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Everything posted by diggyj

  1. Awsome as always Greg. Hope to see you on Rice soon. Good luck in the tourneys! If I was a betting man I would pick you for the win.... Dirk
  2. I'll take Ovechkin over Crosby on my team anyday! Dirk
  3. Great little tip if you don't have a ladder. Dirk
  4. I haven't had success with the one I own. Rapala Clackin' Rap catches more fish then their Golden Shiner lipless crank model. Dirk
  5. You are right about that. Just put a buddies name and address in like the vast majority of people do and you're good to go. Unless you don't have any friends? Dirk
  6. I recommend a braided line like 20 or 30 lb PowerPro. You can tie on a fluoro leader if you like. Dirk
  7. That's awesome, Sweet!
  8. Best guy for you would be Roger Richards at dogsrrrus. He trains GS's like nobody can. He trained my GS. www.dogsrrrus.ca
  9. If any of you are golf fans and love the Masters like I do, I recommend installing a free APP on your iPhone. It's called TSN Mobile: Masters Live. Coverage starts early in the morning at Amen Corner. Great to watch it before the TV coverage starts. I recommend using Wifi unless you have a good data plan because it sucks up lots of bandwidth. Dirk
  10. Out in front of Goreskis on Scugog! First time ever on Scugog. Dirk
  11. Where will the best chance to hook into some Crappie this weekend be? Scugog, Rice or in and around Simcoe? I have never fished for them before and only got hooked on them when I went ice fishing for the first time this winter. I have a boat and can trailer to any of the above lakes. Will the odds be better from shore at some of those "HOT" Simcoe spots that everyone knows about? Thanks. Dirk
  12. I saw a guy last year hook a 30 lb Carp using a husky jerk bait in pike infested waters!
  13. Wow thats early, I asked at the MNR and they said they are only mailed out at the beginning of 2011. Dirk
  14. Never had any issues with PP. Works great and I'm sticking with it, although I want to give Spider Thread a try this year! I hear good things about it! Dirk
  15. Tell him to get his knickers out of a knot! Never fished for Carp in Simcoe so can't help you there, but you are not doing anything illegal. Dirk
  16. I am wondering if anyone participated in the 2005 Survey of Recreational Fishing as there is one taking place this year in 2010 with the results starting to be tabulated in 2011. How does one get picked for this program or is it just a random pick done by the ministry? I am curious about the 2005 results as they have species on there which are not found in Rice Lake. Only started fishing Rice at the end of 2008. Were they around in 2005? Or are they only being misidentified by the anglers involved in this program. I think education should be a top priority if someone cannot distiguised the difference between a trout and a musky. Dirk
  17. Sweet!
  18. Depends what area you want to launch from?
  19. Why do you think that?
  20. I am # 36.
  21. I throw them in my campfire and outdoor stove. The spawning period for Gobys is April to September and during that 6 month period, the female can spawn up to 6 times every 20 days. That is 180 days, which means a maximum of 9 spawning cycles. Males spawn once after maturity. Not sure how that is possible? As far as eggs go I have heard it is between 300 and 5000 at a time. So do the math. Its like the Perch population, year after year there are fisherman taking limits daily out of Rice and Simcoe, yet the poplulation doesn't seem to be affected since they reproduce so quickly and in such high numbers. I see thousands every fall. Dirk
  22. I have never gone sucker fishing, but have seen guys talk about it over the years. Are they like the big sucker minnows(5-6"'s) you use for Pike or are they something else and if so how big do they get? You keep them for bait? Thanks. Dirk
  23. Are there any spots in the bay to avoid? ie: underwater hazards? What is the general depth of the bay? Thanks. Dirk
  24. where is the link to the new photo gallery again? Dirk
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