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Everything posted by xeon

  1. I don't think you're a moron at all, just very misinformed and prejudice on wolf hunting and even some aspects of hunting in general.
  2. Cram, do you know about the Coyote bounty in Saskatchewan? Its $20/dog. Basically an endless killing spree. The government believes that there is an over abundance of coyotes so they need to be "thinned" in a sense. I'd say coyotes are even smarter than wolves from allot of things I've seen. Are you going to get upset over that too now that even smarter animals are being shot left and right? http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/coyote-control Basically, the OMNR has switched to a "SUSTAINABILITY" approach to fisheries and wildlife management. That means, if something can not SUSTAIN an open season, there will, under no circumstance, be an open season. The wolves are currently open to harvest because they are... SUSTAINABLE. Also, there is $$$ in it for the government if Americans come up and hunt them through license costs. That money is then put into a special purpose account for Fish and Wildlife related use, which helps pay for your fish stocking for example. If you don't like it, well, thats kinda too bad, its going to happen, and keep on happening. And some of us will continue to thoroughly enjoy it.
  3. Im shooting 2 for you this fall, just because you said that. The local moose will thank you for your opinion. Edit: Im also shooting those moose.
  4. I don't see why anyone would pay hundreds more for a LCD display when the same information can be viewed on the LEDs.
  5. You've never seen muskies hunt in groups? You don't think they feel pain when they're flopping around on the floor of your boat? You don't think that other animals are smart, just the wolf? I'm really confused here. Even ants show they are intelligent. Have you seen a wolf before, or just on TV?
  6. I definitely agree with what you have written. Furthermore, people have to realize that everyone has their own view on ethics, and everyone likes to express it. What they don't realize is, nobody cares about your ethics, because unless you're easily persuaded, your ethics are set in stone and are not changing -both a good and bad thing. When someone doesn't like what they hear, they turn into holier than thou fundamentalists, or what I like to call "weekend conservationists". Don't dare shoot the plentiful dogs for sport because its disgusting, but you're dam right we're keeping the biggest fish in the lake for a conversation piece. Seriously, wheres the difference? How about stop putting different species into different piles based on your "Give-a-Dam" scale. You can spray a bee hive in Raid with a big smile on your face, but would shed a tear putting a hole through a dog. As to how we should define our ethics and actions, generally speaking we use the law. It's basically the "bottom line" to determine if something is ethical or not, mainly because its a set of rules formed by our government that we all, in the end, have to agree with. So to those who don't like the hunted wolves, its time to open your mind up a bit. Hunting doesn't always have to be just for food, there is a factor of sport involved with it.
  7. It has zoom like I said. I would know. I own one. Read up on the reviews too. http://www.iceshanty.com/ice_fishing/index.php?board=74.0
  8. They're hunted for the thrill of the hunt, as well as their hide, and there is nothing wrong with that. I can already see a discussion on ethics in the brew.
  9. They have zoom.
  10. I'd personally say that you don't. Its easy to turn it on and tell what the depth is. Do you really need 6 colours? A target line? The extra sensitivity or whatever that the 55 offers isnt that important to me, but I keep most of my fishing under 50fow, and even micro teardrops are still visible at that depth. How much sensitivity do you need to pick up a spoon in 20fow, or a 4lb walleye or pike. Overall I'm pretty impressed with my unit.
  11. http://crownlanduseatlas.mnr.gov.on.ca/
  12. Well, I thought his lure was a suick, I really did. I expressed my opinions on his lure looking like a suick with the eyes painted over, mainly because the lure looks like, and is based off of a suick and it has no eyes, and in the picture it looks like there were eyes, but later painted over. Therefore, not really making it homemade just a fancy paint job which was the reason why I commented in the first place. So he called me a jackass for pointing that out, and if he thinks I'm a jackass I'll talk to him like one.
  13. So then it is basically a copied suick like I said... but, it doesn't have eyes and looks like they were painted over. Don't worry about giving me one because I'm not your "friend", I can buy one and peel the eyes off myself.
  14. Its just a suick without eyes. Actually it looks like the eyes were painted over.
  15. I'm surprised we haven't seen one of these...
  17. Easiest way to start is opening up the fishing regs and looking for lakes that have brook trout open all year or have increased limits, find the lakes on a map and head out. Also keep in mind that most of the lakes around them will also hold brook trout too.
  18. Filleting is easy, start the cut behind the head, run the knife along the spine to the tail, cut out ribs, make two small slits to take out the pin bones, remove skin, done. Cook it just like any other fish.
  19. LOL big slap in the face to steelheaders, people who fish salmon in the fall, early spring monster pike perch walleye bass and muskie, smelt netters, ect. I guess you don't partake in any spring or fall fishing? Or you don't fish at all because the fish are feeding/preparing for spawn the rest of the year. Like fishing has ever been "good" for fish. But for the OP no my friends down south haven't been out for walleye yet, might be a bit too early.
  20. More hooks the merrier. Carry a nice pair of forceps and needle-nose pliers and your laughing.
  21. I haven't had much problem with them tangling up personally, and I use one hard for pike and walleye and also something for flash. My jig for pike or walleye consists of letting it hit the bottom, then ripping it hard up and down a few times, holding it a few inches above bottom and letting it untwist itself for a few seconds while bumping it up and down a few times followed by one sharper pull up, then repeating the hard rips every few minutes. I usually tip with a minnow tail. Would help if you said what you were fishing for.
  22. You've been missing some pretty hot Superior action since you left . One fish and about 5 others on cam... stupid micro-teardrop nonsense.
  23. http://www.rodbuildingforum.com/ Check it out. Also do allot of reading before hand, stop in at the library, get some magazines, go online, whatever. Put allot of effort and research into this, and you will get a nice finished product that is priceless compared to the newest St. Croix rod off the shelf. I've been sorta in and out of the idea of rod building for some time now, and I'm almost at the point of taking the plunge myself. The initial investment for decent equipment will actually be more than a new rod too, keep that in mind. However, you can do it for allot cheaper if you take shortcuts.
  24. Good choice on the Jailbird Believer.
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