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Everything posted by xeon

  1. Well, the studio sucks so rippers being out is a good thing. Well, for you guys anyways, not necesarily your friends fiancee. A Lk Huron or Superior salmon charter would be cool though.
  2. The car rental place is about a 5 minute walk from the watertower too.
  3. Via-rail doesnt go through the Soo. Best bet is the greyhound and its usually around 10h and would be $130 bucks or so. If you do take the greyhound, theres pretty much always a 1h layover in Sudbury, but if you walk down the street theres a mcdonalds right there so you can grab something to eat. When your in the Soo theres pretty much a mcdonalds/kfc/taco bell/wendys/tim hortons/bostin pizza a 5minute walk away from the watertower Inn. Or if your not in the mood for that, theres a resturaunt called fratelis just up the street, they do delievery, pizzas pretty expensive but its good. All the other resturaunts in town are Italian and run by the mob. Also grab your fishing pole and head down to the canal. You can usually rig a 3way with a 2-4oz weight and spawn bag and cast in. Right by the power genorating plant the outflow water is probably packed with steelhead this time of year. Dont eat them though unless you want to become a human thermometer (stupid amounts of mercury in St.Marys fish). Anyways good luck with the search, I just got back home down south today from the soo. Ill miss that special dirty paper/crap smell that lingers in the air on a calm morning.
  4. Oh wow! Some nice specks there! Gotta say, I'm preeety jealous.
  5. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  6. http://www.digital-topo-maps.com/ This ones a bit better, it has all of the Ontario Topo maps aswell as the Canadian series at lower zoom levels. Just click the mytopo. Sorry about stealing your thread.
  7. Welcome to battle of the brands. When you buy one, your brand instantly becomes better than the next. Hardcore ice guys have debated this subject on which brand is better, which is more sensitive, yada yada yada to death. Check out this here and figure out which one is for you:http://www.iceshanty.com/ice_fishing/index.php?topic=38003.0 Then the forums ice fishing electronic section which is full of reviews ect. Dont let a sale price be the main deciding factor on which unit you want to buy. These things pay themselves off after a couple years. http://www.iceshanty.com/ice_fishing/index.php?board=74.0 (Also, these are the American fishing boards... aka everyone has a temper. Best not to post on that forum, ice fishing makes those people bitterly insane) Its a pretty good price. If youve never owned a flasher before, the fl8 is definitly a good starting unit. However, make sure to keep your options open. The new lowrance ice machine seems to be pretty hot this year aswell. I have a humminbird ice 35, its a great unit, and I havent had any problems at all with it. Without it I probably would have caught maybe 1/2 the fish I would have. It really gives you confidence in your holes. Once you use one, you wont want to stop using it. When you dont bring it, you definitly feel like you just decreased your odds of catching fish by allot. And really though, ice fishing is about 100x more exciting with one too. Its probably the equivelent to watching a huge pike follow your bait in during soft water. Keep your eyes open for a unit (if thats the one you want, grab it, wont regret it) and get ready for a long 8 month wait in anticipation to really see what all the buzz is about. Also, make sure you test it out on the softwater, im not sure if youd be able to return it to the store 8 months from now if it doesnt work.
  8. Get more x-raps, rattlin raps and a nice set of plyers. Also try some more colours on the rapalas. Boat maybe?
  9. Haha no, there shouldnt be anything haunting about helping people.
  10. Let me guess, Superior Marine?
  11. What are you fishing for?
  12. Some real nice looking fish you got there!
  13. What?
  14. Dont worry, No offense taken. And the rats dont make any posts. Theres a reason why people blur the backgrounds of the photos on here.
  15. Lol dam you didnt get it at all.
  16. If you have a car, head north of Toronto. Most people from your area are very tight lipped on the few good spots there are in TO. Mainly because theres allot of begginers who troll on this board like little rats, espetially from Toronto area. Best advice I can offer for you: http://www.digital-topo-maps.com/ then click the MyTopo button on the map. Try to find some water close to where you are and go from there. Do you have a boat? Canoe? Kayak? Vehicle? Goto the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources website, or a local store that sells fishing licences. They have the fishing regulations there. Ive seen a couple people asking about the regs before on here recently, maybe the mods need to make a stickey of them because its getting a bit mind boggling how people will fish, but yet they cannot tell you what open or closed, how many they are allowed to keep, how many hooks they are allowed to use, how many poles they are allowed to use, ect ect ect ect ect ect ect.
  17. Report that to the OMNR. It should technically (and hopefully) have the numbers still on it. I hate seeing the bits of garbage and wood left behind on the ice after the shacks are off, so something like this just kinda erks me.
  18. Your telling me you dont use dogs when shark fishing? Talk about an exciting bite! Best setup is to use a blue and gold board with a large dog. Heres some pictures from last season.
  19. Oh and if anyone has the Lake of the Woods/Rainy Lake g2 maps, are they worth the investment, or should I stick with regular bluechart?
  20. Hey, i'm just wondering if anyone has experiance using the new Garmin Bluechart g2 Vision maps? Ive used the old Bluechart series, they were ok but they were reallly a digital copy of the Canadian Hydrographic Maps. Also if you have used them before and your gps supports screen captures, can you take a couple shots of what they look like? Thanks a bunch.
  21. LOL a dozen! HAHAHA How many fish do you expect to catch with a dozen kittys? Try 2-3 hundred per trip then you might be out there for more than 5 minutes. A dozen... HA.
  22. Fair enough. Sudbury area is definitly top notch for small mouth. Ive pulled allot of 19-22 inchers out of some of the water around there.
  23. What exactly are you planning on fishing for with those 10 reels all with 8lb?
  24. Interesting for sure, thats on the maybe list for this year. Could it be that in the 2.5hours your waiting for the product to kick in, your already use to the bugs? Funny how everyone hates the mosquito so much but yet they are a huge importance in the fish's food chain.
  25. Absolutly not. The unnudered males that are in heat growl WAY more and I think the fish are attracted to that. Trick is though you have to show him a female right before you cast him out.
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