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Everything posted by scugpg

  1. Awesome!
  2. Hey guys thanks for the heads up. I already bought some oil and plugs etc so I might as well put it in prior to the test. Its passed every time before but want to make sure I didn't know its only $15 to redo it.
  3. Forgot about the pcv thanks! $5 part. Yup I'll get it nice and hot before going in.
  4. I have an older car that I need to pass the e test and was wondering if using 94 octane is the best and cleanest gas to use. I'm going to run tb cleaner, change oil and plugs and air filter before going in but was wondering if certain gas or additives would help make sure she passes:) it probably will but want to try and make sure. Many thanks.
  5. Will BPS match prices elsewhere? If something isn't on sale maybe you can look around and see if you can get them to match.
  6. Probably best with a ci4 or mgfb thee patriarch hasn't been out long the stradic have been out a long time. The ci4 doesn't come with a spare spool though and they are not cheap to but
  7. How do you guys find the mileage with the V6 AWD Escape? Particularly in the city?
  8. In a pinch I'd say CT has a much better selection. Walmart is cheaper but I refuse to shop there.
  9. I believe it is Bobs old boat and it's one awesome craft. Hope they get some monsters in there!
  10. You should be able to pickup the plastic "pee sample containers" with the yellow lid at a craft shop etc. Tight seal and inexpensive to buy. I used them for Jensen eggs as well as their container tends to leak.
  11. I would go HDS 5 or a LMS 520/522 series. I noticed a significant difference between the 300 and 500 units. Still hard to beat the 500 series.
  12. What did you end up finding motion?
  13. I recently bought some duracast ice line to try out. Works great except for one issue.....for some reason it shows up on the sonar really bad. Tried turning down the sens. to the point I couldn't see my jig anymore and could still see it. Had a buddy that has a vex try my setup and even on the vex it was showing up. http://www.tuf-line.com/products_Ice-Fishing-Lines_21.html Any one else notice some lines aren't sonar friendly?
  14. Call angling outfitters in woodstock saw a 6 man there the other day it was an eskimo.
  15. I would highly recommend the Eskimo quickfish pop-ups from what I've seen. The 3 man is really a 2 man I would say so you're probably looking at a bigger model which is the Quick fish 4. Check Costco as they had some that I believe are Eskimo rebranded but not sure.
  16. Thanks Greg I'll get in contact with him. Really disapointed though I had a 4'' for two years without any issues and I don't see how the head could've been bent I didn't go into anything really hard.
  17. I really like the ford that new eco boost motor is nice
  18. Lol yes I get that I could be out of luck on this but don't rub it in guys!
  19. I accidentally dulled up my nils auger today . I didn't hit anything hard so I think the head is still in good shape but it needs a sharpening. It will dig in a bit and basically sit and spin unless I put heavy pressure on the auger. Fingers crossed. I tried to sharpen it tonight and going to try tomorrow if it helped but otherwise I'm outta luck and need to get it sharpened at the very least. Anyone in the London area know how to do this? I hear there is someone in Chatham but if there is local that would be great.
  20. LOL funny but the more I read about these things I only consider eating fish from inland lakes and ponds isolated from heavy runoffs or pollution plants.
  21. I would check the pricing. If its reasonable I'm not opposed to them. Gives you peace of mind and one less financial surprise you need to worry about for a couple years.
  22. That's exactly it, not making big road trips with the boat behind and 95% is going to be city driving. Won't be loaded up all the time either. That's why 4cyl AWD seems to make sense.
  23. Is that with the 4 or 6cyl?
  24. Its by far the best price, and I really trust the brand and dealer I work with around here. I keep coming back to that even though the others are a bit more refined and better on gas by a bit.
  25. Well I did some driving and researching and I decided that I want to go with a 4cyl 4x4 model. I have it down to: Chevy Eqinox/GMC Terrain Ford Escape Mitsubishi Outlander Do you guys know anything about the Mitsubishi line of vehicles? Really liked this vehicle but kinda shy to that brand. Escape is a proven design, but really like the new Terrain and the direct injection motor.
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