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Everything posted by profisher25

  1. Though, you'll have to get that friedn of yours to tell me how to dry them out!, I almost decided to keep the fur right over a fire, n let it slowly dry out, but then I thought that that might not be such a good idea!
  2. Thanks very much for the info, yea I just salted it right after skinning it, once i noticed all the salt soaked in, it started becoming damp n it began to rot! ... now I have to throw out a perfectly good fur
  3. Does anyone have any recommendations to lure / bait for perch??? I just normally use either the classic worm, hook, n bobber, and jig n curly tail grub! But are there any other better choices I can try out? PM me if you can, it would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Ive just recently noticed that the animal skins i have prepared for some of my hunting buddies were ruined They are totally ruined, the fur is falling off the skin, and the skin itself is rotting due to the moisture build up. I had to throw them all out! Does anyone know how I can properly skin, and prepare the animal with out ruining the fur pelts? Any help / recommendations would be greatly appreciated! PM me if you want!
  5. i just realized that my Rapala Jointed Shad Rap is not pictured, its somewhere in my garage, so once i find it, ill add it to the collection!!!
  6. 01 silver, or 02 gold... umm clown is nice to try out, n perhaps perch pattern.. though, if you want .. experiment with the hook colors.. replace the 2 treble hooks with Razor Sharp red treble hooks!
  7. I'm more for a skin mount, only because I like the idea of the "real deal", but Im starting to get into replica mounts, I would like to get a replica in 09, though, if i have enough, i just might get both a skin and replica.. still thinking about it
  8. The book has like over 100 different world record fish, fish legends and myths, reported "sea (fish) monster" sightings and everything bout good ole' fishing stories
  9. The only fishing related stuff I got so far is a salmon magnet, the lure, and a book called "Incredible Fishing Stories" ... this is what the book looks like...
  10. Ok, so I just recieved a new Christmas present, and its a # 11 Purple Clown Flash, Rapala Deep Tail Dancer! So here is my updated Rapala selection of lures! Once again, I am open to any suggestions on lures! ........ lol, who knows what lures I may get later on today?
  11. Think of me as not only a devoted fisherman, but devoted to my fishing hero! Fishing is my LIFE!!! Everything in my bedroom has something to do with fishing!!!
  12. This thread has nothing to do with me wanting a shirt ,, tho having one would be pretty cool... but I really am a huge fan! thats why i started the "official facts of Fishing Group" on facebook! Get more n more ppl to watch his show, i mean,, he always says on his video blog to get as many people watching his show as possible, so, im helping the guy out!
  13. I am a HUGE fan of Dave Mercer!!!! Y a gotta love Canada's fishing funny man!!!! I have all his DVD series, and always watch his 1 minute facts videos on tv and on the internet. I also tune into the Fatcs of Fishing THE SHOW every saturday and sunday morning at 9 am on THE SCORE!!! ..... I was just curious to see how many fans he has on OFC ... would every fan like to express how much they love 'The Facts of Fishing"???
  14. umm so yea i think i deserve a Facts of Fishing shirt, cause i started that "Official Facts of Fishing Group" on facebook lol jks jks... but.. if ya want, im totally open for a shirt, deff watched both the first and second episode so far!!! ... bass on rattlin raps!!! Rediculious!!! Im deffinately pulling out my rattlin rap for next summer of 09!!!
  15. sooo.... can i still post ???
  16. WAIT!!! k so i dont understand!!!!... Can someone explain to me what is goin on?
  18. Im thinking the Rapala digital scale and rod rack are so far my favorite things on that flyer!
  19. K for Wii... u wanna get Rapala Tournament Fishing!!! Amazing game... also.. if ya gotta PS2... lots of Cabellas fishing games available!!!!
  20. RAPALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol that is all
  21. Thats very interesting.. a silver pike, i wonder why they are silver.. i mean.. they believe that the blue walleye gets its blue from the lack of color in the water or something.. i could be wrong, but i heard that on a fishing show.
  22. In my opinion, try one out, if it works, get more!
  23. Alrghty then, you were a realy help to me! I think I might end up getting the 8"... im kinda hoping to land that "big one" Thanks BassAsin!
  24. Just wanted to wish everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck to everyone, and I hope everyone has a safe and great fishing year in 09!!!
  25. Ok, so, in your opinion, which one is better?? 6" or 8"? I guess its really a matter of personal preference right? I might go for the 8" though.
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