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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have millions of pics of my son growing up with the fisheys now h is 20 and HE thinks i need lessons.....pfffftt!!!!
  2. yes thre are but it would be rude to say on a forum board ....so just a little advice....pick up a pair of latex gloves....
  3. Walker makes new divers that are more accurate with settings ( release and tilt) roughly 25 bucks....make sure you set a very stiff rod with braided line ( it gets costly to lose them along with the lure) Lead core is very good but you require alot of room on the water for manovering the line ...keep that in mind on how big of lake your fishing ...and as stated earlier ..they will be deep ....best trolling sppeed at that time of year for them is 2.2 mph ( use gps) Lure selection ....i recommend monkey puke , watermelon or cracked ice NK mags ( if your running steel lures) Body baits .....any lyman lure will do good all day long ( dont bleive the myths of only running wood in the morning or night ) Third option ...i have a couple of cannon riggers ill part with cheap one is manual and one is electric...i have new ones so i dont require them anymore
  4. Yes i hav gone back and forth and back and forth from XP pro to Vista Home After using vista primium as oppossed to vista home ( junk) i wont go back to XP ever again...and brought all of my comps up to VP Hard drives are relatively cheap ...get a new one and load vista premium on it or borrow one with an operating system on it ... install th new hardrive as your primary and plug the old hard drive in as a slave ( read instructions from hard drive manufacturer for these setting or get the info online) No More needs to be done ...you will now see in MY COMPUTER that you have a new letter for the new drive ...just renam the drives ...New ( C) and the new letter will be E or F pending on what you have connectd to the pc...rename it OLD DRIVE.... Acess everything just by clicking on the drive ....the NEW drive holds the operating system ( which ever one you choose) so it will be partitioned away from the crash... try Vista out and if you lik it ...delete xp from the old drive to free up more space and reinstall ( which ever one you like) By having two drives on your comp you speed up the performance od the comp...while yer at it chck your ram...for upgrade welcome to the wonderful world of computers... save your pens and pensils for investment purposes...who knows what they will be worth 20 years from now... sorry bout the crash and good luck with the recovery .... If you use a borrowed operating system on a borrowed hard drive....set up comp as i said and burn onto cd...then your to square one of getting a new hard drive and operating system
  5. Condos have vents ( stink stacks) too Explantation why you live in a condo.....so you dont have to cut your own grass or shovel snow....pretty smert eh ? During fishing derbys my wife thinks im just useless....he he
  6. the clog is probably sitting at 8 feet one inch ..... home hardware carries a snake 25 ' for like 14 bucks....its a hand cranker but it will get the job done...that was last year i had the same clog ....just outta reach ... good luck
  7. IF you do plan on driving for quality....i agree the menonites are real good but the best i have ever eaten hail from Metzgers in Hensal....its a german recipe and have won awards for thier venison peps....ohh and the pepercorn summer sausage is to die for ......
  8. nothing but dark ominous clouds up here...were going to get hammered again ...
  9. Fish Crisp doesnt make a product i dont like ...but beer batter and italian rock!!!...its been so long since ive had a pickeral i dont think i would put anything on it other than lemon pepper and butter.... Enjoy the meal
  10. we just got our power back on at 5:45 pm...it could go out again cuz they did a quick fix to make that happen....so for the time being im going to leave all the extentions cords laying through out the house for the gennie....
  11. i have the same vegetation in the closet ....i never water it but it does seem to like a beer every now and again... good score
  12. Although i think Spiders time is comming for a rude awakening ....i honestly dont think Jackson is the man to deliver it ....credit to both of them no doubt ...but for this one ...my money is on Spider...
  13. I think when he was suggesting to use pine he was intending on smoking his own car fresheners...
  14. ive never kept a new years resolution in my life ....so this years resolution will be to actually be home from fishing when im expected...
  15. This is the replica of my salmon...cost was roughly $ 700.00 and the original fish was the guest of honour at a fishfry ...not only did i enjoy catching him but 15 people enjoyed eating him .... As for preference on "real deal" or "replica."...i can only associate this with real boobs or breast implants....who cares....they are both satisfying either way ...i dont have a problem looking regardless Thats replica bait in his mouth....
  16. FIGHT FOOOOREST FIGHT !!!!!! but i think he is going to come up short in this bout....hope he wins though ...
  17. congradulations on th purchase...i have yet to own a DSLR ( it will happen im sure) but now that you have a new hobby youll find combining the camera with the fishing you'll be producing some pretty incredible shots.. for the time being ...you may want to purchase a tele converter to double the power of the lenses you already own ...saving you money on the expense of the tele lens... there are some nice shots ...looking forward to seeing the world through your lens....beautiful area up there
  18. me either ...post more blonde models....i could fish with her
  19. the ramps from ctc will run you $300 for a set of aluminium or around $ 200.00 for steel ramps...( very heavy)....two pieces of 2x6x10 works perfctly for loading and unloading my machine in the back of my fullsize Dodge...ive never had a problem ...
  20. Rattlin Raps ...all the way ...every colour pattern and size......most verstatile lure i ever used ...EVERYTHING from perch to kings ....there now i said it ...the secret is out... the red and white one in the right photo is a salmon slayer up here...regardless of the collection you end up with over time ...you will always have YOUR "old reliables" for me its any of the rattlers..
  21. Any where along Lake Huron is great fo fishing in June ...you can target bass/walleye in the larger rivers but if your boat is capable of handleing lake huron ....youll find fantastic salmon rainbow and lake trout fishing....Although there are cottages and bed and breakies scattered all up the coast ( sarnia to tobermory)...camping is the way to go....Kincardine has a salmon derby on at the end of may beginning of june ..with great structure under the water meaning you dont hav to travel very far out on the lake to catch them ...( big bonus ...you can EAT everything!!!!) .....if your target time is end of june ...then i would say for jumbo perch ( huge yellow) port bruce on lake erie would be perfect for making your trip a lifetime memory.... Hope it helps and welcome to OFC
  22. halibut cod brown trout sand bass rainbow trout salmon walleye perch im thinking its about time to have a fish fry.... oh there was a red fish i caught in california ...looked like a red small mouth bass with poison dorsal fin ( tastd like atlantic lobster tails ) cant remeber the name though but it was gooooooooood !!!!!
  23. its funny this subject would come up....over the years ive had many rod holders then i care to remember ...everything from Berkley plastic to custom wall mount ( gun rack type)to free standing pedestal ( like the one from cabelas) and just the past week i opted to remove all the rods and holders from my office/fishing room.....what i did was ...built a cedar bulkhead ..mounted it to the ceiling ...eliminated all the rods and only kept three in the room for show mounted on the beam...most importantly ive gained floor space for the wifes clutter now and it dosnt feel like a tackle shop...all the rest of the rods now reside in the garage or boat...( and theres lots) the three i kept in the office are the ones i use most often...float rod and reel ... fly rod and reel and a spinning combo.... Pro - wife is happy Con- i need a step/chair to get the required one down as the ceiling is 9 feet
  24. The whole engineer thing doesnt make sense cuz how would Rudolph and the rest of the reindeer hear Sants call out to them ??? if he was going 3000 times the speed of sound....
  25. Im actually scared to ask ...lmao
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