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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. useless without pics! not to great of anglers to be breaking all those rods!! probably all walmart specials!
  2. ya i agree with dara unless your trying to point out a certain person. they seem to do their job fine and do well at it and some big chief somewhere makes the final choice. atleast thats the way i see it, but hey what do i know. i just go do my thing and i have trust in them to do their jobs and well. if not well then we dont have a great future.
  3. there was a blue algie warning in that lake not to long ago. its decent fishing in there. ive done better for bass and pike in that lake. pm me if you like matt.
  4. there isnt much that i'm aware of in sault ontario. theres a couple different charters out of sault michigan, i dont remember the names, do a google search.
  5. he said they are willing to do anything to get a fish in the boat? so wheres the fish mr.guide??
  6. i cant say ive ever "matched the hatch" lets say your fishing a lake for walleye and theres no leeches in there and you fished with leeches, you'll still catch the walleye, its just in their make up, its instinct. also tossing bright or different colours works and stands out like what troutologist said. they may bite it cause it may make them mad and want to kill it not cause they are hungry. if your going for pike and there is perch and bluegills in there then try tossing baits that look like those fish. the minnow trap is also a great idea.
  7. i know there are alot of locals that abuse it to, but i always seem to here stories about americans being caught and big time! like a month or so ago the americans caught with over 75 walleye in their coolers around wawa somewhere and theres countless stories like it and i see it all the time. and my rant with locals is natives bragging that they can keep as many fish as they want and can get away with it, even if they dont actually do it, just the thought bothers me. i personally keep my limit, its not worth getting caught.
  8. i'm doing it for you dr.! you really make a difference! i actually tried to care and i get shot down!
  9. you know don't how bad i wanna tell you off right now dr. but i can't, way to try and stir the pot. i try and be nice on here and i just get kicked while im down. i see lake trout as a prize fish not a garbage eating flying rat, i tried to put this behind me and jerks like you bring it back up. i'll make sure i get out lake trout fishing as much as i can this year and i'll make sure i take my limit and make sure my buddies get their limit to! to hell with it!! there was no need for that comment!
  10. haha i like your thinking Dara! sorry gcd!! alot of non-resident anglers abuse our resources, im not saying al but theres a good number that give them a bad name. i tell you if an american asks me for directions, i'll guide them to a mud puddle.
  11. i feel something should be done as well but i dont think lowering the limits is the right thing to do. i feel they should put a slot size on lake trout and possibly change when the season opens and ends for ice fishing. if they lower the limits on them ppl like myself wont target them as much and target other species more and that wont be good for the other species. i guess only time will tell as to what happens! i have no problem with keeping 3 2-3lb lake trout, any less and its just not worth going for anymore. but will hopefully keep buddies of mine shown here taking home a 21 and a 15lber home! mmmm mmmmm 50year old fat greasy lake trout! jerks_.php
  12. i forgot to mention this is for zone 10
  13. So there was alot of talks this summer about the lowering the limit of lake trout or changing the opening day for them and what not. It was suppose to take place jan.1st. are they actually going through with it? or will nobody know till the new fishing regs book comes out? When does the new book come out again? if they are lowering it i know myself i certainly wont be going for them as much. i'll be targeting walleye, pike, and whitefish more and only targetting lakers from the middle of feb till the middle of march cause that is when a lake here opens and i just slay lakers in there and the limit is already 2 in there with on live bait. anyone have any updated info?
  14. there are great deals on there, i personally would never buy anything used on ebay, well again! i bought an used outboard on there and the thing was scrap and shipped it back and got my money back! lots of deals on lures and rods!
  15. haha ya it hit my truck just like that other white bird that just so happened to be in my way haha just kidding! the 20g 870 did him in! he was the first bird i seen that i shot and died instantly! the thing dropped like a brick, usually they go nuts, didnt even have to finish him off!
