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Everything posted by scugpg

  1. Thanks guys going to look at those options. I appreciate all the responses!
  2. I have heard folk do this as well. I'll check that out last time I asked it was a 500 setup fee. I've of heard some folks getting a 2% variable which is great.
  3. LOL yes wouldn't that be easier! Prime is 3% right now I believe.
  4. The 5.6 is what I was told based on 5yrs. I'll see what is offered on shorter terms but the payment starts getting pretty big at that point
  5. I'm considering getting a used vehicle and have been shopping around for loans with good interest rates. Best I've seen is around 5.6% fixed. Is there banks or other financial firms that might offer a better rate? Interest cost of borrowing sucks, so trying to find the best rate out there. No credit issues etc so figured I could find something better than what I've seen so far. Thanks!
  6. 2yrs later and both those stores have got even better
  7. I hope the heat pull through but if not I'll root for the mavs. I like rose though he is a great player this should be a great series. Bulls have awesome defense they will be tough to beat.
  8. Yup call Jos a lowrance 520 series would fit the bil if not an hds is just above that range
  9. Terrova is so easy to deploy are you sure it isn't a powerdrive? Terrova is the best electric steer out there not to mention ipilot
  10. The forester takes premium gas only with that turboFrom what I'm reading. Nice vehicle though.
  11. St croix legend tournament. Great rods lifetime warranty very light and sensitive and look awesome.
  12. Do you know if the back gate could open with a trailer on? it doesn't come with a vertical back gate. I think it's down to the new equinox or the rav4. Nox is really but really big and heavy for what I need and visibility and mileage is not as good as ratings from what I read. Wish the new escape would come out but not until q2 2012 from what I hear but hard to say if will even be any good side from power train.
  13. Yup leadership was the demise of this party. It says so much that with all the controversial things this particular conservative government has done and people still gave them a majority with the options we had this time around.
  14. Yes this will be interesting in the times ahead. Liberals need a real leader they lost this on their own.
  15. Had a chance to get out on the Detroit River with a buddy and Bob Devine from Chartertalk guide service. Along with us and a few hundred other boats it was a slow morning until we cruised downriver towards the lake. Managed to boat at least 7 walleye and lost a couple others. The handliners caught the most fish from what we saw today and we did quite well considering it was a very slow day on the river. I also managed to get my new PB walleye at 6.5lbs. Thanks again Bob.
  16. Glad to hear this got posted. Biggest complaint is boot time and choppyness on the chart/sonar. Other fixes: http://www.lowrance.com/upload/Lowrance/Documents/Software_Updates/HDS_4.0_release_notes.pdf
  17. Thanks Burt I've sent you a pm.
  18. Lol I gave them a chance nothing interests me
  19. Buying
  20. I might be in the market for a new or used GM vehicle and was wondering if someone can recommend a dealership and sales rep that you are very happy with in the London area. My brief experience so far hasn't been too impressive. Willing to deal with out of town if its worth the drive. Thanks!
  21. Wow great job Geoff for putting this together
  22. Wow some folks I knew lived in snug...bet their parents are happy about the housing market! Nice access to great fishing there.
  23. Lol yes it's just there as an example it has the cheaper hook on it
  24. I was wondering if anyone knows where I can source walleye jigs like in the attached pic. Note the Green and Black jigs. They seem to have a black/dark silver hook on them that is strong, sharp and doesn't rust anywhere near some of the other ones out there. If anyone knows where I can source these in multiple colours and sizes let me know. Thanks.
  25. Desktop manager off black berry site I think it comes with roxio media manager
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