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Everything posted by diggyj

  1. Get yourself some 4 and 5" SENKO's in the Bubblegum colour. They worked very well on Rice Lake this past summer. Jitterbug works well at night. I actually own 3 of them, 2 large ones, one jointed and 1 small one. Also I recommened a Rapala Jointed Floating, it also works well and is a great top water option for bass. Can also be trolled for pike on Simcoe. Heddon Tiny Torpedo. Strikezone Slammers for drop shot fishing, although they aren't availabe at BPS.
  2. Not going to happen. Until they shake things up at MLSE, they will never win. To many retards that know nothing about hockey in charge. Same problem with the MNR, people in postions that know nothing about hunting and angling as well as don't do any hunting and angling.
  3. Have seen the show a few times and I have yet to see him catch a monster bass. Enough of the poop chat by his camera man and producer. Calling bass Larries......The only good thing is his wife with her sexy"porn voice.
  4. Great looking pics! Thanks all. I will definately be looking for vendors at the Sportsman show in March. I have also heard that turn around time for a mount is up to and over a year, is that correct? Obviously good work takes time.
  5. Was wondering if any of you could tell me the differences between replica and skin mounting? I know that one method is little more expensive and I know that by choosing the replica method, you are releasing a trophy back into the water to be caught again in the future. Does a replica look fake? Does a skin mount look more realistic? Any thoughts would be graetly appreciated. Thanks, DIRK....................
  6. Merry Christmas to the entire gang at Extreme Angler TV. Karl, loved the Simcoe Perch episode. Some monster springtime perch. Why are mine caught on Simcoe always much smaller than that?
  7. I like his commercial on WFN to. I think it's hillarious. That rug on his head and the laugh talking about himself. LMAO
  8. One of my favourite shows. You must really want a T-shirt bad. Lmao
  9. That topwater pike action on that buzzbait was great! Pulling them out of 6 inches of water. Horsing them out of the weeds.
  10. Looks worse then it probably is. Flesh wound.
  11. I have a lot of success with Phenix and Yum tubes.
  12. Just make sure it has an electris start. Makes life simple.
  13. Get yourself one of the Dave Mercer signature series lures. They work great. I had a lot of success using the DT-7 this summer. Caught bass, walleye and perch with it.
  14. Congradulations. Thats amazing. Some of the other sites I go to have the following number of members, 714, 855 and 947. So 4000 is quite a lot. Maybe I shouldn't have lurked for so long.
  15. I bought a brand new boat in the middle of August last year. I have checked this years price for the 2009 model and the exact same boat is exactly $2000 more this year. Looks the same, maybe some subtle changes. As for prices coming down, looks like they are going up.
  16. That is a hell of a lot of Mountain Dew, you might say a mountain of it. Surprised they didn't use Schlitz or some other redneck beer. Have any of you seen the cool Fishing Lure ornament from Hallmark? I want one. Not in Canada though.
  17. You should try taking them back to Bass Pro first. I bought a pair in April this year and after using them at least a dozen times early in the season, I noticed them starting to leak after I had them on while Iclosed my cottage for the seasonin November. The exchanged them for me quite easily. Usually don't have any troble at Bass Pro when it comes to any issues.
  18. Some of my favourites are: Walleye Mahi Mahi Tuna Halibut
  19. Long time lurker! Just signed up! Dirk......
  20. Just started to snow here in Ajax, Ontario and the wind is really picking up down by the lake. I am on the shores of Lake Onario.
  21. Hello, I am very new to the board as it realtes to posting, I have however been a long time lurker. To many sites and not enough time to visit them all. I have however got some great info and insight from many of the regular contributors. Thought I would introduce myself, my name is Dirk and I have a cottage on Rice Lake in the Roseneath area. I have always been into fishing but really didn't become serious about it until purchasing a cottage and a boat towards then end of the summer this year. Hope to make many more visits to the site beginning today. Dirk
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