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Everything posted by johndox

  1. I think there is a trailer park right in St. Williams dont know if they would be open that early or not
  2. people likely think you are crazy for whiting out your fishing pictures but I would bet money that deer is standing along hwy #54 in front of Ruthven by looking at your picture. I go by there every day on my way to work and there are always lots of deer standing around.
  3. word has it from a friend of a friend of a friend that the perch are biting at Pt Abino. I think that is down by Pt Colborne somewhere
  4. agreed they likely were suckers if you were fishing down from the dam in Caledonia. Whats on Monday?? Im off work on Monday and might be interested in a trip to Dunnville for catfish. Let me know I have a boat and might be looking for a fishing partner.
  5. We are going up on Friday and staying till Sunday at the Highwayman. Will likely be 6 adults and a bunch of kids. I love it there it is a great time,we do a lot of fishing trips in a year and this is by far my favorite. We will be the ones cooking perch in the parking lot!!
  6. Second that!! the Grand river is a great place to catch Walleye along with a lot of other fish and its not far from Hamilton. The dam in Caledonia can get pretty congested but there are all kinds of place to stop your car and fish.
  7. I made a boo boo and put my wallet through the washer and dryer and wrecked most of my documents I had in it and the heat from the dryer did a number on most of my cards. Stupid me I had the ownerships for my two boat trailers and my camper in there too. Not a big deal went to the MTO and for 30 bucks and ten minutes got new ones. My license for my boat was in there too so I went to Service Canada to get a new one and after I explained my story the girls says well I will give you this form and you can take it to a lawyer or a notary and have it signed that says you own the boat blah blah blah. So I say well why cant you just look in your computer and see that the boat is in my name and I will show you id as to who I am and get a new one. She said this was my only way of doing it unless I happened to have the receipt form when I bought the boat. No arguing end of the story see you later. So it is likely a good idea to photo copy all your documents that you carry with you. When I got home and started to look through my stuff I found a copy of my license that I will use for now. I also tried getting a new health card and went online to change my address since I moved a couple of months ago and their server was down so I tried calling and the girls says we can not change address over the phone so I tell her my story on the washer and dryer and I need a new card and she go online and change it and call us back afterwards. So when the server comes back online I go and change my address call back and sit on hold for 1/2 hour and finally talk to someone and explain again she says well im looking at your profile and it says there has been a new card sent to you since you changed your address one is automatically isssued. Not a very productive day at all
  8. Agreed. I think we have all decide that the train would be an an awesome way to go. We have decided on July because they say the blackflies are not bad and the fishing is still great.
  9. We have 6 of us that are looking at going to camp 88 in July of this year. It is $1075 per person for a full week of fishing. We are looking for that once in a lifetime trip so I hope we get our moneys worth. We will likely be booking ours this week. One of the guys saw it on tv and did some follow up at the sportsman show.
  10. For my 12' tinny I got one out of farmers field that had been there for years put new tires on it and painted it. Looks good and works good just cant find a spare rim so I dont go far from home with it. No problem just told them it was homemade.
  11. Looking for some info on fishing for Catfish on the Grand river. Have never fished them before and from what I see on here I think I would like to go and try my luck. Need to know what kind of tackle and bait to use. I have a boat or is it just as well to fish them off shore. I think from what I am reading this is the right time of year to fish them. I am an experienced fisherman I have just never fished for big cats before so any help would be greatly appreciated. I live in Cayuga and the river is outside my front door, can you fish for them here or are all the big ones below the dam in Dunnville.
  12. Last summer I was out yard saleing looking for cheap fishing stuff and ran into this guy selling these lures out of his driveway in Caledonia. I bought a bunch for the same price as you paid I think plus he had a good deal on rubber nets so I bought one of those too. He was also selling some waders and other stuff as well. Ive got his card with his name and number if you are interested.
  13. oh definitely lots of laughs and I have the pictures to prove it,but you can have them and catch fish too cant you??
