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Everything posted by scugpg

  1. Gerritt! Thanks for posting the pics that's exactly what I'd like to achieve. Is the angle and tube all 1/8''? I could easily get away with 1/2 or maybe even 3/8 with that kind of frame. Nice work.
  2. Ok cool maybe I'll talk to Jim. Though M&P or Copps might've had some. One pipe has 2ga wire for the batterys up to the bowmount. The other has the electrical for the aerator and lights to the front. Wouldn't be an issue to use them for bracing but it seemed easier to sit the 2x4's on the groove towards the sides and build up and around them. On my last floor I used 2x4's stood up so they would be level with the bottom of the benches. Than ran 2x2s across and built a frame than cut the wood to suit and carpeted. Very sturdy but the larger piece was 40lb! I'd like to cut that in half if possible and still have the floor level with the bottom of the bench.
  3. Usually have company on the boat. Actually have a case for them, I could give that a shot wouldn't be too much effort to see how it moves.
  4. Anywhere in London to get the marine ply? I'd like to give the 1/2'' a shot and use some aluminum to brace it underneath. All the foam in the boat seems dry so I'm ok there. I've attached some pics. Basically I want the floor to be level with the bottom of the bench so nothing will slide underneath it. I really hate carpentry stuff even though this should only take about an hour or less to rebuild:P
  5. Yup she's a tiller
  6. I'm trying to figure out the best solution for my 14ft vhull tinny and some weight distribution issues. First off I'm sure I'm back heavy. I have the following behind the rear bench of the boat: motor 90lbs gas tank 40lbs 2 optimas (24v setup)85lbs Up front I have a casting deck pedestal seat and a bowmount on the nose of the boat. The boat at low speed as you can guess the bow is up pretty high and puts off a mean wake for the size of the boat Doesn't take that long to plane out though and once it does she rides nice. I tried moving both batteries up front and it'd plow too much water the motor didn't have enough power to plane it with the weight up front. I could try having one battery up there, but I also tried that earlier this year and seemed like too much up there as well though then I only had one battery in the boat. Another option I was thinking of getting a hydrofoil to help with the low-speed planing issues and keep the nose down. What do you think? How do you guys set things up in your aluminums?
  7. Where is a good spot to get the marine ply? I know its more money but if its lighter I'll consider it. It sounds like that route along with some aluminum underframe will be the lightest and most cost-effective plan If I decided to go with a 2x4 or 1x4 wooden underframe, is there any wood that is signifigantly lighter than your run-of-the-mill 2x4's? Using a 4x8 aluminum sheet would be the best, but if its around $200 that probably not the best bet for me and my setup.
  8. It was a backyard install. Very sturdy 5/8'' plywood with a 2x4 frame underneath. I weighed the one piece it was 38lbs. I like the aluminum /foam idea. Would a 4x8 sheet be expensive? Wouldn't take much support underneath for that. I need to raise it up a bit as I have plastic 1'' conduit with the electrical wires overtop of the ribs as well.
  9. Hi all - I'm redoing the wood floor in my aluminum V-hull and I want to lighten the floor up. What do you guys use for wood on the floor? Would it be lighter to brace it with some aluminum? Its such a small boat so the lighter I can make it with leaving the floor in the better.
  10. Well said. If you can go bow mount do it! I use a 70lb bowmount on my 14ft aluminum and never have to worry about any wind or current PLUS it will work on a bigger boat as well. I had a 40lb bowmount on it and took it back 2 days later. And I have a light boat.
  11. I've used the perch and have caught numerous walleye and SM bass on them this year. Quite impressive detail.
  12. Pat, go to Angling Outfitters just donw the road in Woodstock! Jocelyn has refurbished motors at a great price. Go with the 50lb Minnkota Maxxum $249 refurbished. It has the maximizer, battery meter and tilt handle. If that is too pricey he has tons of Minnkota Enduras for probably $100 or less and 50lbs or so. Give them a call first to see what they have, prices could be lower.
  13. If you're running that motor 60% speed you're probably drawing around 25A. The maximizer is less effective the faster you go up to setting 10. Your battery is probably 100ah (amp-hours) or so maybe 4hrs is all you can get. You could add another battery in parallel and get twice the time out of it. You should really be running a 24V setup for that though, that motor has to work real hard to move that boat. I have a 70pd on a 14ft aluminum and can do 1.3mph on setting 3
  14. 1. Angling Outfitters in Woodstock. Lots of product, fantastic customer service and prices. Jocelyn and the guys are hilarious as well. 2. Lambeth Rod & Tackle (just outside London). Steve's a great guy and has a nice shop. Very helpful by far the best in the London city limits.
  15. If I'm paddling a motorboat while the motor is off, am I still required to have an operator competency card? Yes. As long as there is a motor on board, it will be considered a powered vessel and the requirements will apply. Electric is a form of power so yes you need your card.
  16. I use Amsoil marine grease on my bearings and motor http://www.amsoil.com/storefront/gwr.aspx about $9 a tube
  17. bayboy a few questions: 1. does it have the "maximizer" technology? 2. How big of wiring are you using on your setup? Power draw at half speed should be around 20-25A I would think. Keep in mind the "maximizer" technology will bring this number down as it cycles on/off very fast to save power (at less than 80% speed)
  18. I run 2 D34M Optimas on my boat which are wired in series for my MinnKota PD70 motor. Also use the batteries to run the fishfinder and livewell. They are the smaller Optimas @ 43lbs each I usually fish for about 4hrs on average trolling and working the shoreline and I've never gone under 3 bars on the battery meter on the motor. When I troll I'm usually between 2 and 5 on the pedal/remote. Keep in mind that using a 24V motor you use 1/2 the Amps so it will last much longer! I would expect with a 31series and your 55pd with maximizer it would last longer though. Thats a big boat for a 55lb. Try putting the big motor up it'll create alot of drag. Another Edit: Are you sure you have maximizer on your motor? I haven't seen a Powerdrive with a battery chart on it before. Is it a V1?
  19. nuker - I went through this same scenario with my 24V this year. I did the following: Bought two D34M batteries at Costco for $189.99 2yr free replacement warranty - they have a $25 rebate on them per battery right now on the optima site http://www.optimabatteries.com/save25/save_25_form.pdf It always best to charge the batteries separately. I bought two CTEK US3300 chargers (they are one of only three chargers Optima recommends for their batteries and its specifically designed for them). http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...D=1250265225810 Don't cheap out on a charger if you go with Optimas. You will kill them prematurely almost guaranteed. Alway charge them up after you're done never let them go for days without recharging if they're under 12.5V. I have a 14ft aluminum boat and I can fish around for 4hrs and still have 75-85% battery life left. Personally I think its worth it to buy a quality AGM style battery like an Optima they are lighter and safer than the run of the mill deep cycles.
  20. Cool thanks for the advice. I wouldn't be keeping them just a few pictures would be nice!
  21. Just an FYI I ordered mine from Forrester instruments in Mississauga and it came 2 days later via xpresspost! Very helpful to deal with as well.
  22. What about size? When I fish the kawarthas I seem to only get into 12-14inch walleye. Using worms or jigs and even trolling cranks. Is there a trick to getting some bigger fish? i.e. bigger minnows, twisters etc? Need to go deeper?
  23. Hey guys - I found a boat I'm looking at for me and my parents. Little 14' aluminum with an outboard etc. Looking for someone who knows the value of these a bit better than me. If you can help let me know I'll PM you the details.
  24. CTEK make the best chargers on the market in my opinion. http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Au...y%2BCharger.jsp That's a 3.3A so it'll give it a nice light charge. I have two for my optimas.
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