comparing the tuna fishery to raising cattle.. HD
  3. Very true. Bring it!
  4. HAHAH! I be hatin sucka mcs... [edit].. My style is kinda phat, reminiscent of a whale.. Them dodgy red hooks is perfect for violatin suckers!! Good day with ya brah. cheers HD
  5. That's the one! Is your line pinched to the camera cable?? I can feel those head shakes right through the puter!! cheers HD
  6. That was inspiring budday! thanks for a great read. HD
  7. Going my way??!
  8. She can throw a loop at me anytime!
  9. I thought those rocks looked familiar!!
  10. Budday... nice fish!
  11. That shouldn't be a problem.. my right arm is grotesquely oversized.. from casting!!
  12. What I find creepy is that apparently he died in the same hotel as Rick James!! Shame nonetheless. HD
  13. Oooh that's sweet. April Vokey sweet. Can I get one like that for the lamiglas??! The one I have now is a little.. well, it's kind of.. pointy.
  14. OH MAN that's good!! If I could add... Chuck Norris does not fish because the word fishing infers the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes catchin!!
  15. Dude... You make us weekend warriors writhe with all your week day escapades!! Very noice! HD
  16. I'm sure you've earned your stars countless other times bud, but today is YOUR day. It's truly sad you that you lost your ol pal, but you saved another, perhaps even two. That's gotta be an incredible feeling. Betcha that brew tasted real good!! Tu l'a mérité cette bièrre là. T'en mérite un caisse mon homme. cheers HD
  17. You must slay a lot of snot rockets where you are eh?!
  18. You requested our input, and we delivered. Well... Some of us anyway..
  19. OOHH the master has spoken. Please forgive our typos admirable one. that should have been and HJ14.
  20. This question is way too general.. Narrow it down a tad and explain your intended application.
  21. OH and with your change be sure to get some 12in thin wire leaders in the 30lb range... I'm a big proponent of Fluro but I buy bulk and tie my own.. A 10in strand of 80lb seagar, one ball bearing swivel and one snap swivel is definetly not worth 10 bucks IMO. It's freaking highway robery!! Good luck!
  22. Forget soft baits... Hard baits is where it's at! For the money, you can't beat a HJ13 in a firetiger or clown pattern... Get a couple in this size and test em to see which one has the best roll and walk-the-dog action. Throw the one with the widest walk and the best roll, and you're good to go! If both baits are crap, return them and repeat the process... OH if they would only bring back the balsa for the HJs..
  23. Very noice!! Did ya notice any clipped fins?? cheers HD
  24. Yep!! And like clofchik mentioned, wire makes your slash baits nose dive.. A harbour northern that's seen it all will shy from a bait that sinks head first on the pause. I've seen it happen. Sure there's places where it doesn't make much of a difference, but here, fine tuning your presentation makes for way more takes.
  25. You can't stump OFC dude. It's the other way around. There's tons of good stuff out there.. Problem is, the fisher folk who have it don't wanna rip it, and the folk that can rip it don't wanna share it!
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