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Everything posted by diggyj

  1. Come to my place, you can launch for free! LOL Dirk
  2. There may be one as big as the second pic somewhere in Ontario.
  3. I hope the Mayor of Rice Lake, isn't actually a mayor because his comments are a total contradiction of what the ASS. is saying.
  4. Where is the picture gallery now located?
  5. I still have to double click when I go onto a thread that has more then one page. One click takes me back to first page of thread, then second click gets me to the main page. Annoying.
  6. Grasping at straws!
  7. Thought I would share this response because I was emailing with someone from the RLTA a week or so ago in regards to the article that had the picture with the bucket full of fish and the empty buckets on the snow bank. Here is part of their reply: "The newspaper article with the guys with the buckets .. those perch were in no way Rice Lake perch .. they were Simcoe perch and I lived on Simcoe for over 10 yrs and know the difference .. and, they were frozen and stiff so they didn't slide and slither into the bucket as they should. It was an exaggeration, no doubt." Dirk
  8. I use Interstate batteries for my MotorGuide TM in conjuction with a Nautilus charger and have never had a problem. They work great. Dirk
  9. Shimano Crucial FTW.... Dirk
  10. I would go with a 4 stroke Mercury, very reliable. Dirk
  11. Tightlines in Pickering may do it. Dirk
  12. Can anyone that actually got one tell the rest of us that missed out how they were made aware of this great unadvertised deal.....Thanks. Dirk
  13. Just picked up a couple of SXR-14's that I hope will put at least one in the boat this year. If not musky then hopefully pike. Dirk
  14. Dam, I was up there first thing this morning as they opened and the only shoulder to shoulder line I saw was at the reel counter. I would have definately bought one as I just googled it and the first site that comes up had them for over $1000. Dirk
  15. I agree, great reel and great price but the line capacity is to small for my liking. Dirk
  16. A couple of you guys must shop at a secret Rapala outlet becasue there are no HJ's in size 11 or 13. Dirk
  17. Do a search here on OFC, there was a thread about this same topic a few weeks back. Or maybe someone can post the link to that thread for you. Dirk
  18. I honestly suggest you buy UFile. For the 19 bucks its worth it to DIY as already mentioned. I have been doing my taxes for my wife and I since 2006 using UFile and have never had a problem. When we got returns, they were accurate and when we owed they didn't come looking for more. Its easy to use and you can ad your wife to your return and it shows each persons amount owing or refund. I also used the Net File option for the first time this year since we are both getting returns. Or you can walk in to H and R block and they will cut you a cheque on the spot if you are entitled to a refund, minus the commish of course. Dirk
  19. Congrats. I had to take the Landmark Forum to help me quit. Been much longer for me. Dirk
  20. 0 for 1 on the ice out Pike this year. Hopefully things change over the next few days as I will be heading out. Dirk
  21. Suspending crankbaits with a very slow presentation. Look for rocks as they retain heat and will draw pike in. Dirk
  22. The TSN tradecentre APP for the iPhone is awsome. Sends you push notifications the minute a deal goes down. Dirk
  23. It is quite sad for you to say something like that. Im not sure what resort you own but by your comments it is obvious that you probably don't cater to other needs then cottage rentals. I have a cottage on the lake and I can honestly say that I support many of the resorts in a huge way. I purchase gas for my boat and jetski from there, I go over and buy burgers, fries, drinks, candy, ice cream, worms etc when I am out on the lake and I go to another one of the finer resorts for dinner by boat. I participate in some of the local tournaments they put on, I go over and support them by paying for fish fry dinners they put on. I probably contribute a hell of a lot more then most of your tourists put together. Maybe you should vamp up your resort or branch out and offer other amenities. It is clear you just want to line your pocket. There is no guarentee that reverting the limits back will mean full occupancy for you! Dirk
  24. I like to store mine in the mouths of large bass..... Dirk
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