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Everything posted by Ziki

  1. He could have just been swept over the dam recently and be looking to make his way back up.
  2. Psilocybin mushrooms, something everyone should experience at some point in their lives.
  3. So you've gone ahead and made the accusation, and now your withholding the information "not to be an ass". You've clearly made your decision to go public and without backing up your claims your just making yourself look foolish.
  4. Those are some big accusations without any proof. Please post proof or move along.
  5. :lol:
  6. Yup, don't see why our friend from the south thinks it has anything to do with the needle, or wanting to get sick (I almost find that insulting). I give blood on a regular basis and have also never had a flu shot.
  7. You seem to take fishing trips that most (including me) can only dream of their entire lives on a regular basis, and with a family to boot. I don't know how you do it, but my hat is off to you.
  8. ya no kidding. What is going on with Bronte? all other rivers have got at least SOME fish.
  9. That is hilarious.
  10. Off to the store for 2/0 trebles everyone!
  11. nice looking bass for sure!
  12. This is the exact type of post I mentioned earlier. Thank you for the very dignified reply
  13. Imagine watching this unfold as the guy with the commanding voice. You see a guy fight a salmon to near death (I say this because a snagged salmon is exceptionally hard to land until has no energy left and you can just pull it onto shore). While fighting this snagged fish (its very apparent in a clear water river setting) he sends his buddy to the car to get the camera. Then he starts walking towards the guy for a picture. How does the guy with the commanding voice know you intend to release the fish? He told you it was snagged and you replied "yes I know" while thinking to yourself you will release it after a quick picture?? Does this guy on the river voice have telepathic abilities? You should have broken off as soon as you realized it was snagged, if not possible you should have released it immediately after landing it. Why even take a picture of a snagged fish?
  14. Roy, I normally enjoy your posts as they are intellectual and well thought out but this one offends me. Having a friend that is mentally challenged I can tell you that he would be the last person to ever attempt to pit friends against each other. These folks you speak of are not mentally challenged, just bitter people with nothing better going on in their lives.
  15. Now those are some river Salmon that weren't lined! good shooting bud
  16. Nice try editing your post MikeyMikey. The only negative thing in this thread is your post.
  17. Wheres the guy to say they were Asian too?
  18. Great news!!! My father has been looking for a job for the past 3 months, hopefully there will be some openings!
  19. not where I live
  20. should of just run straight mainline
  21. I wonder how many fish died, since they don't bring it up.
  22. Ziki

    Hey Spiel!

    Actually Roy this forum display's the view count as well. I enjoy the section, keep up the good work Spiel.
  23. You'd have to hire a full time worker to keep the dog on modQ
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