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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. i was thinking mother nature was paying us back with this for the last two years...showing a little mercy....i could definatly get used to this type of winter...
  2. you can borrow my American Bulldog for your training....this way i might get to actually sleep in my bed at night...lol...
  3. my neighbour is 89 years old and he has never seen anything like this in his lifetime for this area...
  4. interesting...if the weather does turn back to "normal" for this time of year and all the prematures dont make it ....i wonder if this will lead to a cancelation of a hunt in the near future...doubtful though ....cuz there are still way too many geese around
  5. lmao.....from lines to trails....oh how we have evolved.... do you really think this is a contributing factor to the weather Wayne?....
  6. I agree ....i must have said "I cant believe this weather " at least ten times today.....
  7. Just wondering of anyone else i wondering WHY we are having such a great winter....do you think its the elnio/ninya effect??? is there any truth the the earth tilting on its axis from the Japan quake last year???? or maybe the radiation from the meltdown of the Japan Nuke Plants..... What i do know is Im absolutley LOVING it....it feels like spring everyday....Its really hard to believe its Feb!!!!!
  8. lmao...cant be pretty and smart....but i can be content with neither...
  9. hook Up" section was deleted once everyone found a partner? edit to add....jokes are better when they are spelled proper....
  10. nice shootin!....it sure doesnt feel like it did last Febuary....
  11. its alot quicker to just drive and you can do it in your barefeet
  12. welcone aboard Sammy...thank the genetic gods you look nothin like your pop...pssst....thats a good thing...
  13. nice shootin!...beautiful dog too....
  14. to tan small hides is very easy Ron....turpintine and methylhydrade (wood alcohol) sometimes known as fuel line antifreeze....masks are great for tieing flies....i cant wait till i actually have time in my life to tie flies again... Cool hobbie....funny comment on the name between the bread....lmao!
  15. T8s will cause static on your radio if you have music in your shop...T5s wont.....
  16. ....Who in their right mind would wear blue....
  17. No brainer then...do whatever he wants with the rod
  18. When your handing him his combo back....just tell him if we ever fish together again ...he is paying for the day(s) expences until everything is cool....this way you are a friend and not an ass for selling something that isnt yours anymore...and you will be happy to answer the phone when he calls cuz youll know ya have a freebie comming up....what he does with his money booze,flowers,whatever...is his bussiness....not yours...if you feel you want to fish with him and cover his costs...well then ....that your bussiness...ask your wife how she feels about you wasting money on him in the past...(see the different perceptions here?)
  19. Old as dirt now eh.... Have a good one ya slack-jaw,banjo-playin,nose-pickin,flea-scratchin Hillbilly Bob Harold...try not to drink too much kick-a-pooh joy juice Cheers
  20. gotta love it when comedic art imitates life....or is it vice versa
  21. Batton down the hatches folks....its really bad along the shore right now....heads up everyone east of me....ZERO visibilty
  22. I dont know what was more stimulating....the bouncing rods or the bouncing ....ah you know what i mean... i really liked the song too...im going to go out on a limb and say the band loves to fish... THanks for posting that!!
  23. ill see your trout and raise you salmon( see what i did there.."raise you ") Hows the micro hatch going for the kids?
  24. i dont think its my singing that isnt working for me ....it might be my dance gestures though....
  25. i cant get the song out of my head now....you should see the looks im getting from the better half when i sing it to her....
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