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Everything posted by profisher25

  1. No.. this is the biggest fish your ever going to see ..... srry, I uploaded the pic 3 times by accident
  2. No.. this is the biggest fish your ever going to see
  3. This pic is amazing and funny .. how long do you think it was? Couple of killometers??
  4. I wanted to purchase a portable, compact hand auger, preferably at BPS... does anyone know how much they are, and if there are any better prices at any other stores? PM me if you can.
  5. I know that Earl Rowe park is just a bit north of Orangeville, but does anyone know if the ice conditions are good on that pond?
  6. Im thinking of buying a rod rack, but not sure which one I want... should I get a wall rack, or floor rack? Any suggestions?
  7. Definitely Bay of Quinte!!!!
  8. This picture is amazing!!!
  9. I think its a great way to pull out those perch, I'm definitely going to try out some of the fly's I have hanging around, and put some use to them. I personally don't fly fish, but I have a whole bunch of fly's which i've never used before.
  10. Jon boats are the way to go if you want a small versatile tin boat. I am personally a big fan of these boats, and ive been saving up for one for the past year now. Gunna hopefully buy one soon
  11. Im the kind of person who wants more snow, only cause it gets me out of school, but I totally feel the same way, today, I spent over an hour trying to shovel my driveway all by myself during the snow storm, I'm getting tired of it, but... the up side is that more snow= better ice fishing conditions
  12. i know this is an old post, but... an option is the causeway in port perry, catch perch there.
  13. Nice fish! ... did u pass the exam?
  14. Well... first of all, i was only browsing the forum and i simply wanted to congratulate him with his fish, i didn't realize that it was such a problem to comment on an old post, i really don't see the problem, but whatever, also,, this was posted only about 3 months ago,so its not really that old, plus, i don't understand, but if you seem to have a problem with ppl commenting on old posts, why are you commenting? Look, i don't want to start any problems between you and I so do not take this as some sort of war.
  15. Well... first of all, i was only browsing the forum and i simply wanted to congratulate him with his fish, i didn't realize that it was such a problem to comment on an old post, i really don't see the problem, but whatever, also,, this was posted only about 3 months ago,so its not really that old, plus, i don't understand, but if you seem to have a problem with ppl commenting on old posts, why are you commenting? Look, i don't want to start any problems between you and I so do not take this as some sort of war.
  16. WOW, amazing fish!!!!! what size lure is it?
  17. I just thought of something interesting for those who ice fish, and may have fly fishing gear that they don't really use that much. When it comes to ice fishing, lures can get pretty small, especially when your fishing for perch, or crappie, or whitefish. Well, I came to realize that much of fly fishing tackle is pretty small as well. So, if you have any fly's that you don't use very often, don't bother buying more ice fishing tackle. All you need to do is tie on your fly of choice, and add a weight, anywhere you want really, but in my personal opinion, I would say about half an inch to about an inch up the line from the fly, and there you have it! Your set for ice fishing, and you don't even need to spend a cent on any ice fishing tackle; that is, if you have fly's!
  18. This is hilarious!!! At first I kinda thought it wouldn't look god, but once i scrolled down, I came to realize that it actually looks good once its all lit up!
  19. My personal opinion, get the micro fleece, wool will most likely keep you warmer, however, it will also most likely make you itchy. Its up to you though, whatever makes you more comfortable. Mind you, if you did get the micro fleece, you could always put those instant hand warmers and just stuff a few in your boots to keep your feet warmer. Also remember this... When it comes to overall body temperature, your feet are what makes your body temperature drop faster when they become cold, so its always important to have the right boots, especially in the winter.
  20. By far: Salmon Trout Bass Perch Pike .... my personal top 5, mind you, all fish taste good!
  21. I have heard way to many stories about the walleyes that come out of that bay.... the size of them are ridiculous!!!! ... I dont want to seem stupid or anything, but does anyone know how well the ice fishing is there?... also in the summer.. is there any good shoreline fishing on Quinte?PM me if you can reply, thaty would be greatly appreciated.
  22. Thats a 'Hawg' of a pike!!! congrats! ... what bait / lure did you use?
  23. yea i just recently received my 09 winter issue of OOD, and i cant wait to read it!!! looks good, "JUMBO PIKE" should be a good article!
  24. K here are a few options: Lake Simcoe- Perch, Pike, Bass, and Whitefish Lake Scugog- Perch, Crappie, Walleye, Muskie, and Bass Rice Lake- Walleye, Bass, and Muskie Hope that helps ya out
  25. This is a question to all who live in Ontario. Has anyone ever read or subscribed to Ontario Out Of Doors magazine before? If so, what do you think of it? I personally am a big fan of this magazine, and have subscribed to it for 2 years so far. I have learned much information from it, and I think that for those who want to learn more about fishing, this is the magazine for you. Before subscribing to Ontario Out Of Doors, I would buy monthly issues of In-Fisherman. Its once again a great magazine to learn from, and it introduces many new baits, tackle, and techniques. Does anyone subscribe to any fishing magazines, and if so, what do you subscribe to?
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