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Everything posted by carll2

  1. most walleye lodges ive been out to and where i will be guiding you are 6 people in a big freighter styled boat and the guides job is to locate the fish by jigging with the clients,since these eyes move on a daily bassis .also part of the guides job is to catch enough fish for the shore lunch so the clients dont have to use thier limit towards the shore lunch. i guess it depends for what lodge you are working for!different opinions and ways of working i guess..like they say different strokes for different folks
  2. listen to trapshooter he is the man for great guiding advice. the way i got my job guiding is back in january i got some email adresses togther of areas/lakes that i would like to fish or have fished and emailed them my c.v stating i wanted a job as a guide. out of 25 lodges i emailed only 2 called back .so i would start looking right away,i know at the lodge i will be working at as soon as the ice leaves we start work. well goodluck to you and remember to take alot of pics at this rate i think in october-november were gunna have to make a guide meeting so we can share eachothers stories and photos
  3. wayne same thing is going on here in montreal on the st lawrence and riviere des praries sometime next week the cost guard will be passing the ice breaker since the shipping season comes to a start very soon. who ever ventures out is better to stick with the back lakes .. most cabins were taken off the ice here today
  4. another outstanding report moosebunk!! i nominate this for thread of the year lol..when does the season end up there?
  5. wowwww awesome report once again moosebunk..nice eye.. just for fun are there any jobs available in your neck of the woods lol? whats the next report?
  6. awesome report sounds like the sled was either flooded or your running it too rich. change plugs and see what happens...sleds rock mine does 118mph top speed on gps lol.. nice sleds though the artic cat is my favorite
  7. im sure you would do good..especially if lets say you dont catch fish you offer a discount..but especially where you live and will be fishing you have so many oppurtunitys..salmon..trout.. basically anything that swims lol.beach babes ..well good luck hope it all works out
  8. if you have a backyard with a fence at home id just store it out back..with a nice lock on the fence doors..that way he has nothing to complain about..or park it on your lawn lol its not considered your driveway
  9. hey gbaygiant why dont you do something part time then when you get alot of clients you can go fulltime? or is that what you already do?
  10. mike awesome report sure beats sledding in the freezing rain all day. im done for the season.hopefully theres some ice left for some fishing next weekend.. good to see all of you had a great day
  11. mike theres always lake champlain that has everything open year round or st catherines lake o hehehe
  12. oneday when i get a truck il have to bring my yammy down to your place and have a yammafest
  13. when i go which is about 4-5 times a year i always bring back my limit, i dont even have time to freeze it and my dad mom and sisters have eaten everything all up.. but i let all the big ones go i only keep between 13-16 inches they are the best mmmmmmm
  14. where are you going to baie du sud ?looks like a very interesting place
  15. il have to disagree on my 2 stroke ski doos every 7000-10000ks i take it apart check pistons replace all rings and rebuild whatever needs to be replaced why you ask? for peace in mind, id rather replace all the rings when my compression runs low than have a blown motor down the road.
  16. awesome thanks...
  17. awesome report moosebunk like usuall is that a summit 700 you have?is she reliable..im looking into a longtrack for my up north ice fishing excursions.
  18. it depends where on gouin you go to..the sector i fish averages walleye between 2-4lbs and its rare you see people but a houseboat might be some fun
  19. does this apply also for fireline or spiderwire?
  20. pooch there are tons of walleye/pike outfitters in the parent region of quebec. mostly on the reservoir gouin may i suggest 1 lodge laventurier du gouin. they off meal services and all their packages include boat and gas. if you want more info pm me
  21. mmmmmmm apex..pure 4 stroke power
  22. nelly for 3 hours more drive from mont laurier you can go to the gouin reservoir which is also a very good location for walleye all year round/ if you want info pm me
  23. like darsky said dont go on opener its very hit and miss with snow beeing had alot of the times
  24. here in montreal the clouds have just rolled in! no action yet... cmon guys and girls get some pictures if ya can
  25. roy 40cmss???????? wooohoooo just what i need
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