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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. just an observation ...with all that dancing im surprised church people arent thinner....
  2. i was actually suprised the amount of people that dont work....was a friggin zoo up here today...tomorrow should be interesting...
  3. adit to add: good on ya for posting ...awareness is everything!
  4. absolutley i agree....sorry to hear of your family members...i take amber alerts seriously too....i clicked on the link and the newscaster didnt say anything about mental illness of the father or any else other than the fact that the kids are with their father...we dont know if he is protecting the kids from the the mother or what? hopefully this isnt the case for the kids sake and hopefully the father is a good loving father...we can only hope for the best. and report if we see them...Amber Alerts serve a great purpose but i just feel sometimes they post the alerts prematurely without the "whole" story...men have zero rights as a parent when it comes to the break up of a relationship...sadly....that is why i made my first post.. hope there is a happy ending to this story
  5. How to find MEGA Discounts via Amazon: Step 1: search for an item or brand Step 2: Pick a product category Step 3: Click the "Amazon Prime" or "Super Saver Shipping" elligible link Step 4: Click "70% off or more" under the "discount" tab Step 5: Buy, Buy, Buy Step 6: Log onto OFC and share the deal with the rest of us =) i have slightly edited this to be accomadating to this site as it was originally posted in a garage journal moreso pertaining to getting deals on tools Cheers
  6. its a sad day when a father cant take his kids for a drive...
  7. Terry I have never had a problem with false advertizing on the internet ....two years ago i bought a goose off the internet that lays golden eggs for 600 bucks!!!!! ( he was asking $1000. but i talked him down )Anyways ...my wife gave me proper hell for not consulting her first and asked where i was going to keep this goose and store all the golden eggs? well i didnt think that far ahead (hard to beleive...i know ) ...so i made a deal with the seller to board my goose for me ( 100 bucks a month is a great deal!!!!) and just let me know how many golden eggs i get every month when i pay my boarding fee ......well im pleased to say that my last golden egg report from Prince Alimumba just put me at 913 golden eggs!!!! ( yeah we are on a first name basis now...he is a great guy )...with the price of gold taking off the way it is ...i couldnt be happier!!! Anyways ...Prince Alimumba sent me an email the other day stating that he has another goose that lays golden eggs twice as fast as mine for sale and asked me if i wanted to buy it too( wife is going to be pissed when she finds out because the Egg storage fees have doubled and i forgot to consult her first )....Well as luck may have it ...i now am selling my first Goose and if you want to buy it ...ill sell it to you for what i paid for it ( $600 ) and if you dont want to keep it at your house... ill be happy to board your goose for you and store your eggs for a small monthly fee as im in the process of building a warehouse to store all my golden eggs now that the starage fees have doubled ( Wife should be happy i was thinking ahead this time!!!! ) Anyways Terry let me know if your interested and hopefully it will put faith back into your internet experiences Cheers!
  8. oops...was his smokin hot girlfriend on here too???? she is just as adventurous as him...
  9. This just flew me away Talk about a pressure crack!!! http://www.cybersalt.org/funblog/grinding-the-crack
  10. i think i would rather water BBs palm trees for him ....but as it is now....im in a catch 22....if i snowblow the lane right now it might be perceived as anxious....if i dont ....it could be perceived as lazy....it doesnt look like there is enough on the road for a snowplow to make much of a bank so im going to opt for the lazy perception... trail passes for the sledders doesnt seem like a very good investment this year
  11. Good for you....years from now youll reflect back to the weather on this day while your standing in the river with 3 feet of snow built up on your shoulders....by then you will be well on your way to having steelhead knowledge and passing out tips to newbies like handing out candies to trick or treaters....your off to a good start...Happy New Years It was my intentions to stand in the river today too....but someones water heater blew up and someone answered the phone
  12. Dont embrace it too much Paul....ive heard ya can go blind Happy New Years to all and may your hang overs be worse than mine On a more serious note......CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!
  13. ive been outta London for quite awhile too ....Google earth is your friend if you focus on the small bodies of water around St Thomas and Sparta
  14. 2 sometimes 3 for me ....clinch knot....improved clinch knot and the polamar knot when my hands arent too cold to TIE it.... im gonna hit the back button to see if i entered some kinda "phunny phorum" for sharp dressed men ( "men" for lack of a better words and to avoid the forum censor}...
  15. well written....he painted some very good images with his words... Cheers
  16. the score horn has gone off soo many times in this hockey game .....its reminding me of a traffic jam
  17. Here we go again .....Denmark gets to meet their dimise on ice...
  18. strome and connolly too .....wedgewood is playing a wicked game...hell of a pass
  19. pretty good game....even better now we have some insurance
  20. i hope this "ice disease/condition" isnt contagious....i would hate for it to happen in my area....
  21. Good on ya !!!! some absolutly beautiful fish
  22. nice shootin !!!! the loses make the rewards that much sweeter...
  23. yeah B im pretty sure it was a fish that someone wearing red was kissing ....next day was pretty rough though still not sure im alright yet...lol...ive learned my lesson...never mix rum and beer
  24. Canada and the Cheqs next.....looking forward to this one ....hopefully no upsets for us today
  25. speedy recovery
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