  16. i took them out on the highway and they were surprisingly quiet. they just got a light hummm, you wont even notice unless your listening for it. i drove 80km down the ranger lake road which is a gravel road and im a bit of a crazy driver and they didnt slide out once. and i took a rough bush road for 8km through mud,hills, loose rocks. water. where i normally had to put it in 4x4 i just walked through it in 2wheel drive. out on the lake a blizzard blew in and i had to drive back with a couple inches of snow ontop of all that crap road! they preformed flawlessly and my buddies were like WHAT!?! your still in 2wheel?? they are now sold on them. now its how well they preform on ice and black ice and how long they last.
  17. ya i was definitely not expecting snow for oct.10th and to stay on the ground to!! and kinda crappy for only bringing home one bird!!
  18. So this morning i was up at 5am and loaded the truck and my 2 buddies and i were on the highway by 6am!! we drove to burntwood lake which is 80km south of chapleau off hwy129. the sun was just coming up and we were heading off the highway to the bush rode to the lake. i shot one partridge on the road in which started the day good. i get to the lake and its beautiful, suns out, not a cloud in the sky, lake is like glass with the steam rising, theres a pic of when we got there. we trolled around all morning for walleye and only got one pike, we headed back to shore for lunch and went back out and thats when it all went wrong hahaha!! the wind started to blow and things were getting a bit nasty! then it came! a while of SNOW came over the lake and it was like whiteout conditions! we kept fishing and got 2 more pike. it was 4:30pm only 3 pike, soaking wet, and the snow only getting worse! we headed off the lake to find some shelter, dry warm clothes, and some food. We did all that and it was only getting worse and we were planning on staying in a tent!! to heck with that! we took the tent down, packed our gear, and we were getting the heck out of there!! theres a pic when i was leaving the lake! the road out was insane! the road is barely one lane, more like a 4wheeler trail and from all the snow all the trees are hanging over and you cant see a darn thing let alone where your going!! we finally made it out which seemed like forever and down the highway we went! it was like whiteout conditions on the highway and was not nice, we headed back 55km to aubery trading post/lodge hoping to stay there the night then head out for birds the next morning, they had no extra rooms so we said to heck with that!! we headed back to the ranger lake road to head back to town, it was complete whiteout conditions on the ranger and it was a lonnnnnng drive home!! this is oct.10th what the heck!!!?? ohhhh and by the way my new good year terriortries are amazing off road, i put them through everything today!! pavement, gravel, water, rock, mud, leaves, and yes SNOW and bascially all mixed into one! i highly recommend these tires!!
  19. pretty slow actually, only got one partridge last weekend and one today, never really hunted for them, just driving in to the fishing hole, usually see alot more!
  20. heading up hwy 129 towards chapleau, fishing a lake called burntwood about 50-60km north of aubery falls. i've been told the road to the lake is flooded, we'll have to see about that. first time going in there, my buddy is the guide cause hes been there before. going for walleye and pike. i sure hope i see a couple birds on the roads to!!
  21. i was surprised how quiet my tires are on the pavement, they make a bit of a hummmm and they are a bit loud doing large slow turns like in a parking lot. you dont even notice if your not paying attention. the tire noise will not make or break a sale for me. youd be surprised how quiet they are.
  22. ive been drooling over the bfg ats all summer saying im gonna buy a set, and i went to western(auto and fishing haha only in the sault) and they quoted me at $780 for a set of 4 and thats cutting me a deal!
  23. Yesterday i went into crappy tire to see if they still had the sale on the goodyear wrangler territory tires which are a cappy tire exclusive. for a set of 4 235 75 15s it came to $635. Boy these tires look mean! such a need lug and aggressive. they are actually pretty quiet and smooth on the blacktop! they got the snowflake snow tire approval on them. if your looking for a set of tires check them out! this weekend i plan on testing them out in the mud, rocks, and water. My buddy is suppose to be guiding me into a walleye/pike lake about 40km north of aubery falls off the 129. We have heard reports that the road is flooded, should be interesting haha!! then maybe next week snow time to put them to the test!! http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Au...2BTerritory.jsp
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