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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Disclaimer- there is a pole dancer in this video
  2. the title of this thread sounds like a FOX network sitcom...
  3. its strange they wouldnt take photos of the items...but then again...maybe they want people to pay to see them...
  4. its a good upgrade to say the least...i wish you wouldnt have posted it on the internet though....part of "my" fun of trout opener ....is watching people slip in the river...i bet a buddy last year there would be three we would see....i won!!!!
  5. are those stainless steel? or do you think they will wear out before they rust
  6. per capita it used to be brantford...but im not sure now up where i live we have 4 for 12000 people...
  7. ive never built an ice shack before....but ....do you think it might be wise to clad the bottom foot of the exterior plywood to keep it from delaminating with aluminium because when it is being towed out to site...im sure it going to get wet....does the bottom of the door have a treatment to it of some sort to stop it from swelling when the door is closed and sitting in snow or a puddle thats going to be inevitable from tracking it in... im just thinking out loud....keep up the good work edit to add..im sure even aluminum facia(6 inch) installed upside down would offer adequate propection but it would have to be caulked on the top
  8. i once made a life size map of the world....but i couldnt figure out how to fold it...Google earth stole my idea and figured it out
  9. ohhhhhhh its on the tip of my tounge.....i know it was in St. Thomas ontario....but i cant THINK.... i wasnt thinking of Eddie Shack
  10. your welcome...... for giving you the opportunity to spend the hours of fishing/filming and reporting to make me feel inadaquite....seriously dude...you suck
  11. hope you picked up protection too
  12. BC is being as good to you as you are to it..... Thanks !
  13. no worries Skip....a thread is a thread no matter where it goes...as long as ya have some fun along the way ....post away ....doesnt hurt my feelings at all...(the thread was started to put a smile on someones face)
  14. lol....relax BB ...your gonna stoke out....grab a timmies and go fishing for the day
  15. ive been asked the same question many times....my responce is "have you ever hit a deer with your car?" "NO!" they would reply "your welcome" as i would walk away
  16. dont know ...ill have to see what they would be working with ...
  17. Nothing like keeping it simple http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?v=10151184941580321&set=vb.29313088338&type=2&theater
  18. if thats the case...you should have his undivided attention... and it must make me smert and unliked....cuz i never get peep outta him....
  19. purchase a zero clearance collar and run your insulated pipe through the collar....i think they are 40 bucks maybe less....i would run the pipe clear of the roof as to not be worried about wind direction...be it inside or outside the mansion...
  20. dude...in my opinion... your contributions to this forum are stellar ...even when you dont write lengthy reports Good on ya and well deserved
  21. thanks Vin...where the heck is Bradford? ( if you answer this question tomorrow...this thread will get another run through the ranks and i wont have to Map Quest it)
  22. OH my!!!!! Dare i ask .....ahhhhhh nevamind
  23. has he tried a local realtor ...they are actually helpful with this type of thing as well ...just an idea.... TB4me is from that area and is in construction....he might have a lead on something as well... Good Luck to your friend Cheers....
  24. should have seen the looks i got on the plane after taking this advice...
  25. lol...i agree BB...winternet i guess....but ill trade the Timmys for a Coors...thin the blood out to avoid the stroke...lol...
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