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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. wooly buggers hergamites egg sucking leaches stone flys dont leave home without them if you after bows or salmon ( spring and fall)
  2. I managed to get to the river today ...went one for one ....and quit cuz i didnt bring a raincoat and i was soaked....was worth it though cuz the little bow put on quit a show in the rain..
  3. i like what you were trying to do with the pics....get the fish on camera while fighting ...not an easy task to say the least....ive been trying REAL hard to get a bow dancing to no success but i did manage to get a carp while i was fighting him....
  4. ive had tinnies of all sizes and love the ride of floating over the waves ..it just gives you more of a fishing feeling ....but you are limited to chop and i always got nervous when the waves get too tight together in fears of possibly getting swamped... for the past 8 years ive been in glass....and i probably feel a false sence of security by having the deep v plow through the waves as opposed to riding over them ... there are pros and cons to both but my comfort level tells me glass from here on out ...
  5. No retrictions on fishing with a camera.....NICE CATCH !!!
  6. Good shootin...the fish are looking strong and the size looks to be better then the past few years... I agree 155 down!? holy i dont think i have ever had my riggers that low...what temp were you getting at that depth? Maybe your tecnique will hold the same for Lake Huron Thanks for sharing and nice job
  7. For versatily on a spin cast set up ...my vote goes to a 10' 6 medium action with 8 pound line ...you can haul in perch and crappie but still land a salmon or rainbow...long enough to set up a float system should it be required but yet still capable to chuck heavy hardware to light flat fish For my spinning set up i use a 10 ' 6 Fenwick /Abu spinning reel
  8. Ive got some antique lottery tickets ill trade ya for it ...some are as old as a month ago
  9. Almost EVERY floater loses his first ...which in-turn makes you aprreciate the landings that much more....it becomes a personal statistic to regulate your progress as a fisherman.....the key to success is always be consious of your presentation .... Congrates on the first landing ... even if my spelling doesnt present itself quite well
  10. This is good advice....it has served me very well ...very seldom do i ever have to wander out into anything deeper then 140 fow as long as there is structure in the area).....but i religously fish temp ....so that pretty much dictates my depth...and honestly i dont think i have ever set my riggers deeper then 110 ..... Maybe this year ill try for the "HAIL MARY"
  11. Congrates to hammercarp for sharing the advice and making this post possible...good on ya Nice fish father of three.....
  12. maybe the solution would be to post in the classified section ???? then we can still read and see the production of the product without offending anyone... personally when it comes to chucking lures ...i use Berckly snaps 30 #.....they are very small and i dont recall ever having line twist unless i run out of them Nice fish BTW
  13. Simple solution ...if you dont want to catch the swine flu....STOP having unprotected sex with pigs that have a cough.....
  14. lol...Big Jon 1st place in a Scotty Touney....kinda like drinkin Walkers at a Cannon Convention...
  15. my line stretcher consists of a heavy rainbow in deep fast water.....but i recommend not using mine cuz it always seems to make my line shorter than longer... loop loop loop
  16. there is a buffing compound called "finnesse it" made by 3m....you dont have to use thier pads but i recommend you do ...you wont be disappointed.... it is milder then wet sanding ...
  17. before investing in new gel coat i woulod recommend you try to "finnesse it " first....unless you are completely sure it needs a recoat... google 3m finnesse it pads and compound.... hope it helps and saves you some money... you can literally made tremclad shine with this buffing system
  18. Nice compositions ...got to love the transformation of grafitti to art ......very nicely done ... try working at the other end of the spectrum now ...freeze water in the air ......( maybe a water balloon popped and still holding its shape) if your thinking of thowing ice cubes in the air and captuing that there are many things ya can do with colour....but that isnt the kind of freezing i was referring to ...lol... Photography was a hobby of mine since i was 15 years old .....( started with a poloroid ) after countless of thousands of dollars in equipment ....im thinking its time to spend some money again ....and get some quality digi equpment Keep up the good work...
  19. Yeah one of my favourite techniques as well....now for todays composition ...how about some long exposeures ....night geese in flight with a moon backdrop or city lights imagaed on water ..... Nice shooting Brandon ....always a pleasure to see your craft....
  20. open the file with paint and reduce it there ....
  21. seems everytime i catch a new personal best ...i forget the camera at home... youll just have to trust me ... 78 pound rainbow trout ,two functional heads and 13 resident lamprey attached to it .... caught on a zebco ninja turtle rod and reel combo with 2 pound test ...it took a week to bring it in ...we worked in 3 man shifts seriously ....ill have to find the pics....of my personal best....but ...its a 55 pound chinook salmon caught at the mouth of the credit river 8 pound test on a 11 foot rod....35 minutes to bring in....the fish was as black as the ace of spades ( extremely nasty looking ...but a great fight ...
  22. so what was the average size of the catch ...( just the salmon).....that is one big boot though ...we get brown that big and bigger but not lakers
  23. i havent seen this years fish consumption guide....do you guys eat them out of Lake O ? .....Looks like a good days haul....nice shooting ....havent seen a cooler look that good out of Lake H since 2002 Thats what i love about Lake O though ....big azz fish are alot of fun ... How deep were you running over what depth ... Im now motivated to get the boat ready for the spring derby...
  24. Im assuming if your fishing in a Marina ...you probably have a young one with you as opposed to the open water ...and any Marina that would disallow a quality family outting for the kids in safe confinments ( assuming water is too rough) ...wouldnt be worth my time of spending my tourist dollars at thier Area the marinas in my area promote fishing ( sections cordoned off ) whether its by zones or specifically placed docks ...a couple for consideration are Bayfield Goderich, Port Elgin.Southampton and Owen Sound Bring your tourist dollars to where the fisherman are welcome....
  25. I would think for the most part ...that if you transport your fish home for consumption so be it COs arent going to give you stress about it ....but if you are transporting to say....stock your own personal pond or get a certain species closer to where you like to fish ...and get caught doing so ...then ....it will be just another fine added to the many fines of the other laws you were breaking ....when it comes to salmon or trout...you want to bleed them out asap if they are dead ...most people try to keep them alive as long as possible so they can keep fishing .....Dead fish soaking in water .....turns the flesh mushy....unless it is in a brine..
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