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Everything posted by Ziki

  1. And here I was thinking TJ pulled a Tiger! GO CANADA!
  2. low blow... a lot of people here really appreciate solopaddlers steelhead reports.
  3. Or you can always target boots in ankle deep water :lol:
  4. Maybe if you don't have solo tripper to tell you where their holding
  5. John there's no reason to feel like "Old Junk".
  6. that picture that looks like a lame 3d screen saver won???
  7. only thing worse than worrying about politics on your honeymoon is worrying about what someone else -you don't even know- does on their honey moon
  8. and in GCD's case empty bottles
  9. Are those spawning colors? It would be a shame if it was caught mid-spawn.
  10. Some Great photos for sure, its a shame there isn't a larger version though. I had to cast my vote for DEze because that mid flight picture is just spectacular, and must of been very hard to get. Best of Luck all the same. Ziki
  11. Wow, why do I even bother?
  12. The reason they are flamed is because they are only used to float up your hook to assist in lining fish(legal snagging if you will). Ear plugs work just the same. Some companies have decided to profit off this and you can now buy colored marshmallows with all types of scents at fishing stores. This is why new fishermen assume it is a legitimate form of fishing. Some of these fishermen happen to use these marshmallows with success, unknown to them is that they are just lining fish. They then come here and post of their "success" to which they are often treated to flaming from the educated members.
  13. ...?
  14. ROY G BIV It does not disappear it just turns black.
  15. Love the pics!!
  16. http://www.reelbuddies.net if only I was allowed to become a member.
  17. :lol:
  18. :lol: Are you implying those cookie cutters you posted last spring were from the Credit?? :lol:
  19. I get a bad eye twitch after drinking them. Guess its my body's way of telling me not to.
  20. :lol: :lol: Thanks for the laughs.
  21. Steve-o, you should forward this information and any other you have to the Derby Committee instead of wasting your time here. You may not care enough but I'm sure the person that finished 2nd that week sure does. You are only going to anger the board members here if you keep posting more evidence. It's clear that Tony is a well respected member here and I get the feeling some administrators might feel that the board would lose face if a long standing member turned out to have cheated in the derby.
  22. Funny, I'm getting the same feeling.
  23. But was he sitting in an inflatable boat?
  24. Sounds like Bill's too good of a man to take your $100 milty
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