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Everything posted by Jet

  1. Thanks for posting all the great pictures and videos.
  2. I was deep jigging for Lakers in Simcoe on Saturday and it was also slow. Lots of fish marked and lots of followers but couldn't set any of the 3 hits I did get. I did however pull up 3 Perch hitting my spoons down in 60-80 feet of water.
  3. I soak my bearings in Kerosene (since mine are new like yours only for a hour or so), pat them dry and add a few drips of sewing machine oil - Singer if you want specifics. Got that tip from a very experienced solo pinner on this forum I lube mine when I feel its necessary. If I've had to dunk it a lot on a trip I'm more likely to check the bearings. Aside from that a soft cloth with some light soapy water will do the job cleaning the spool of sand, dust and roe juice that will inevitably find its way on your reel.
  4. I use the Palomar mostly for mono, but double Palomar (double simple bow) for braid. Got that tip from a bass tourney guy and it has prevent slip for me. I've been using the Fish 'n Fool knot and it is really strong. In my unscientific back yard tests, it seems stronger than the Palomar. Thought I'd try it after it won knot wars 2009. The only thing its a big trickier to get right making sure the double threading in the eye doesn't overlap and the uni-portion of the knot doesn't twist as you tighten when using mono.
  5. I fish Rosseau a lot and only have access to a 14 ft tinny as well. I have no issues going all over the lake when the weather is good. There's good musky and bass fishing I found on the north end, but mostly I go after Lake Trout. Since I don't have downriggers or can use dipsy's properly in that boat, I go deep jigging for Lakers. Do you have a finder? If so find fish (last time they were in 90 feet 3 weeks ago) and start dropping lines. If you have an anchor even better. If not I slow down my drift with a drift net and let my lures drop to the bottom. The Williams Ice Spoons have been my best weapon for the Lakers. I've had the most success with long high jigs and letting the spoon flutter back down. The decent is where I almost always get the hit. Basically I'm adapting ice fishing tactics and so far its been quite fruitful. First time up there this year I didn't have my finder and still boated a good number of Lakers. I did a lot of depth testing, often bringing it back up and dropping it back down to catch their attention. After each hit I tried to best guess what depth I was at and tried to keep it there. I've also had success deep jigging with 3/4 jig heads with 4 inch white grubs. Bass I've caught working the shorelines as usual and looking for structure. Some areas are really deep straight from shore (40+ range and more) so finding those shallower shorelines should produce some good fish. White tubes have worked really well as have medium diving rapalas black/sliver. Hopefully you'll have something great to report on Monday.
  6. My vote is for my local Canadian Tire. Nothing quite beats the feeling of buying something there and seeing it for $10 cheaper somewhere else. I like Lebarons which is my actual choice. Membership makes it even better.
  7. You gotta look 'gangsta' when posing with fish! With the cooler weather we're getting now, I think it could be even more productive out there this weekend.
  8. Great pictures, especially the Chinook. Thanks for the report Sinker.
  9. When it comes to thrills in the sport we call fishing, one of the most thrilling situations is when you find yourself standing at the back of a boat with a thick 10.5 foot rod clenched tightly in both hands, your heartbeat far from resting rate, nothing but water as far as the eye can see and the soundtrack of a peeling drag reminding you that something big is attached to the end of your line. Only two outcomes will eventually play out. Win or lose, you know it’s going to be a great day. I was joined by Kelfun, Okuma-Sheffield and the one and only Aile Goby, and it ended up being one of the best days of fishing I’ve ever experienced. Making it all happen was Captain Lloyd Daume, aka FishHunter, of U&Me Guide Services and boy he did not disappoint. In less than 10 minutes we had our first fish in the boat, a Steelhead of about 4 lbs. Before Lloyd could even get the rod back into the water, another rod lit up and Kelfun jumped into action. By the velocity of its non-stop 30 second run, we all concluded it was a Chinook. We’ll never know for sure because shortly after, it shook itself free. The day would continue with steady action all the way to the end of our trip. The largest Steelhead was about 12 lbs, largest Chinook about 23 lbs and the lone Coho rang in at about 8. In total we landed 22 fish; most released at the side of the boat without ever leaving the water. If you include the hits and ones that got away, close to 40 fish made contact with our rods. Add in two double headers and you have the makings of day I doubt any of us will soon forget. And what can I say about FishHunter Lloyd? He is absolutely amazing at what he does and watching how he locates fish and then figures out what setup works best was a valuable classroom experience. Lloyd I might just take you up on your Quinte special when the Walleye run starts. My friends would really enjoy it. I’ll let the rest of the pictures and videos tell the rest of the story. Out on the water at 5:30, arrive at spot at 6. First fish of the day. 1 of 22. Aile Goby got 'er done. Kelfun's PB Steelhead (yeah right!) A very familiar scene all day long Yet another Nook for A.G. A fiesty Coho My second Steelhead Probably the biggest Steelhead of the day The one that got away. Our first double-header. (The other fish was the first salmon above) And our parting shot. Thanks for reading.