  14. We have been going to Nippising for years on our annual ice fishing trip and thought we would try something new this year so I arranged a trip to Tomiko lake for last weekend for 20 of us. We got an ice fishing package at an outfitter and between the 20 of the bill was over $3000 and we never caught a thing but 2 lings. 4 of us went in mid January to check out the accomadations etc and fished all weeekend for 1 small walleye and a crappie. Talked to the locals and they all say it a great place to summer fish so it sounds like its not even a case of should have been here last weekend or next weekend it sounds like we were six months too late or early. If im not mistaken I think they told me the lake was 4300 acres. So much for the theory the farther you drive the better the fishing. Ive got 20 guys that would say Lake Tomiko sucks and would never return for ice fishing.
  15. A friend has an old Jiffy and he mixes his 24:1. Think the new ones are 40:1. Check the website they might have details
  16. When we ice fish we use both a flasher plus an underwater camera. I think it is an Aqua Vue and it is a great learning tool to watch fish bite your bait and what they do. But if you know how to read your flasher properly it really a better tool for catching fish.
  17. We fish around the watershed all the time and some guys get service and some dont so you are better checking out which companies have service and which dont before purchasing. I personally have a Rogers pay as you go and it does not have service from Chelmsford on.
  18. When I complained once about someone throwing their butts in the water they said they make good tampons for female fish.
  19. The 14' Lund boat I bought had most of the floatation out of the middle seat for storage so I went to a welding shop and had them fabricate me a live well to fit in this spot it is 8.5 in. wide and 41 in. long then I purchased a basspirator live well kit. Pretty easy to install just drill a few holes and I filled the voids with expandable foam just to try and replace some of the stuff that was taken out.Works great. Total price around $300..$150 for live well.. $130 for the kit. about an hour to install. If you are interested in pictures let me know.
  20. My14' boat came with the exact motor on it when I bought it. If possible get a bow mount these are in the way if you have a tiller and dont seem to have very much power. I take mine off and leave it on the floor of my boat most of the time where it is out of the way.
  21. I just did my boat a couple of months ago and you have to go to the MTO for your trailer and pay tax on the whole thing there plus plates. Then you need to go to Service Canada to register the boat but make sure you hang onto the receipt because they want to see it or they will not register your boat.. it is free of charge and only takes about ten minutes. Nobody seems to care about the motor only whether or not it is over or under 10 hp.
  22. I just bought a boat last week and went to the license place to get plates etc with receipt in hand. Got my trailer changed over and paid the tax on it and she took my original receipt. I had done my homework and knew that Services Canada wanted a receipt so I told them that and they said "oh no take this piece of paper I am going to give you and show it to them and thats all you need". So 3:45 on Friday I go to Services Canada and the woman there says sorry about your luck you have all the proper paper work but no original receipt. By the time I got back to license place and convinced the person to give me back my original receipt it was too late to do anything so had to wait till monday. At Services Canada they said I could have just found that paper work laying onlong side of the road or something like that so dont bother showing up without the original receipt. once I had the origianal it was as easy as could be to change over 5 minutes in and out the door.
  23. i have an older motor and went to my local boat dealer looking for parts and they had parts cards they put in their computer and kept going till they found the one that looked my motor. Turns out mine was a 1969 Evinrude 9.5 hp. and I thought it was a 9.9 for years. They even had parts on hand for it plus a manual to boot. A trip to your local dealer might not be a bad idea. Worked for me.
  24. I've got an old 12' Sears boat I got from my wifes grandfather and he told me he bought it used in 1968/69 and its still in great shape. Takes on some water once in a while but its a great little boat,not sure its worth paying for one though. I'm going to buy a new boat and pass this on to my son.
  25. We had a cottage on cecebe for some 20 odd years and fished both lakes and had good luck the first few years but seemed to get less and less fish as the years went on and the people increased.
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