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Everything posted by scugpg

  1. I found the selection sucks and you always pay shipping! It does come from Canada I believe though. John: Drive down to Angling Outfitters and talk to Chris or Jocelyn. I'm quite confident they will hook you up with a good deal.
  2. We have a nova craft 16' prospector. Both of us never really canoed before and I've even had it out by myself with no issues (aside from learning to move up in the boat to deal with the wind). I find the prospector very stable, but am interested to know why it's not a novice canoe. Our 16' prospector in royalex lite is somewhere around 58lbs
  3. Nice night....I might have you beat from my catch over the weekend
  4. I think it all depends on the boat....how deep and wide plays a big factor.
  5. I saw someone fishing wacky rigged worms the other day in the boat. Next time I see something like that they'll get an earful and a call to the MNR. What idiots
  6. I have a 14' aluminum with a casting deck up front. Really stable the only tricky part sometimes is moving around the front pedestal seat to the front. I usually just sit on it and spin around facing forward. My boat is 54'' wide at the back.
  7. I just have a little aluminum with 2 batteries at the moment, but maybe a dual-bank would be the way to go. Do you guys even notice your optimas vent or hiss a little while charging? I noticed mine did that the other day. I was using 2A charge for about 10hrs. Battery was not warm at all just wondering if you've noticed this as well.
  8. Do you recharge them right after using them, or head out a couple times?
  9. Hi all, I have a pair of Optima batteries I use for my minnkota and had a couple questions about how to maintain them. 1. What kind of charger do you guys use and what settings (reg/deepcycle/gel)/(amps) do you charge them with. 2. What brand/model of charger do you use? I'm thinking of upgrading to a CTEK charger as I hear they are the best. 3. At what voltage do you put them back on the charger? I've heard you shouldn't let them go below 12.5v an leave them longer than 24h, and I've also heard you should drain them down further before charging all the times. Let me know what you guys do to keep your optimas going strong. cheers, scugog
  10. I'm going to check this out as well good point, I tow my boat with a car and the tongue is fairly heavy (I can still pick it up so it's most likely under 200lbs , but moving it back bit should balance it out some more. If you do this remember make sure the back lights are still visible for everyone behind you or maybe put them up or out to the sides more!
  11. I have an OldTown mount (post on kijiji I got mine used 1/2 price). I use an electric troller and a battery up front to keep the weight down. My motor weights 18lbs, the newer motors with the "maximizer" technology to get more battery life are 28 or so lbs but its also 55lb thrust (I only have a 30lb). With 2 people and a battery in my 16ft canoe I get 8km/h full speed. As long as you have a battery up front you'll be ok. Running a gas with a built-in tank will probably offset you too much if you don't have weight up front.
  12. Get amsoil synthetic gear oil. Its good stuff and like $10 a quart.
  13. Is there such thing as a 24V battery that is of similar size to a 12V?
  14. Do you guys find in Autopilot does it steer smoothly (in small increments?) or is it have larger adjustments and go back and forth. I noticed the co-pilot steers way better than the Powerdrive pedal.
  15. Its not meant for that....oddly enough I was talking to a guy one day who had a 12v powerdrive hooked up to 24v and he told me "they can handle it"
  16. Hi all - I'm upgrading my Minn Kota powerdrive and I'm wondering if I should consider getting the autopilot feature on my next powerdrive (or Terrova). How do you guys like the autopilot on the powerdrives? I have the co-pilot already and love it but wondered if the autopilot is something to really consider as well. thanks - scugog
  17. If you can find a LMS 522igps get one of those!
  18. I'm going to try it with the outboard out of the water and see if its faster, but I'm surprised my 40lb doesn't push it faster as the boat is so light. Although the longer the boat the faster it would go in theory.
  19. Just curious - what do you guys get for top speed with your bow mount? With no wind I get about 4.5km/h on GPS full tilt with a 40lb on 14' aluminum. To me that seems slow, but curious what the rest of you guys see when using it to move quick across the water at times. Let me know your speed and boat size.
  20. Had a great time tonight at the show. Pretty sure I recognized some OFC'ers there as well. It was cool that they had three folks with very dynamic presentations about all kinds of techniques. Also had the chance to meet Dave, JP and Paul as well. Really cool to see sponsors like Subway being so generous If you can make the show tonight in Brantford you should go! scugog
  21. Nice! Were you using cutbait?
  22. I know a few folks who are on the verge of forced retirement in Oshawa in June when they close the plant. I can't imagine what they're going through, who knows if they'll get appropriate severance and/or pension at this point. Could you imagine working there 30yrs and not getting severance or a pension that you were told you could rely on.
  23. heard the Sarnia show was awesome! Looking forward to seeing it in London tomorrow
  24. Nice...I should bring that pic in to him next time I'm there.
  25. good job! Hey is that Jocelyn from AO?
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