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Everything posted by didoban

  1. Most offshore charters are catch n keep but on some charters, the CAPTAIN KEEP THE FISH. Check first if you can live release or keep or share the fish. Prevent surprises. Some resort will gladly cook your catch, some don't. Mahi mahi are the best eating fish, and gives you acrobatic display!
  2. chicken adobo!
  3. practice backing up in a parking lot using the side mirrors. Practice makes (almost) perfect.
  4. loctite is your friend and retorque to spec.
  5. was Bandido, our beloved labrador.
  6. Where can u get that thang?
  7. I have the updated maps on my tablet and smartphone. Works great. The upgrade maps shows shallower depts. For the basic lake maps is $14.99 and updated map is another $5.
  8. Check the cavitation plate, the optimum position should be parallel to the hull. The motor is probably mounted too high, the reason porpoising on take off is an issue.
  9. west side of the bridge
  10. Driving by the area and noticed trees were clear cut at riverbank? Does anyone know why? BTW, the river is still frozen.
  11. My opinion only, others may differ. I would keep the chain with enough allowance that you can turn safely. I would not want that much length of chain. In case the trailer got unhitched, the trailer tongue might swing so far out and pose a danger while in motion or it will slide further under your vehicle and cause more damage. The shorter chain will keep the trailer from traveling farther than you want incase of a mishap.
  12. Has anybody seen any activity lately? I want to take some videos.
  13. found this cheap fix. I would put a cap on it to prevent spills http://72land-n-sea.blogspot.ca/2011/08/shoot-through-hull.html?m=1
  14. maybe you're idling so low that the engine stalls, raise the idle slightly.
  15. seem like water in fuel or water in the carb. Drain your carb and prime with fresh fuel.
  16. am not working, i can use the free ticket. Cheers!
  17. cold turkey for me...my motivation was, cig money saved go into a new boat purchase. That was 8 years ago.
  18. My trailer have torsion axles, it goes up in blocks during storage. My other trailer with leaf springs, i just make sure they are properly inflated.
  19. create a Gmail account and you can sent text messages to your friend.
  20. he's got them.
  21. was out at pefferlaw today, lots of dinks and scattered jumbos. Only a few boats around.
  22. taking kids out tomorrow morning for some fishing. Does Caseys have minnows, its been a while since I been at their place. Thanks!
  23. Scarborough, (lawrence avenue East and Meadowvale)

  24. how about changing to a higher pitch prop. u will gain top speed but will slow u down on take off.
  25. Are u looking for something like this? I have this one, never mounted.
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