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Everything posted by Ziki

  1. Thanks for the input everyone
  2. Guess some here missed the part about real world experience and went on to reply with unrealistic catastrophic scenarios. Thank you miller photo as your expertise was exactly what I was looking for. Its not worth risking my vehicle, or the safety of others. Thanks!
  3. yes but insurance on another truck?
  4. My V6 2001 highlander has a towing capacity of 3000lbs. I am receiving for free a boat that weighs 4-5000 lbs. Obviously in most cases this would be a terrible idea. But i have a very short commute between the only boat launch I will be using and my home ~5km. Because of the short commute I would hope that problems with my tranny overheating would be non existent. The original owner tows the boat with a V6 ford explorer, he has no problems. My concern is for pulling the boat up the ramp. Any experiences? Thanks Ziki
  5. Sad how a few ruin it for everyone else
  6. I have ice fished there before. I remember catching pike and perch while hearing stories of walleye being caught. No noise when I went. Good Luck
  7. Eeeek, careful with this one. Some might miss the humor and think of that as good parenting tips.
  8. Nice Ride Lew! Have you already sold your old boat?
  9. yep, buddy has an 06 that's already rusting through. I would go with one of the new CRV's if your looking for reliability.
  10. Contact Raven directly. Great customer support. I have warrantied upwards of 10 rods and its usually $10-$50(depending on if they can repair it or they have to replace it) and anywhere from 1-4 weeks
  11. You should watch the video
  12. just use a guide
  13. Thanks for the great report. Darn that ice is smooth.
  14. emergency?
  15. Those bong hits are making you paranoid
  16. http://www.trader.ca/powerpage/details.asp...mp;adid=7358087 What do you guys value that one at? My budget is $7,000 max
  17. What do you think its worth? Would you take it for trolling on lake O on calm days? http://toronto.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-b...QAdIdZ104142537 Thanks for any input! EDIT: Also any guesses on weight? Ive got an Nissan Xtrail with a 2,000 lb towing capacity.
  18. ^not true. Unless you have 3 ISP's all those computers are going to be under the same IP address.
  19. I received this when I completed my exam. I am not sure if there is a limit on the number of uses, but the discount code is: BKCA9E on the website BoatersExam.com
  20. Who is your buddy?? The whirlpool is below the falls. Anyone else see something fishy about all this?
  21. check your fuses
  22. Kemper, I was not looking for an argument but it sure looks like you were. With that kind of attitude I would not fish with you even if you did have top of the line gear. Cheaper reels like the ravens are great bang for your buck, but if you are that particular about your gear (as you say), then your money is better spent on a more expensive reel than trying to make a cheaper center pin something it is not. Once again JMHO
  23. I am in the market for a 16' Aluminum like the one pictured below. Having never owned a boat before I am curious as to how difficult it is to fish from/launch a boat of this size alone. Thanks!
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