  10. The show did a behind the scenes episode to show how they film the show. The game is carried out, Mantracker vs Prey first. No cameras except the ones following Mantracker. The prey have their own handheld and when you see scenes with "Prey Cam" that means it is footage from the actual game. When it concludes, the production team goes back with the prey to recreate it so the story can be told on TV. So when you see prey hiding and the camera is standing there showing Mantracker and the prey hiding in a bush 20 feet away, it's a re-enactment. Otherwise as some of you have stated it would make no sense cause Mantracker would just follow the camera crew following the prey.
  11. Dr. Salvelinus, Where in Nipigon are you staying? I used to live there, haven't been back in over 15 years. I used to fish under the Nipigon bridge all the time as a child. Thanks for bringing back old memories with your report!
  12. I'll third that. I have flurocarbon leaders "just in case" but since I switched to Maxima UG I haven't gone back. It's super strong, outperformed f/c of the same # in breaking strength and when fishing the same pool with friends using f/c, I've found no difference in hook up rates.
  13. lakesimcoemarine.com
  14. Nice reel man. Keep an eye on the pin in the handle to see if it starts to slide out. I had the same one and the pin was the only thing that didn't perform as advertised.
  15. I find the colour is not only nicer to look at all day, kinda like the difference between playing the old Nintendo Game Boy vs a colour unit, but its also easier to differentiate the icons at a quick glance. Also my finder uses colour to reflect density and fish viewed by each of the two beams. So the closer and more dense readings are in red, the further and less dense are in blue. So colour helps for quick identification. Here you can take a look at the unit I have here and compare it to the b/w option and see for yourself if its worth it. http://store.humminbird.com/sonar-gps-comb...od407000-1.html
  16. Was in the same boat as you early this year and ended up with the Humminbird 343C. Full color, dual beam, 1000 ft range, portable (I got the full portable kit) with several view options including a flasher mode which I love for ice fishing. And this one definitely marked real fish. Mine cost me $379.99 + tax but I've seen them for $350. Without the portable kit, its under $300. Lebarons has it, I highly recommend you check it out while you're there.
  17. Stillwater Creek near Nipigon is great, but you'll have to find access points. There is park of the same name off the highway going into Nipigon with some good pools. You'll have to pay but it can't be very much at all. If you just look between Nipigon and Thunder Bay, most every creek will hold Brookies. I found some great ones when I lived up there and I only had a bicycle.
  18. Those are some great pics and some beauty bass! You guys definitely laid the smackdown on them. Thanks for report Leechman.
  19. Awesome guys, thanks for the prompt responses. I'm leaning towards Rosedale because my friend has several kids that may have to come along which means I'll have to go with the pontoon. Definitely I find fuel charges a topic of debate with different marinas. Some actually fill it up in front of you at the pump and charge you what the pump reads. Others eyeball the tank and always seem to over-estimate. I've been charged over $20 for a 9.9 14ft simply drift fishing all day. Hey Syn, did they fill it up or estimate the fuel used? $10 for oil seems kinda high too.
  20. Hi, I've had trouble finding boat rental places on Balsam Lake and wondering if anyone here can provide some recommendations. The only one I could find on online was http://www.rosedalemarina.com/rentals.html Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, j
  21. Always enjoy watching the videos. Thanks for sharing.
  22. What a great way to spend time with the family. Thanks for sharing.
  23. What I really enjoy about this site is reading about other people's reports and seeing pictures of a good day (or bad day) out on the water. What I've noticed a lot lately that more often than not is someone cannot post a report without someone finding something to point out to flame the reporter for: -You're holding the fish wrong! -I can't believe you killed it! -You should blur your background! -You shouldn't blur your background! -You're using the wrong kind of net! -Your fish is out of the water! Sometimes it is warranted, but often someone goes out of their way to take good pictures, spends the time to detail his/her report and gets jumped on by someone that wants to hear themselves type. For example someone will assume and flame a reporter for holding a fish by the gills or laying it on the ground without first establishing if they released the fish or kept it for consumption. It's things like this that prevent people from sharing their experiences here, which is the whole point of this community. I hope this discussion can help create better awareness of how we all communicate with each other.
  24. Too bad, i was hoping for non-chemical solution to use up north. Oh well. Bring on the house flies then!
  25. http://lifehacker.com/5308039/repel-flies-...-a-bag-of-water Anyone every try this? I'm going to give it a shot next time I'm at the cottage. If it works there it'll work anywhere! Hopefully it does cause it would be nice to have fewer mosquitos at the very least while on the BBQ and doing yard work.
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