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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. i kept telling everyone x-raps catch everything but no one would believe haha!! ya i laughed after and am still laughing, also makes for a great facebook profile pic hahaha!!
  2. hahaha after the first 5min it was quite hilarious!! we were just laughing like what else can you do? and thankfully i was wearing sunglasses or else it could have been alot worse! it was not fun finishing pushing the hook through to cut the barb off, quite bloody! watch out for your buddy even if you think hes a good one lol
  3. So today i took a buddy out fishing that had never gone fishing before. about ten minutes in im sitting there going through my tackle box and he screws up his cast and get the lure hooked on to my ear!!! i screamed bloody murder while my buddy is freaking out saying im soooooo sorry!!! i settled down after a minute and i was like you have to take a pic of this screw up!! the hook went into my ear out the back side and then went back in and popped out the other side OUCH! the back treble also got hooked to my life jacket. i first cut the treble off that was hooked to my life jacket to i could have movement again. We then went to shore and went for a hike to find someone with better pliers. we found a guy and his wife camping which we freaked out haha and he had a good set of electricans pliers and i finished pushing the barb through my ear then snipping it off and pull the rest of the hook out the other way. let me tell you, it was not fun!!! but i sucked it up never even got any whiskey and we went back out fishing hahaha!!
  4. ya tons of americans up here raping the land, theres no way they would ever get by the border with those fish. what i see alot of americans doing now is catch and eat as much as they can and if they cant eat it throw the fish away in the bush for the bears. i seen that bull last weekend with about 10 americans camping at a very good lake. what i'd like to know is how do these guys find our good lakes???? who the hell is telling them? send them off to some mud puddle
  5. last year i did really well with a 3/4oz rainbow little cleo
  6. you got the meat and salad, just add the taters!
  7. sweet trip! and nice fish right out from downtown, gotta love the sault!
  8. crankbaits! like x-raps, fish cant resist!
  9. josh, go around the pine island area, many of islands around there and i have found they really like the weeds! thats basically the only place other then rivers going out into the great lakes but are few and far between or drive to lauzon by blind river.
  10. kinger i was gonna suggest the x-raps and those are my wally colours!! have you been stalking me while im fishing?? haha
  11. haha i think shes going after the ugly and weak hahahaa jk!
  12. try and find some orange crawdad husky jerks, there was an article in ontario out of doors about them for big lakers. i have some, will i sell some to you, i will but only for the right price haha!
  13. i was saying less ppl must go there with the creek being damned up and the launch a complete mud hole but ya it still gets hit hard but its been like that for 20+ years, why would it just fall out and not be able to take the pressure now? and most ppl fish walleye in there not bass. i personally think it isnt fishing pressure unless natives decided to net it.
  14. tilley does get hit pretty hard but its been getting hit hard for the past 20+ years since ppl have been able to get in there with trucks. my grandfather told me stories about back in the 40s-50s when they just got to the tilleys and he was one of the first guys being on the lakes being a part owner of the property and hiring loggers to go in get pulp and he said it was unbelievable fishing. anyways for a lake being constantly hit for so long why would it just fall through now, i say pressure has actually been down a bit cause of the launch is getting worse and hardly anyone has the guts or a truck to make it back up and having to go down the creek and portage over the beaver dam leaves the not so hardcore fisher ppl going else where.
  15. this is an inland lake and the chances of a goby getting in there are very small unless someone plans on using one as bait. i think this bird season i'm gonna stop at the lake real quick with my 20g and see if that does anything haha! this lake is usually an awesome smallie/walleye lake and i would hate to see it turn to crap.
  16. oh ya drive through the bush with that truck listening to the branches slide across the side of the truck, it would make a grown man cry!
  17. hey, so today i headed to one of my favorite smallie lakes called tilley lake. i brought a buddy in that has only fished it once before and got skunked. i've fished it 30-40times and never left the lake empty handed. the past 3 years i've just nailed bass in there getting 30+ bass in a day. this year i go there and the best i've done is 11 bass but i catch hardly any small ones anymore. like today all we got was 2 fish, one was just under 5lbs and a 2lber. usually you cant keep the little bass off your lines. my tried tested and true lures in there are x-raps in the #8 size or the x-shad in the #6. i'm wondering whats going on? did the bass have a bad spawning year? theres commrants now on the lake for the past 2-3years, could they have wiped them out? the walleye fishing appears to be the same and my buddy caught the first speck out of there that me or him have ever seen. i'm not complaining about the 3-5lb bass ive been catching but im worried about the future of this lake now. or is it me? my old tricks just arent working anymore? hahaha what are your guys thoughts? pic from today!
  18. post a pic of it and we may come up with some great ideas!
  19. why is that Cudz? don't wanna be seen by others and give off your spots? or is it because only the weirdos come out at night? haha and canuck2fan are you sure your thinking of fishing when you say that or something else? haha
  20. i got a perch one in the tackle box that i bought last year when i first seen them down in the kitchener area before they made it up to more northern parts of ontario and i tried it a few times and it still hasn't broke its virginity yet, kinda disappointed. The perch one i have is a flat finish and i don't think it gives off much flash which attracts fish. i tried this bait on good fishing days where i'm nailing fish on rapalas and i toss out to compare with poor results. i'm not the type of guy that is coming up with nothing that will toss some lure out there that i never really used and hope i get lucky. i like to toss out old faithfuls when times get tough.
  21. i always use them for pretty well all applications, i catch alot of fish and i dont see them hindering action of the lure. just dont cheap out on them, i get the mustad ones.
  22. oh ya dig up some old picture and call it a coaster brookie! haha jk, nice fish!
  23. haha you put a "few" years back i say that was quite a few years back but nice fish indeed, one to remember! also my mom has a pair of boots like the exact same from back then and still wears them haha, the whole get up is just screaming the 80s!
  24. jocko that looks like a pic from the 80s haha!
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